/ədˈhɪər/ - v. - stick, cleave, cling
Ex: Some tiles are not properly adhered to the wall.
/əˈsɜːʃən/ - n. - strong statement, declaration
Ex: The lawsuit was dismissed after the plaintiff's assertions were proven to be false.
/ˈbærən/ - adj. - sterile, lifeless, infertile, unproductive
Ex: The barren soil of the Rocky Mountains provides few nutrients to the grasses.
/ˈbʌdɪŋ/ - adj. - emerging, nascent, not yet fully developed
Ex: Students at MIT are budding scientists and engineers.
/ˈsɛntrəl/ - adj. - essential, principal, main, chief
Ex: Most audience members were unable to understand the speaker's central argument.
/ˌkɒmprɪˈhɛnsəbl/ - adj. - understandable, knowable, apprehensible
Ex: Experience taught Rachel that life could be predictable and comprehensible.
/kənˈsɜːn/ - n. - interest, regard, care, attention
Ex: Parents should have great concern regarding their children's education.
/kənˌfɪɡjəˈreɪʃən/ - n. - arrangement, conformation
Ex: The internal combustion engine is made up of a complex configuration of parts.
/dɪˈzɜːvd/ - adj. - due, earned
Ex: The entire company agreed that the president's vacation was much deserved.
/dɪˈtɛkt/ - v. - find, discover, recognize, sense, spot
Ex: The scientists detected a trace of toxic chemicals in the city's water supply.
/dɪˈfjuːz/ - v. - spread, distribute
Ex: The kitchen stove diffused its warmth all over the house.
/ɪɡˈzædʒəreɪt/ - v. - enlarge, overstate, embroider, hyperbolize
Ex: The applicant exaggerated his accomplishments on his resume to land the job.
/ˈfɛtər/ - v. - hamper, shackle, manacle, restrain
Ex: An ankle injury seriously fettered the soccer player's mobility.
/fləʊt/ - v. - stay on the top
Ex: Tracy floated down the river on a raft.
/ˈfriːkwənt/ - adj. - regular, common, customary, recurrent
Ex: Because she is a frequent customer at the bakery, the owners often give Sheila a discount.
/ˈɡraʊndləs/ - adj. - unfounded, baseless, bottomless
Ex: Although Sarah knew her fear of the dark was groundless, she still used a nightlight.
/ˈhɪndrəns/ - n. - deterrent, obstacle, barrier, impediment
Ex: Lack of funding was a serious hindrance to the progress of the research.
(1) /məˈnuːvər/ - n. - scheme, plot, design
Ex: Hopkin's maneuver failed in its major purpose because of lack of cooperation.
(2) /məˈnuːvər/ - v. - move
Ex: The researchers were testing the way the car maneuvered in wet conditions.
/mɑːr/ - v. - spoil, mangle, ruin, damage
Ex: The bad weather marred the pleasure of the trip.
/ˈmaɪti/ - adj. - powerful, potent, strong, forceful
Ex: The mighty army of Napoleon was destroyed by the Russian winter.
(1) /əʊˈpeɪk/ - adj. - impenetrable, cloudy, filmy
Ex: Worried about privacy, Martha had opaque windows placed in her office.
(2) /əʊˈpeɪk/ - adj. - obscure, unclear, vague
Ex: The man's opaque answers aroused the suspicion of the detective.
/əˈrɪdʒɪneɪt/ - v. - be grown, spring, emanate, initiate
Ex: The philosophy of stoicism originated in Greece.
(1) /peɪs/ - n. - step, gait
Ex: When Kelly thought she heard someone following her, she quickened her pace.
(2) /peɪs/ - n. - speed, rate, velocity
Ex: The pace of the car slowed as road conditions worsened.
(3) /peɪs/ - v. - walk, step
Ex: Luke paced nervously in the waiting room while his wife underwent emergency surgery.
/pərˈsɛptəbli/ - adv. - noticeably, appreciably, sensibly
Ex: Over the course of a single afternoon, the position of a plant will perceptibly change as it follows the sun across the sky.
/ˈprɑːmɪsɪŋ/ - adj. - likely, encouraging, hopeful
Ex: Solar and wind power as energy sources don't look promising for the future.
/ˌpʌŋktʃuˈælɪti/ - n. - promptness, promptitude
Ex: Punctuality is very important in a job where many deadlines must be met.
/ˈroʊteɪt/ - v. - turn, spin, wheel, swivel
Ex: Tropical cyclones rotate clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
/ˈskætər/ - v. - disperse, widely spread, dissipate, spread out
Ex: The man scattered grass seed all over the lawn.
/ˈsɛdəntɛri/ - adj. - stationary, motionless, inactive
Ex: Rosa's obesity is partly due to her sedentary occupation.
/saɪt/ - n. - place, location, position
Ex: Water is delivered to the site via aqueducts and special channels.
/soʊk/ - v. - drench, saturate, steep, wet
Ex: Mother told me to soak the beans for two hours in water.
/səbˈsɪst/ - v. - survive, endure, exist
Ex: The hostages had to subsist on what little bread and water their captors gave them.
/suːˈprɛməsi/ - n. - predominance, primacy, sovereignty
Ex: In the 1920s, Henry Ford lost the battle for supremacy in the automobile industry to General Motors.
/ˈtrɪɡər/ - v. - activate, cause, generate, start, initiate, stimulate
Ex: News of the court decision triggered rioting and fires in L.A.
/tuːˈmʌltʃuəs/ - adj. - chaotic, anarchic; wild, riotous, boisterous
Ex: Many of the Serbian cultural institutions fell into disrepair during the tumultuous revolutionary period.
/ˈvɛrɪtəbl/ - adj. - genuine, authentic, believable
Ex: The male parakeet is a veritable rainbow of colors.
/weɪst/ - v. - squander, dissipate, lavish
Ex: Many young people today waste a lot of money and time on recreational activities.
/ˈwiːkən/ - v. - lessen, decrease, undermine, impair
Ex: Julia was weakened by her long illness.
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