Hacker Voca Day 48

/ˌæbsəˈluːtli/ - adv. - totally, utterly, completely
Ex: Political unity was considered absolutely essential for the stability of the nation.

/ˈkæpʃən/ - n. - title, heading
Ex: The caption of the photograph read, "How to Reach Happiness."

/ˈkætəɡəraɪz/ - v. - arrange in classes, classify, group
Ex: Johnson doesn't like to be categorized as a socialist.

/ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/ - adj. - complex, intricate
Ex: The issue of abortion is complicated, and debates about it are often left unresolved.

/kənˈflɪktɪŋ/ - adj. - opposing, contrary, clashing
Ex: Studies on antioxidants like vitamins C and E have produced conflicting results.

/ˈɡrætɪfaɪ/ - v. - please, satisfy, appease
Ex: The journey was one of the most gratifying experiences of Peter's life.

in operation
/ɪn ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn/ - phr. - being used
Ex: Train service in the city is in operation until midnight.

(1) /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ - n. - means, mechanism
Ex: Bob's greed was the instrument of his destruction.
(2) /ˈɪnstrəmənt/ - n. - apparatus, appliance, tool
Ex: Galileo invented the telescope, an instrument which illustrates his great craftsmanship.

/ɪnˈtruːd/ - v. - trespass, encroach, violate
Ex: Corporations did not want the government to intrude on the business sector.

(1) /kiː/ - n. - tone
Ex: Keith played that piece in a lower key than usual.
(2) /kiː/ - adj. - essential, important, central
Ex: The two ambassadors played a key role in negotiating a peace treaty between the hostile countries.

/ˈleɡəsi/ - n. - tradition, inheritance, heritage
Ex: The idea of equality of opportunity is a legacy of the French Revolution.

/ˌmænjuˈfæktʃər/ - v. - make, build, construct, mass-produce
Ex: Germany manufactures some of the world's finest optical equipment.

/ˈmemərəbl/ - adj. - worth remembering, impressive
Ex: John F. Kennedy gave a memorable speech in Berlin.

/ˈnærəʊ/ - v. - become or make narrower
Ex: As the race wound about the harbor, Ndugu's lead narrowed and the second-place runner finally inched past him near the bridge.

/əˈkeɪʒən/ - n. - an event, instance
Ex: The opening of the new town library turned out to be quite an occasion.

/əˈkeɪʒənl/ - adj. - infrequent, irregular
Ex: Usually, the family stays home on the weekends, with perhaps the occasional movie or dinner out on the town.

/ˌoʊvərˈsiː/ - v. - manage, superintend
Ex: It is the job of the foremen to oversee factory workers.

/ˈoʊvərˌsaɪt/ - n. - a mistake, blunder
Ex: Jane apologized for the oversight.

/ˈpiːsfl/ - adj. - quiet, calm, tranquil
Ex: The Hopi people were very peaceful and avoided war whenever possible.

/piːk/ - n. - the highest point, summit, maximum
Ex: The union reached its peak membership of 100,000 in 1912.

/ˈpɜːrfəreɪt/ - v. - pierce, punch, puncture, hole
Ex: A hole puncher is used to perforate notebook paper.

/ˈpɒstʃəleɪt/ - v. - propose, claim, necessitate, call for
Ex: World peace postulates open communication between the nations of the world.

/kwɪt/ - v. - give up, stop; resign, retire
Ex: The coach always reminds his players to never quit.

/ˌriːɪnˈfɔːrsmənt/ - n. - support
Ex: Arrival of reinforcements was decisive at the battle of Stalingrad.

/ˈremnənt/ - n. - trace, remain, relics
Ex: It is possible that comets are primordial remnants from the formation of the solar system.

/rɪˈmuːv/ - v. - withdraw, extract, eliminate
Ex: Isaac's father removed him from Shrewsbury and enrolled him in the University of Edinburgh to study medicine.

/roʊl/ - n. - function, duty, capacity
Ex: Central banks play a major role in regulating economies.

/ˈʃʌdər/ - n. - tremor, shiver, quiver, shake
Ex: A shudder ran through the hunter's body when he saw the bear.

spread out
/spred aʊt/ - phr. - extend, broaden, stretch
Ex: The market women had spread out their goods upon the pavement.

/strɪp/ - v. - remove, divest, deprive
Ex: Before we can begin painting, we first need to strip the wallpaper off the walls.

/ˈtæktaɪl/ - adj. - tangible, touchable
Ex: Visually impaired people use tactile symbols in order to read.

/ˈtɛmpərɛri/ - adj. - makeshift, for a limited time, transient, transitory
Ex: The pill caused a few temporary side effects.

/ˈtɛndənsi/ - n. - trend, inclination, proneness, bent
Ex: There has been a recent tendency among teachers to give more lenient punishments.

/ˌʌndərˈpɪnɪŋ/ - n. - foundation, basis
Ex: After a while, we found ourselves questioning the spiritual and moral underpinnings of the American way of life.

/ˌʌnɪnˈkʌmbərd/ - adj. - free
Ex: Nick felt unencumbered after he took off all his scuba gear.

(1) /ˈvɜːrʒən/ - n. - translation
Ex: Erasmus published the Greek version of the New Testament in Latin.
(2) /ˈvɜːrʒən/ - n. - variant, form
Ex: An online version of "The Encyclopedia of New York State" will be available next year.

/ˌwelˈsuːtɪd/ - adj. - adequate, appropriate
Ex: Daycare centers are well-suited to the needs of working mothers.

(1) /hoʊl/ - adj. - entire, total, full
Ex: Pete ate the whole pizza in one sitting.
(2) /hoʊl/ - adj. - fractional, partial
Ex: We only have a whole picture of the situation if we consider all the evidence.

/wɪt/ - n. - humor
Ex: Mark Twain was known for his wit.

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