Hacker Voca Day 25

(1) /éim/ - v. - attempt, aspire, point, intend
Ex: The soccer team aimed to make it to the semifinals.
(2) /éim/ - n. - goal, objective, target
Ex: The prime minister began a three-day visit to India with the aim of enlisting support for peace efforts.

/éləkèit/ - v. - designate, earmark; distribute, allot
Ex: The plan allocates $24 million to City Opera for a new theater downtown.

attributed to
- phr. - explained by
Ex: Tidal patterns have been attributed to the gravity of the moon.

/Béntəkèit/ - v. - verify, substantiate, prove
Ex: Computer security programs are used to authenticate a user's identification.

/kənfjúzz/ - v. - disturb, disconcert, confound
Ex: The new operating system confused Tom at first.

/dibéit/ - n. - discussion, argument, controversy
Ex: Debate over immigration policy is not new to the nation's history.

/ditræktar/ - n. - critic
Ex: The President's detractors expressed their usual skepticism about her policies.

/disgáiz/ - v. - conceal, hide, camouflage, cloak
Ex: In order to disguise their secret hideout, the children placed leafy tree branches all over the roof.

/disent/ - v. - differ, disagree
Ex: Scientists dissent about the role of instinct in human behavior.

/distingwiʃ/ - v. - differentiate, tell apart, separate
Ex: Its overall design distinguishes Chinese architecture from that of Japan.

/drɔː/ - v. - attract, haul, pull, tug, drag
Ex: The migration pattern of whales has drawn the curiosity of naturalists and researchers.

/drɔːˈbæk/ - n. - disadvantage, defect, shortcoming, fault
Ex: One drawback of the book is that it does not contain any English translations.

/dai/ - n. - pigment, stain
Ex: To make red yarn, a crimson dye such as cranberry juice or brazilwood is used.

/ɪˈmɪt/ - v. - give off, exhale, release, shed, radiate
Ex: In the fireplace was a red-hot fire which emitted a small amount of smoke.

/ɪkˈspoʊz/ - v. - exhibit, subject, uncover, reveal
Ex: Hemingway did not want to expose his life to everyone.

/ˈflɔːləs/ - adj. - perfect, impeccable, faultless
Ex: The Star of India is the world’s largest and most flawless sapphire.

/ˈfrʌstreɪt/ - v. - disappoint, thwart
Ex: The student’s poor grades frustrated his parents.

(1) /fʊl/ - adj. - complete, whole, perfect
Ex: Court TV broadcasted every minute of the trial for two full days.
(2) /fʊl/ - adj. - thorough, minute, detailed
Ex: Notes on the debates afford the only full record of the proceedings.

/ˈɪndɪkeɪt/ - v. - suggest, imply, signal
Ex: Recent economic markers indicate that the Euro is undervalued.

/ɪˈnɪʃəli/ - adv. - at first, originally, primarily, in the beginning
Ex: The board was initially surprised about the investigation.

/inəvèitiv/ - adj. - original, inventive, creative, ingenious
Ex: Herbal remedies are an innovative approach to medicine.

/lændslaid/ - n. - rockfall, landslip
Ex: The sudden landslide swept into the little village at the base of the mountain and completely buried everything under solid rock.

/mæladi/ - n. - disease, ailment, illness
Ex: There's no simple cure to the smog-induced malady.

(1) /ˈmɪn.ɪ.maɪz/ - v. - decrease, reduce, discount
Ex: The environmentalists fought to minimize usage of nuclear power.
(2) /ˈmɪn.ɪ.maɪz/ - v. - underestimate
Ex: Eisenhower minimized the importance of racial tensions.

(1) /ˈɔː.dər/ - n. - direction, mandate, command
Ex: Orders are expected to be followed in the military.
(2) /ˈɔː.dər/ - n. - peace
Ex: The police are responsible for keeping order in society.

/prouhibit/ - v. - forbid, proscribe
Ex: In most Muslim countries, women are strictly prohibited from wearing revealing clothes or leaving their heads bare.

/ridjú:s/ - v. - diminish, decrease, lessen
Ex: The poor tobacco crops of 1755 greatly reduced the amount of tobacco exports.

/rivíl/ - v. - show, unveil, uncover, expose, divulge
Ex: Merill revealed that the company will concentrate on sales of its digital video cameras.

shed light on
- phr. - clarify, elucidate
Ex: New discoveries in cancer research may shed light on the mysteries of this deadly disease.

/sink/ - v. - descend, drop to the bottom, submerge
Ex: The Titanic sank into the sea after scraping against an iceberg.

/sāiz/ - n. - dimensions, proportions, volume, magnitude
Ex: Another $1 billion will be invested in coming years to double the amusement park's size.

/sloup/ - n. - declivity, inclination, slant
Ex: The south slope of the Acropolis played a significant role in the religious activity of ancient Athens.

/səbsáid/ - v. - abate, die down
Ex: John's headache gradually began to subside after taking some medicine.

take place
- phr. - occur, happen, befall
Ex: The crime took place in an area where there were many witnesses.

(1) /ðou/ - adv. - however, nevertheless, still, yet
Ex: The actress was nominated for an Oscar. She probably won't win, though.
(2) /ðou/ - conj. - although
Ex: Paul admitted to making mistakes, though he claims never to have lied.

/ˌʌndərˈgraʊnd/ - adj. - secret, clandestine, covert
Ex: Al-Qaeda is an underground terrorist organization.

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