Hacker Voca Day 27

/asistons/ - n. - aid, help, support
Ex: Due to the assistance of volunteers, many victims of the hurricane were rescued.

/ǝvõid/ - v. - eschew, shun, prevent, evade, escape
Ex: Brian wants to avoid saying anything that would change his relationship.

/béstsú:tid/ - adj. - most appropriate
Ex: The council was assigned the task of finding the best-suited person for the job.

/braidl/ - n. - harness, halter
Ex: Annie got her favorite horse Bandito ready for the trail ride and put on the bridle before lifting the saddle into place.

/klæsofai/ - v. - categorize, arrange, assort
Ex: It is the job of scientists to classify all living organisms into groups that can be applied universally.

/kəléktivli/ - adv. - together, unitedly
Ex: The two families collectively decided to pitch in money for a new lake cabin to share.

/ˈkɒmpərabəl/ - adj. - similar, like, analogous
Ex: There were clay figures that are comparable to those found in China.

/ˈkʌltɪveɪtər/ - n. - farmer, grower
Ex: The mushroom cultivator decided to grow mushrooms at home.

/ˈdɛzɪgneɪtɪd/ - adj. - specified, assigned, appointed
Ex: Unlike the National League, the American Baseball League selects a designated hitter to bat for the pitcher.

/ˌdɛtrɪˈmɛntəl/ - adj. - harmful, damaging, prejudicial
Ex: Drinking and smoking have been proven to be detrimental to health.

/ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃɪeɪt/ - v. - distinguish
Ex: Only one expert could differentiate between the two artists' work.

/dɪˈspleɪ/ - v. - show, exhibit
Ex: Mr. Wheeler displayed the farm to Claude as if he were a stranger.

/ˈɛmɪsəri/ - n. - messenger, carrier, agent
Ex: The pharmaceutical companies are sending emissaries to tell doctors about the safeness of the low-cost generic drugs.

/ɪˈnækt/ - v. - pass, adopt, make into law, legislate
Ex: The movement pressured Congress to enact the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

/ˈiːvnli/ - adv. - equally, uniformly
Ex: The general employees are split almost evenly down the gender line, with 46% women and 54% men.

/ɪkˈspiːdiəns/ - n. - advantage, convenience
Ex: What Park has done is to sacrifice long-term effectiveness for short-term expedience.

/ˈdʒɛnjuənli/ - adv. - actually, truly, really
Ex: Unlike most politicians, Smith was genuinely concerned about the poor.

/ɪˈmiːdiətli/ - adv. - straight away, instantly, directly, promptly
Ex: A cocktail reception was held immediately after the ceremony.

/ˈɪmpɔːtənt/ - adj. - significant, critical, consequential, remarkable
Ex: One of Cro-Magnon's truly important discoveries was how to make a fire.

/ˌɪŋkənˈsiːvəbl/ - adj. - unimaginable, unthinkable
Ex: Exploring outer space was once considered inconceivable.

it followed that
it was logical that
Ex: After the criminal confessed, it followed that he would testify.

keep in touch
/ki:p in tʌtʃ/ - phr. - communicate
Ex: A person who travels all the time must work hard to keep in touch with family and friends by writing letters, telephoning, and e-mailing.

/ˈmæsəkər/ - n. - slaughter, annihilation, murder
Ex: The massacre of political opponents was followed by confiscation of their property.

(1) /mi:n/ - v. - signify, imply, express
Ex: Harold's remark meant that he would resign from the presidency soon.
(2) /mi:n/ - adj. - contemptible, despicable, ignoble
Ex: Janie told her other friends Marcus was mean.

/mjút/ - adj. - quiet, silent, dumb, speechless
Ex: Deaf and mute people are often able to communicate through sign language.

/pa:rˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ - v. - share, partake
Ex: After the young man won the lottery, he wanted his family and friends to participate in his good fortune.

(1) /pɪt/ - v. - set into opposition
Ex: The war pitted brother against brother.
(2) /pɪt/ - n. - hole, cavity
Ex: Drake dug a pit and buried the rubbish in it.

/réiz/ - v. - boost, lift, elevate
Ex: Any organizing of workers to raise wages was an illegal act in 1806.

/rear/ - adj. - scarce, unusual, infrequent
Ex: Huck and Jim shared a friendship that was rare between a servant and his master.

/rispéktivli/ - adv. - particularly, individually
Ex: Third quarter earnings in machine tool exports and vehicle imports are 51.4 million and 29.6 million, respectively.

/sizminli/ - adv. - apparently, evidently
Ex: The country road was dusty and seemingly endless.

/spərédikəli/ - adv. - occasionally, at intervals, infrequently
Ex: Taking his medication sporadically, John did not recover from his illness.

/strindʒənt/ - adj. - strict, austere, tight
Ex: The Spartan's way of rearing their children was very stringent.

/süperfijal/ - adj. - external, outward
Ex: John had a superficial appearance of being happy, but he was actually quite upset.

/timid/ - adj. - shy, apprehensive, unbold
Ex: Sarah overcame her timid nature to become an influential woman during the Civil War.

/ˈtrænˌspɔːrt/ - v. - carry, convey, transfer, bear
Ex: Tankers were used to transport oil from the Middle East.

/ˌʌnəˈvoidəbl/ - adj. - inevitable, inescapable, ineluctable
Ex: The accident was unavoidable, so the driver was not charged with a crime.

/ˈjuːnɪfɔːrm/ - adj. - consistent, even, invariable, unchangeable
Ex: Foster formed a uniform system of discipline that catered to the various revolutionary beliefs.

/ˌʌnsəbˈstænʃəl/ - adj. - unreal, dreamlike, ethereal
Ex: Most scientists doubt extrasensory perception because it is unsubstantial and cannot be tested objectively.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Hacker Voca Day 28