Hacker Voca Day 22

/əkästəmd/ - adj. - used to, customary, habitual
Ex: Vanessa was accustomed to getting up late.

/ǝléds/ - v. - assert, claim, affirm, declare
Ex: Prosecutors alleged that Robert set the fire to collect insurance money.

at the expense of
- phr. - at the cost of
Ex: Tom's successful career has come at the expense of his family life.

/bri:d/ - v. - raise, rear, nurture
Ex: To breed rabbits was cheaper than to buy rabbits at the time.

/tjizal/ - v. - carve, engrave
Ex: The masonry worker chiseled pieces of stone in order to make them fit together.

/kənklúzsiv/ - adj. - definite, decisive
Ex: The experiment failed to provide any conclusive evidence of the theory's validity.

/kɔ́stli/ - adj. - expensive, high-priced
Ex: The sisters' trip to Ireland was rather costly, but they both agreed it was well worth the money.

crack down
/kræk daun/ - phr. - enforce laws
Ex: In December, Israeli forces began confining Arafat, in an effort to crack down on militants who attack Israelis.

/diˈgri:/ - n. - measure, extent, scale
Ex: It takes a high degree of patience to work with children all day long.

/ˈdelɪkət/ - adj. - dainty, exquisite, fine
Ex: The tea cups were so delicate that Sheila used them only for decoration.

/diˈvoʊt/ - v. - dedicate, commit
Ex: Evangeline devoted her lifetime to the search for Gabriel.

/daɪ/ - v. - decease, perish, pass away
Ex: On September 25, 1866, Connelly died suddenly in Charleston at age 42.

/dɪˈstrɪbyuːt/ - v. - parcel out, allot, apportion, divide
Ex: The company decided to distribute the bonus fund based on employee performance.

/ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi/ - n. - crisis, exigency
Ex: Poor crops have created a national emergency.

/feitl/ - adj. - deadly, mortal, lethal
Ex: It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency in the moment.

/gilti/ - adj. - criminal, culpable
Ex: The Rosenbergs were found guilty of giving information to the Soviets.

/hæzərd/ - n. - danger, peril, jeopardy
Ex: Reduced regulation created hazards to public health and safety.

in any case
- phr. - regardless
Ex: Applications should be sent as soon as possible but in any case before the deadline.

/insait/ - v. - provoke, inflame, spur
Ex: The love poem incited Todd to such a passion that he impetuously asked for his girlfriend's hand in marriage.

/mist/ - adj. - damp, humid, wet
Ex: The palms of Janet's hands were moist.

/ɔ:rnəmənt/ - v. - decorate, adorn, embellish
Ex: Timothy's house was ornamented with various flowers.

/pərifərəl/ - adj. - outer, exterior, external
Ex: Houses on the peripheral side of the city are the most vulnerable to flooding.

/prisipitəs/ - adj. - sudden, hasty, rash
Ex: Ginny always regretted her precipitous decision to drop out of high school.

(1) /praimérali/ - adv. - mostly, mainly, chiefly
Ex: Members of the country club were primarily wealthy old men.
(2) /praimérali/ - adv. - originally, at first
Ex: The Republican Party was primarily created to stop the spread of slavery.

/praimi:vəl/ - adj. - ancient, primitive, pristine
Ex: The monitor lizard reflects some of the primeval characteristics of the early reptiles.

(1) /rɔː/ - adj. - unprocessed, crude, rude
Ex: Raw materials were almost entirely concentrated in Northern mines.
(2) /rɔː/ - adj. - uncooked
Ex: Raw meat should be handled carefully to avoid contamination.

/ridzékt/ - v. - renounce, refuse, decline, deny
Ex: The nation's highest court has rejected a request for the immediate release of a prominent human rights activist.

/riplénis/ - v. - restore, renew, refill
Ex: Mike worked hard to replenish his bank account, empty after his big shopping trip.

/rát/ - v. - decay, corrupt, degenerate
Ex: Fruits and vegetables will rot quickly unless refrigerated.

/rü:in/ - v. - devastate, destroy, wreck
Ex: Members of the Temperance Movement feared alcohol would ruin the American way of life.

(1) /ˈrʌnˌɒf/ - n. - overflow, overspill
Ex: The main force of the tsunami's impact hit the shore, but a substantial runoff made its way into downtown Tokyo.

/ˈʃɔːrtn/ - v. - abbreviate, abridge, lessen, curtail, reduce
Ex: Working hours were shortened to give people more time for leisure activities.

/spɔɪl/ - v. - mar, hurt, damage, impair, harm
Ex: Violence from a few members of the crowd spoiled the soccer game.

(1) /ˈstændərd/ - n. - criterion, gauge
Ex: Steuben set a standard that became universal in the army.
(2) /ˈstændərd/ - adj. - unexceptional, usual, average, mean
Ex: Critics contended that the book was too standard to merit attention from the reading public.

/stipjəˈleɪʃən/ - n. - requirement, qualification, proviso
Ex: The business partners signed the contract with the stipulation that they would share the profits equally.

/ˈstraɪkiŋli/ - adv. - remarkably, noticeably
Ex: Marilyn Monroe was a strikingly beautiful woman with her bleached blond hair, full lips, and shapely figure.

/səbˈtrækt/ - v. - deduct, discount
Ex: The company subtracted the cost of environmental degradation from the total cost.

/θɔː/ - v. - defrost
Ex: The ice doesn't thaw until June in Siberia.

/ʌnpɪn/ - v. - remove a pin or pinned object
Ex: After the parade, the officer unpinned the badge from his shirt.

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