Hacker Voca Day 31

/əˈkʌmpəni/ - v. - escort, companion, attend
Ex: Jinny volunteered to accompany her mother.

/ædˈvɜːrs/ - adj. - negative, not favorable, opposed
Ex: President Bush's speech received an adverse reaction from most European leaders.

(1) /əˈpiːl/ - n. - entreaty, request, petition
Ex: An appeal to a higher court resulted in a victory for labor unions.
(2) /əˈpiːl/ - n. - attraction, charm, fascination
Ex: Medical quackery has a powerful appeal even to the well-educated individuals.

/əˈraʊz/ - v. - stimulate, awaken, provoke, incite
Ex: The strange sight aroused Watson's curiosity.

/ˈbaʊndəri/ - n. - dividing line, border, limit
Ex: Slaves were purchased from beyond the boundaries of the empire.

/ˈberi/ - v. - cover, hide, conceal
Ex: Helen buried her face in her hands.

/kəˈlektɪv/ - adj. - accumulated, assembled
Ex: By using our collective power as voters and consumers, we can reduce pollution.

/kənˈfaɪn/ - v. - limit, cramp, restrict
Ex: Charles, a very tall man, felt confined in his friend's compact car.

/ˈkʌmbərsəm/ - adj. - burdensome, awkward, bulky
Ex: Although the machine looks cumbersome, it is actually easy to use.

/dɪˈspɛnsəbl/ - adj. - unnecessary, needless, nonessential
Ex: The editor removed information he considered dispensable from the article.

/dɪstrɪˈbjuːʃən/ - n. - dispersion, apportionment, allocation, allotment
Ex: Food distribution efforts prevented a massive hunger crisis in Afghanistan.

/iːt/ - v. - consume, devour, ingest, take in
Ex: The koala bear can only eat one species of plant.

/ɪnˈtaɪərli/ - adv. - wholly, totally, thoroughly, utterly
Ex: The membership of the committee was composed entirely of former business executives.

/ˈiːkwəl/ - adj. - equivalent, tantamount
Ex: Congress passed an order declaring that black and white troops were equal.

/ˈdɪspərɪt/ - adj. - unequal, different
Ex: Despite their disparate backgrounds, the two men became close friends.

/ɪˈvæljuˌeɪt/ - v. - judge, assess, gauge, appraise
Ex: Judges use several criteria to evaluate Olympic gymnasts' performances.

/fɔːls/ - adj. - erroneous, wrong, incorrect
Ex: John had also heard false rumors about young Harrison's character.

focal point
/ˈfoʊkl pɔɪnt/ - phr. - central area, focus
Ex: Abkhazia, a separatist region of Georgia, has been a focal point of tensions between the Caucasus country and Russia.

/ˈɡælənt/ - adj. - brave, valiant, daring, valorous
Ex: Although his opponent was clearly stronger, the boxer made a gallant effort to win the match.

/hens/ - adv. - consequently, therefore, thus
Ex: The eggs were freshly laid, and hence satisfactory to Cosmo's epicurean tastes.

/ˈɪntɪɡrəl/ - adj. - essential, crucial, indispensable
Ex: With its syncopations, ragtime played an integral part in the jazz legacy.

lay down
/ˈleɪ daʊn/ - phr. - establish, ordain
Ex: The teacher laid down the rules of her classroom on the first day of school.

/lɔːntʃ/ - v. - begin, initiate, commence
Ex: The government is launching a major forestry campaign.

/ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ/ - v. - amplify, intensify, enlarge, increase
Ex: Microscopes are used to magnify objects that are not visible to the naked eye.

/mætʃ/ - v. - equal, peer, mate
Ex: The Australian stock market was unable to match China's.

more or less
/mɔːr ɔːr lɛs/ - phr. - fairly, approximately, roughly
Ex: Gretchen decided to go to bed once she was more or less prepared for the exam.

/ˈneɪtʃər/ - n. - tendency, characteristic, attribute, character
Ex: It is in the inherent nature of dogs to want to please their owners.

/ˈɒpərətɪv/ - adj. - effective, efficient, effectual
Ex: The telephone banking service was no longer operative.

/præɡˈmætɪk/ - adj. - practical
Ex: Very few politicians take a pragmatic approach to politics; they very often follow party ideologies.

/prəˈlɪfəreɪt/ - v. - multiply, increase in number
Ex: Mosquitoes proliferate faster and bite more as the air becomes warmer.

/ˈpruːvən/ - adj. - established, verified
Ex: The new employee was a man of proven ability.

/prəˈvoʊk/ - v. - incite, irritate, vex, enrage
Ex: Betty's rude attitude provoked Sam's anger.

(1) /ˈrɛdʒɪstər/ - v. - sign up, enroll
Ex: A student who registers for twelve credit hours is classified as a full-time student.
(2) /ˈrɛdʒɪstər/ - n. - list, catalogue
Ex: Guests write their names in the hotel register.

/rɪˈspɛktəbl/ - adj. - estimable, honorable, reputable
Ex: Webster is an eminently respectable lawyer.

/rɪɡ/ - v. - equip, furnish
Ex: Jude rigged up a simple shower at the back of the cabin.

/ˈstɛrəl/ - adj. - barren, unproductive, fruitless
Ex: The loss of the rain forests led to droughts, floods, and sterile soil.

/səˈfɪʃənt/ - adj. - enough, adequate, ample
Ex: The government can only prosecute if there is sufficient evidence.

(1) /trænsˈpærənt/ - adj. - clear, obvious, lucid, limpid
Ex: The conglomerate makes its financial records as transparent as possible.

/ʌnˈiːzi/ - adj. - apprehensive, unstable, disturbed, ill at ease
Ex: The Chilean people were uneasy when General Pinochet took power following a bloody coup.

/ˌʌnprɪˈtɛnʃəs/ - adj. - simple, humble, plain
Ex: The Johnson's home was classically decorated and unpretentious.

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