Hacker Voca Day 41

/éik/ - v. - hurt, pain
Ex: Muscles will usually ache the day after exercising.

/ædvəntéidzəs/ - adj. - profitable, gainful, beneficial, helpful
Ex: Pyeongtaek Harbor's location is advantageous as a trading base with China.

/eltitjü:d/ - n. - elevation, height
Ex: The climate of the Middle Atlantic region varies with the altitude.

/æntik wəti/ - n. - ancient times
Ex: Gold has been highly valued throughout antiquity and into modern times.

/əsist/ - v. - help, aid
Ex: The man assisted the police with their inquiries.

/briljəns/ - n. - radiance, luminosity, brightness
Ex: The degree of brilliance of the star Algol changes every two and a half days.

/səléstjal/ - adj. - heavenly
Ex: There are no sizable celestial bodies between Earth and Mars.

(1) /kli:v/ - v. - split, dissect, rip
Ex: To defeat Medusa, Perseus was given a sword by the Greek Gods that could cleave stone.
(2) /kli:v/ - v. - adhere, stick, cohere
Ex: The teacher has cleaved to her principles for 20 years.

/dénsəti/ - n. - concentration
Ex: The lower density of aluminum means that it is much lighter than an extremely dense element such as lead.

/désparit/ - adj. - as a last resort; hopeless, critical
Ex: Desperate for a bank loan, David put up his house as collateral.

/enks:rid3/ - v. - cheer up, hearten, motivate, prompt
Ex: The Secretary of State encouraged President John Adams to end the quarrel.

/inkAmbər/ - v. - burden, weight, tax, oppress
Ex: Heavy land taxes severely encumbered the poor farmers.

/inríts/ - v. - enhance, improve, better, upgrade
Ex: Public funding for the arts enriches cultural life.

/féid/ - v. - wane, wither, vanish, wilt
Ex: Hopes for a peace settlement are beginning to fade.

/flt:/ - v. - escape, evade, avoid
Ex: Although many criminals attempted to flee from Alcatraz Prison, the island penitentiary was nearly escape-proof.

follow suit
- phr. - do the same things
Ex: After its competitors lowered fares, the airline had no choice but to follow suit.

/dzaigentik/ - adj. - huge, immense, colossal, grand
Ex: Lincoln's program represented a gigantic expansion of presidential powers.

/haidzi (:) n/ - n. - cleanliness, sanitation
Ex: Proper hygiene plays a vital role in the prevention of disease.

/imprésiv/ - adj. - striking, moving, stirring
Ex: This Fourth of July, the city of Boston gave an impressive fireworks show that lasted almost four hours.

/Instəntéinjəs/ - adj. - immediate, prompt, swift, split-second
Ex: Todd's instantaneous reaction to being fired was to scream at his boss, an action which he later regretted.

/lásti/ - adj. - vigorous, strong, robust, hearty
Ex: Arnold's lusty arm shows that he is in good shape.

/mænkáind/ - n. - humanity, humankind
Ex: The campaign was held to promote peace for mankind.

/mət jú (:) ərəti/ - n. - adulthood, manhood, majority
Ex: Humans reach reproductive maturity between the ages of twelve and nineteen.

/miǝr/ - adj. - insignificant, unimportant
Ex: The stock market gained a mere one percent for the entire year, causing investors to look elsewhere for profits.

(1) /mádist/ - adj. - humble, unpretending; decent, proper
Ex: Darwin was modest of his monumental achievements to the very end.
(2) /mádist/ - adj. - small
Ex: The apartment Janet lives in is a modest one, but it satisfies her needs.

/pərsist/ - v. - endure, continue, remain, last
Ex: Fears persisted even after weather forecasters declared that the hurricane would not come ashore.

(1) /pail/ - v. - put together, collect, heap
Ex: The reporter piled together a series of documents to be used in his forthcoming article.
(2) /pail/ - n. - heap, stack, accumulation
Ex: The student was worried that he would never finish reading the pile of books assigned for that semester.

/pristin/ - adj. - unspoiled, innocent, natural
Ex: Chemical wastes from the factory polluted the once pristine river.

/prafijont/ - adj. - expert, skilled, adept, adroit
Ex: Few North Americans are proficient in more than one language.

/sēikrid/ - adj. - divine, holy
Ex: Native Americans have pushed for laws that would preserve their sacred sites.

/skrú:pl/ - n. - hesitation, uneasiness, qualms
Ex: The man's scruples kept him from taking advantage of the opportunity.

(1) /skrú:pjələs/ - adj. - careful, painstaking, meticulous
Ex: The police officer was praised for his scrupulous performance of duties.
(2) /skrú:pjələs/ - adj. - honest
Ex: The scrupulous producer was fair to all those who auditioned.

(1) /stráik/ - v. - hit, bombard, assault, attack
Ex: A man was struck and killed on the tracks by a passenger train yesterday evening.
(2) /straik/ - n. - work stoppage, walkout
Ex: The corporation reached a tentative agreement with some 1,600 technicians to end the strike.

/ʌnˈrævəl/ - v. - explain, solve, figure out
Ex: Hoffman has long studied ancient rocks to unravel the earth's early history.

/ˈvʌlgər/ - adj. - coarse, mean, rude, base
Ex: John never talks to a person who is vulgar in manner.

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