Hacker Voca Day 53

/əˈdʒeɪsənt/ - adj. - nearby, adjoining, neighboring
Ex: The land adjacent to the southern part of the Nile was called Upper Egypt.

/ˈɔːltər/ - v. - modify, change, metamorphose
Ex: Vital coastal habitats are being altered or destroyed by construction and development.

/bɛər/ - adj. - uncovered, exposed, naked, nude
Ex: The workers dug ditches with their bare hands.

/ˈbɜːrdən/ - n. - load
Ex: The people in the colony were groaning from the burden of taxation.
/ˈbɜːrdən/ - v. - tax, charge, load
Ex: Argentina's interim government started to burden the people with heavy taxes.

/klaʊt/ - n. - influence, pull, power
Ex: The largest cable company has enough clout to get discounts from programmers.

/kəˈmɒdəti/ - n. - goods, product, merchandise, wares
Ex: Asian films and Asian stars are hot commodities in the American entertainment world.

/ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃən/ - n. - arrangement
Ex: The astronomers spent the evening hours trying to identify constellations of stars in the night sky.
/ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃən/ - n. - collection
Ex: The recent film festival held in France was attended by a constellation of movie stars, directors, and producers.

/dɔːnt/ - v. - intimidate, discourage, dishearten
Ex: Jeffrey was daunted by the 20,000-word thesis he had to write.

/dɪˈlaɪt/ - v. - please, gratify, amuse, charm
Ex: Mary was delighted to hear of her promotion.

/dəˈlʌks/ - adj. - luxurious, lavish, opulent, rich
Ex: The deluxe suite in the hotel offered spacious room and a fabulous view of the city.

/dɪˈprɛst/ - adj. - concave, low, sunken
Ex: The center of the crater was depressed and couldn't be seen from afar.
/dɪˈprɛst/ - adj. - downcast, melancholy, gloomy
Ex: The rainy day put Celeste into a depressed mood.

/ˈɛndləs/ - adj. - limitless, incessant, perpetual, ceaseless
Ex: The maid walked up the endless stairs of the house in which Mr. Brown lived.

/ɪˈspɛʃəli/ - adv. - notably, specifically, particularly
Ex: Environmentalists called for strict regulations on the use of pesticides, especially in agricultural areas.

/fərˈbɪd/ - v. - ban, inhibit, prohibit, restrain
Ex: The Islamic belief system forbids suicide and encourages patient perseverance.

/ɡreɪt/ - adj. - outstanding, distinguished, magnificent
Ex: Yo-Yo Ma is a great musician who is widely renowned in many European and Asian countries.

/hoʊld/ - v. - include, contain, accommodate
Ex: The classroom holds 30 students.

/ɪmˈprɛʃən/ - n. - image, idea, feeling, sense
Ex: Nicholson got the impression that Hoffman was emotionally disturbed.
/ɪmˈprɛʃən/ - n. - influence, impact, effect
Ex: The way a parent acts makes a big impression on their children.

/ɪnˈhɪərənt/ - adj. - innate, built-in, congenital, natural, intrinsic
Ex: The need to be loved and recognized is an inherent part of the human psyche.

/ˈɪnstənt/ - n. - moment
Ex: The instant Sara saw a strange man lurking around her house, she knew he was the fellow the police were looking for.

in time
- phr. - early
Ex: Luckily Patrick arrived in time for work, even though he slept in an hour later than usual.
- phr. - eventually
Ex: Some scientists believe that, in time, all diseases will be curable through gene therapy.

/nɒkˈtɜːrnəl/ - adj. - active at night
Ex: Nocturnal creatures have developed adaptations that allow them to hunt after dark.

/ˌoʊvərˈɔːl/ - adj. - general, total, comprehensive
Ex: A drop in the overall price of goods and services may signal a period of deflation.

/ˈprɑːsɛs/ - n. - method, procedure, system
Ex: The process for making bricks was discovered in ancient times.

/riːtʃ/ - n. - area, expanse, stretch
Ex: The rafters paddled down a reach of the river that was known for its rapids.

/rɪˈsɪprəkəl/ - adj. - mutual
Ex: Though the two authors had different ideas about the same subject, they had a reciprocal respect.

/rɪˈmɑːrkəbl/ - adj. - incredible, significant, noteworthy
Ex: Dickens had remarkable mental and physical energy.

/ruːˈtiːnli/ - adv. - commonly, generally, habitually
Ex: John routinely forgot to turn off the lights when he went out.

/ˈsaɪzəbl/ - adj. - large
Ex: The U.S. suffered a sizable trade deficit with Japan.

/stɪl/ - adj. - calm, motionless, stationary
Ex: David had been dancing about like a child, but suddenly he stood still.
/stɪl/ - adv. - nevertheless
Ex: The ride down the rapids is dangerous, but Mike still wants to try it tomorrow.

/səbˈdjuːd/ - adj. - reduced
Ex: The housing market is fairly subdued during the winter months.

/ˈtʌtʃɪŋ/ - adj. - moving
Ex: The scene of two lovers' parting at the station is the most touching in the movie.

/ˈtrɪviəl/ - adj. - frivolous, unimportant, insignificant, trifling
Ex: The mayor's worries are trivial compared to those of countries which are at war or are suffering from famine.

/ˈtrænsfɜːr/ - v. - move, remove, relocate
Ex: Personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to other people by endorsement.

/ˌʌnɪnˈtɛnʃənəli/ - adv. - accidentally, casually, unconsciously
Ex: Hope expressed her regret to Tommy even though she had damaged his car unintentionally.

/ˌvɛəriˈeɪʃən/ - n. - variance, fluctuation, change, alteration
Ex: In Canada, the variation in temperature between the summer and winter is dramatic.

/voʊˈsɪfərəs/ - adj. - noisy
Ex: The Customer Service Hotline received many vociferous complaints.

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