Hacker Voca Day 2

(1) /ˈædrəs/ - n. - residence, abode
Ex: A good resume should list the applicant's full name and address at the very top of the first page.
(2) /ˈædrəs/ - n. - speech, lecture, discourse
Ex: The Gettysburg Address illustrates Lincoln's sense of responsibility for others.

(1) /əˈsuːm/ - v. - undertake, take on
Ex: Roosevelt assumed the job of president in 1901.
(2) /əˈsuːm/ - v. - put on, pretend, affect
Ex: The criminal assumed the identity of a dead mechanic in an attempt to elude police.
(3) /əˈsuːm/ - v. - think, suppose, presume
Ex: Roger always assumes the worst in people.

(1) /əˈteɪn/ - v. - reach
Ex: Mango trees grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet.
(2) /əˈteɪn/ - v. - achieve, accomplish
Ex: James attained national fame as a leading spokesman for human rights.

/boʊst/ - v. - brag, swagger
Ex: Muhammad Ali boasted he was the greatest boxer to ever live.

(1) /kəˈpæsəti/ - n. - volume, dimensions
Ex: All of the lifeboats were filled to maximum capacity.
(2) /kəˈpæsəti/ - n. - ability, flair, talent
Ex: Jefferson had a great capacity for leadership.

/siːd/ - v. - yield, surrender, relinquish
Ex: After three months of heavy warfare, the French army finally ceded victory to the Spaniards.

(1) /dɪˈklaɪn/ - v. - refuse, reject, dismiss
Ex: Daniel declined to go to the movie theater with her.
(2) /dɪˈklaɪn/ - v. - decrease, fall, fail, weaken
Ex: The singer's popularity has been declining.

/dɪˈzɜːrt/ - v. - abandon, forsake
Ex: Mary was deserted by most of her friends after she was found guilty in court.

/dɪsəˈsɛmbəl/ - v. - break apart, dismantle, take apart
Ex: The moving men disassembled the large cabinet so they could take it out the narrow door.

/dɪˈspoʊz/ - v. - array, arrange, order
Ex: The interior designer disposed the furniture to create a more inviting atmosphere.

dispose of
- v. - get rid of
Ex: Area residents can dispose of their Christmas trees by dropping them off at the city's recycling center.

/ɪˈroʊd/ - v. - wear away
Ex: Water can erode even the hardest rock into dust.

(1) /ˈfɛrli/ - adv. - reasonably, moderately, tolerably, pretty
Ex: Mr. Caldwell arrives fairly early at work to read the newspaper before the staff arrives.
(2) /ˈfɛrli/ - adv. - impartially
Ex: Judges are expected to conduct all cases fairly.

/ˈɡlɔːsi/ - adj. - shiny, bright, glazed, lustrous
Ex: The customer wanted glossy prints for her holiday photographs.

/ɡraʊndz/ - n. - reasons, rationale, root, basis
Ex: Lawyers questioned the grounds for the judge's decision.

/ˈhɔːlˌmɑːrk/ - n. - feature, a distinguishing trait
Ex: Clarity is a hallmark of good writing.

(1) /ˈaɪdiəl/ - adj. - perfect, model, exemplary
Ex: Julia spent all day shopping with her sisters for the ideal wedding dress.
(2) /ˈaɪdiəl/ - adj. - abstract, theoretical, hypothetical
Ex: The physicist developed an ideal, purely mathematical model of cosmic light projection.

/ɪnˈhæbɪt/ - v. - live, occupy, dwell
Ex: The first people to inhabit Cuba were the Ciboney, a friendly tribe related to the Arawak.

/ləˈbɔːriəs/ - adj. - diligent, industrious.
Ex: Brian deserves to get that promotion since he ìs a laborious worker.

(1) /ˈlɪŋɡər/ - v. - remain, stay, tarry
Ex: Although almost all the guests had left the party, Stephen lingered to talk to the host.
(2) /ˈlɪŋɡər/ - v. - lag, procrastinate, loiter
Ex: Philip lingered over his work till late at night.

/loʊð/ - v. - abhor, detest, abominate
Ex: The reclusive celebrity loathes giving interviews and being photographed.

/ˈmɪmɪk/ - v. - copy, imitate, echo
Ex: Many insects mimic twigs or leaves for protection.

(1) /ˈmɑːdl/ - n. - specimen, prototype, example, pattern
Ex: Some treatments that have worked in the rat model have also been successful in humans.

(1) /əbˈzɜːrv/ - v. - watch, perceive, notice
Ex: John observed the planets with his telescope.
(2) /əbˈzɜːrv/ - v. - conform, follow, comply
Ex: The Fosters observe the tradition of a family get-together every last Saturday of the month.

/ˈplɛntɪfəl/ - adj. - abundant, bountiful, rich
Ex: Fish and plankton are plentiful in the sea.

/priːˈɒkjupaɪd/ - adj. - engrossed, absorbed
Ex: Jessica was so preoccupied with her book that she lost track of time.

(1) /ˈprɑːpəti/ - n. - estate, possessions, having, assets
Ex: Albert lost all of his property in the fire.
(2) /ˈprɑːpəti/ - n. - character, characteristic, quality
Ex: Prof. Kim was the first to explain to me the properties of gas molecules.

/rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ/ - adj. - recurrent
Ex: Darcy had to see a therapist because he kept having recurring nightmares about drowning.

/ˈruːtɪd/ - adj. - ingrained, fixed, embedded
Ex: The problems of the educational system are deeply rooted in the lack of competent teachers.

/ˈθʌrəli/ - adv. - completely, perfectly, utterly, entirely
Ex: The professor covered the subject thoroughly in class.

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