Hacker Voca Day 38

/əbˈhɔːr/ - v. - loathe, hate, detest
Ex: Some people genuinely abhorred slavery.

/æmˈbɪʃən/ - n. - goal, desire
Ex: Bruce's ambition was to be a great scientist.

/bʌlk/ - n. - great quantity; main part
Ex: Buying its supplies in bulk, the department store chain was able to sell for less than its competitors.

/ˈtʃærɪtəbl/ - adj. - broad-minded, tolerant, benign, generous
Ex: Grandmother was always charitable towards strangers.

/kənˈkluːsɪvli/ - adv. - decisively, definitely, absolutely
Ex: Even though it is popular with the scientists, the Big Bang theory has not yet been conclusively proven.

/kənˈfɜːr/ - v. - give, bestow, grant
Ex: An honorary degree was conferred on the senator.

/dɪˈnaɪ/ - v. - negate, gainsay, contradict
Ex: Carter denied that he was a communist.

(1) /ˈɛkoʊ/ - v. - reflect, mirror; resonate, resound
Ex: Newspaper editorials often echo the views of the readers.
(2) /ˈɛkoʊ/ - v. - repeat, reiterate, parrot, copy
Ex: The ballet students echoed the movements of their instructor.

/ˈɪəri/ - adj. - strange, mysterious, weird, unearthly
Ex: The book 1984 was an eerie prediction of the future.

/ˈɛmjuleɪt/ - v. - imitate, copy, follow, mimic
Ex: Children often emulate the behavior of their parents.

/fɔːrˈstɔːl/ - v. - prevent, hinder
Ex: The union leader forestalled a riot by telling the strikers to disperse.

/ˈdʒɛnərəli/ - adv. - largely, chiefly, mainly, mostly
Ex: Generally speaking, women enjoy shopping more than men do.

/ɡlæns/ - n. - glimpse, a brief look, a cursory look
Ex: Francis gave a quick glance around the room before leaving.

/ˈɪmplɪmənt/ - n. - tool, appliance, device
Ex: The dentist's implements were placed in arm's reach on a tray near the patient.

in terms of
/ɪn tɜːrmz ʌv/ - phr. - with regard to, with respect to, in relation to
Ex: Lego toys are unparalleled in terms of quality.

inveigh against
/ɪnˈveɪ əˈɡeɪnst/ - phr. - rail, object, criticize strongly
Ex: The Democrat senator could not agree with further tax cuts, and inveighed strongly against the Republican party's position.

/lʊk/ - v. - gaze, glance, watch, view
Ex: Anxious to go home, Fred would look at the clock every few minutes.

/ˈmʌnɪˌtɛri/ - adj. - financial, pecuniary, capital
Ex: For monetary reasons, the family had to sell their house and move into an apartment.

/ˈmoʊʃən/ - n. - movement, move, gesture
Ex: The rocking motion of the boat made Julia feel sick.

/əbˈteɪn/ - v. - gain, earn, achieve, acquire
Ex: Despite a difficult childhood, Charles managed to obtain a good education.

/ˌaʊtˈspoʊkən/ - adj. - frank, open, candid
Ex: Christine's outspoken nature sometimes offends people.

/pænt/ - v. - gasp
Ex: Unable to sweat, dogs pant to regulate their body heat and keep cool.
/pænt/ - n. - trousers
Ex: Capri pants are a popular trend in women's fashion.

/ˈpætʃi/ - adj. - irregular, uneven, erratic
Ex: Patchy skin color may be a symptom of a serious condition.

/prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən/ - n. - acceleration, haste, impetuosity
Ex: Political factors contributed to the precipitation of the Great Depression.

/prəˈmoʊt/ - v. - advance, further, encourage
Ex: There was a meeting to promote trade between China and the United States.

/ˈpjʊrəˌfaɪd/ - adj. - cleansed, refined, clarified, distilled
Ex: The water must be purified before people drink it.

/ˌrekriˈeɪʃənəl/ - adj. - as a hobby
Ex: Recreational activities add to the quality of life.

/rɪˈkruːt/ - v. - obtain, enlist
Ex: Countries with labor shortages often recruit workers from overseas.

/siːz/ - v. - grip, take, clasp, grasp
Ex: Robert seized Theresa's hand suddenly and dragged her away from the window.

(1) /ˈstrʌktʃər/ - n. - system, frame, organization
Ex: The industrial structure in Italy is made up of mostly small and medium-sized businesses.
(2) /ˈstrʌktʃər/ - v. - arrange in definite pattern
Ex: The Bill of Rights was structured to protect the individual rights of all citizens.

/səˈriːəl/ - adj. - having a strange dream-like quality
Ex: Surreal artists like Dali became hugely popular in the 1980s.

/ˈsɪnθəsɪs/ - n. - unit, union, combination, mixture
Ex: The sect's beliefs are a synthesis of Eastern and Western religions.

/ˈtɛkstaɪl/ - n. - cloth, fabric
Ex: One of the earliest forms of printing was textile printing.

/ˈðɛrˌbaɪ/ - adv. - by that means, as a result of that
Ex: The tanker ran aground, thereby causing a massive oil spill.

/ˈtaɪtl/ - n. - ownership
Ex: Scientists working at research universities often have no title to their own inventions.

/trænˈsɛnd/ - v. - go beyond
Ex: The size of the universe transcends our understanding.

/twɪɡ/ - n. - branch, stick, offshoot, sprig
Ex: Schoolteachers used to punish children by hitting them with twigs.

/ˈvʌlnərəbl/ - adj. - easily damaged, susceptible, weak
Ex: Babies are vulnerable to attack from influenza.

/ˈhoʊlli/ - adv. - completely, fully, in every respect, thoroughly
Ex: The team has prepared a wholly convincing argument for their debate.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Hacker Voca Day 39