/ˌɔːltərˈnətɪv/ - n. - choice, option, substitute
Ex: Survey research provides an alternative to the experimental method.
/əˈnɑləgəs/ - adj. - comparable, similar, parallel
Ex: Archimedes was certain that the wings of an airplane were analogous in function to the wings of a hummingbird.
/ˈænjuəli/ - adv. - yearly, per annum
Ex: Interest on the bank loan was calculated annually.
/ˈɔːkwəd/ - adj. - clumsy, unskillful
Ex: Adams lost votes because of his awkward efforts to resolve the Texas issue.
/kəˈpæbɪləti/ - n. - flair, talent, ability, aptitude
Ex: The school's theater department is confident of its capability to put on a wonderful performance of Romeo & Juliet.
/klénz/ - v. - purify, clean
Ex: Clean-Rite air filters are guaranteed to cleanse the air inside offices.
/kəláid/ - v. - hit each other, smash, clash
Ex: A train collided with a pickup truck late Monday morning in Waukesha County.
/kəndzéstid/ - adj. - overcrowded, crowded
Ex: Downtown was becoming increasingly congested, so another alternative was needed.
/kəntémpərəri/ - adj. - current, modern; coexisting, simultaneous
Ex: The film festival featured movies by three contemporary American filmmakers.
/kavər/ - v. - include, contain, encompass
Ex: No law can be provided which covers every possible crime.
/disi:tfəl/ - adj. - misleading, dishonest, deceptive
Ex: Matthew often uses deceitful promises to keep his girlfriends from leaving him.
/iksēpjən/ - n. - exclusion
Ex: With the exception of the U.S. and Canada, most nations limit the flow of capital across borders.
/fi:tjor/ - n. - characteristic
Ex: The building contains many novel architectural features.
/frækjas/ - adj. - irritable, petulant, tetchy, fretful
Ex: Great diplomacy is required at UN Council meetings in order to keep the peace amongst so many fractious nations.
/inkőrpərèit/ - v. - combine, include, integrate
Ex: Louise traced how Americans incorporate nature into their urban and suburban lives.
/intəmit/ - adj. - close, familiar
Ex: Monroe was intimate with many of the greatest minds of her day.
/in vé (:) əriəbli/ - adv. - without exception
Ex: When forced to make decisions, people invariably act in their own interest.
/inveigl/ - v. - entice, lure, coax
Ex: Advertising for fatty foods has inveigled millions of Americans into poor dietary choices.
(1) /li:d/ - n. - clue, hint, indication
Ex: As soon as the detective heard about a new lead on the murder case, he raced out of the office to follow it up.
(2) /li:d/ - v. - cause
Ex: Amy's desire to help people led her to pursue a career in social work.
/10:p/ - n. - knot
Ex: Houdini looped the rope around the leg of the chair.
/lú:sid/ - adj. - clear, obvious, distinct
Ex: The teacher's explanation was lucid enough for a child to understand.
/mæstar/ - v. - learn thoroughly, pick up, grasp
Ex: The student has mastered the highest level of study.
/ápn/ - n. - choice, selection
Ex: John had an option between learning German and French.
/pærədáksikəl/ - adj. - seemingly contradictory
Ex: It's paradoxical that winters in Korea occur when the Earth is closer to the sun.
/plú:mid3/ - n. - feather
Ex: As Tom was passing through the aviary, the parrot's brilliant blue plumage caught his eye.
/privént/ - v. - preclude, avoid, impede, avert, deter
Ex: Eating fruits and vegetables regularly may help in preventing cancer.
/prafjárs/ - adj. - abundant, plentiful, copious, lavish
Ex: The Old English sheepdog has a profuse shaggy coat that must be brushed every day to keep it from tangling.
/riválv/ - v. - rotate, circulate, circle, turn
Ex: The metal disk revolves at high speed.
(1) /skéil/ - v. - climb, mount, ascend
Ex: The bear saw the little squirrels scaling the tree.
(2) /skéil/ - n. - extent, degree
Ex: Farmers must be able to produce food on the scale needed to meet the demands of consumers.
/skænt/ - v. - minimize, reduce, decrease
Ex: Rick's free time was scanted by a full courseload and a part-time job.
/senséişanl/ - adj. - exciting, stimulating
Ex: The sensational murder trial drew a large crowd outside the courthouse.
/élou/ - adj. - not deep, shoal
Ex: Diving into shallow water is a common cause of neck injuries.
(1) /sort/ - v. - classify, class, assort
Ex: Anna got a job sorting letters at the Post Office.
(2) /sort/ - n. - type, kind
Ex: Compatibility tests can help determine what sort of person would be right for the company.
/stailəs/ - n. - pen, pencil
Ex: A stylus is used for navigation and input for personal digital assistants.
/típikli/ - adv. - usually, normally, ordinarily
Ex: Pain relief tablets typically take ten to thirty minutes to start working.
/véəri/ - v. - differ, be unlike, be diverse
Ex: Sue and Susan vary in some ways though they are twin sisters.
/vəréiʃəs/ - adj. - insatiable, greedy, gluttonous
Ex: Growing children can have voracious appetites.
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