Hacker Voca Day 36

/ˈæŋgər/ - v. - provoke, aggravate, enrage
Ex: It was apparent in David's face that he was angered by his friend's sarcastic and accusatory comments.

/ɪɡˈzɪliəri/ - adj. - subsidiary, subordinate, additional
Ex: During the blackout, the doctors used an auxiliary power generator.

/bɪˈzɑr/ - adj. - odd, erratic, strange, exotic, irregular
Ex: The dress the young woman wore was so bizarre that people stared at her as she walked past.

/ˈbroʊdən/ - v. - enlarge, expand, develop
Ex: Deciding it was time for personal growth, Timmy left home to travel the world for a year and broaden his horizons.

(1) /tʃɛk/ - v. - monitor, examine, inspect
Ex: The FBI ordered airlines to check passengers' shoes.
(2) /tʃɛk/ - v. - stop
Ex: The health organization tried to check the spread of cholera.

/saɪt/ - v. - mention, refer to, specify
Ex: The police department cited several dangerous areas downtown.

/kənˈsɛnsəs/ - n. - agreement, unanimity
Ex: After a long meeting, the two sides were finally able to reach a consensus.

cope with
/koʊp wɪð/ - phr. - deal with
Ex: The soccer players coped with heavy rain and a muddy field as they played the game.

(1) /ɛb/ - v. - subside, abate, recede
Ex: After 15 years of fame, the singer's popularity began to ebb.
(2) /ɛb/ - n. - reflux
Ex: The ebb and flow of ocean tides are caused by the moon's revolving around the earth.

/ˌɛləˈmɛntəri/ - adj. - rudimentary, basic, fundamental, primary
Ex: Carl did not even have an elementary understanding of physics.

(1) /ˈfæʃən/ - n. - style, vogue, mode, fad
Ex: Donna always follows the latest fashions.
(2) /ˈfæʃən/ - v. - shape, create, make
Ex: Colin Powell's masterful diplomacy fashioned a broad international coalition against Iraq.
(3) /ˈfæʃən/ - v. - fit, adjust, suit
Ex: Companies fashion their advertisements to the changing times.

/ˈfaɪnæns/ - v. - pay for
Ex: Catherine's parents decided that they would finance her education as long as she received good grades.

/fɔːrs/ - n. - strength, power, might, energy
Ex: The Liberal Party is a strong force in British politics.

/ˈlɛdʒəndɛri/ - adj. - mythological, fabulous, mythical
Ex: Molly Pitcher was a legendary heroine of the battle of Monmouth in the Revolutionary War.

/ˈmɑrkɪdli/ - adv. - significantly, noticeably, substantially
Ex: The moon's density is markedly less than the earth's.

/ˈɑbviəs/ - adj. - apparent, conspicuous, clear
Ex: It was obvious that Fred didn't understand what Wilma meant.

/ˈaʊtpʊt/ - n. - production
Ex: The factory has doubled its output in recent months.

/ˌoʊvərˈhwɛlmɪŋli/ - adv. - primarily, predominantly
Ex: Parliament overwhelmingly approved the anti-terrorism bill.

/ˈpɛnʃən/ - n. - subsidy, allowance
Ex: Herbert retired with a small pension despite having worked at the same company for many years.

/ˌpaɪəˈnɪər/ - v. - first develop, start, introduce, initiate
Ex: Alexander Graham Bell pioneered telecommunications.

/ˈpoʊtənt/ - adj. - powerful, mighty, influential
Ex: Jackson remained a potent member of the Democratic party.

(1) /proʊb/ - v. - search, examine, explore, investigate
Ex: Detectives questioned the suspect for hours, probing for any inconsistencies in his story.
(2) /proʊb/ - n. - exploration, inquiry, quest
Ex: Both Britain and France launched a probe into how Reid had slipped through their security net.

/kweɪnt/ - adj. - bizarre, odd, weird, extraordinary, eccentric
Ex: The respected customs of yesterday now seem merely quaint.

/riˈækt/ - v. - respond, answer, reply
Ex: The doctors waited to see how the patient would react to the medication.

/riːp/ - v. - harvest, gather, obtain
Ex: The slaves reaped the wheat in the field all day.

/ˈspɛktrəm/ - n. - range, extent, scope
Ex: A wide spectrum of colors can be seen in a rainbow.

/stɑːk/ - n. - reserve, supply, hoard
Ex: The supermarket keeps a stock of imported canned goods on its shelves.

(1) /streɪn/ - v. - stretch, tighten
Ex: The weightlifter strained to lift the heavy barbell.
(2) /streɪn/ - n. - tension
Ex: Dennis could not take the strain of working as a stock broker on Wall Street.

/stroʊk/ - n. - hit, blow
Ex: The boxer threw a powerful stroke that knocked his opponent to the ground.

/ˈstɜːrdi/ - adj. - strong, well-built, durable
Ex: The old furniture was sturdy and well-made.

/ˈtækˌtɪks/ - n. - strategy, maneuver
Ex: The football team practiced their tactics for the upcoming game.

/ˈteɪpərd/ - adj. - narrow, tapering
Ex: Tapered table legs are a popular furniture design.

/ˈʌpˌsɜːrʒ/ - n. - sudden increase
Ex: An upsurge of violence in the city has led to calls for increased police presence.

/dɪˈklaɪn/ - n. - decrease
Ex: The use of fax machines has been in decline since the rise of email.

/ˌwɛəˈræz/ - conj. - while, on the other hand
Ex: John prefers going to the cinema, whereas Mary enjoys watching movies at home.

/ˈwaɪdˌsprɛd/ - adj. - prevalent, common
Ex: The use of social media is widespread among teenagers.

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