Hacker Voca Day 60

a great deal
/- / - phr. - a lot, in abundance
Ex: Christopher travels a great deal due to his job as a pilot.

/ˈædɪd/ - adj. - extra, additional, supplemental
Ex: Colette had a deadbolt fitted on her door as an added safeguard against crime in her neighborhood.

/ɔːlˈbiːɪt/ - conj. - although, even though, notwithstanding
Ex: Many third-world economies are growing steadily, albeit slowly.

/əˈlaʊ/ - v. - enable, permit, let
Ex: When the Civil War began, blacks weren't allowed to fight in the Union army.

/ˌæntɪˈsiːdənt/ - n. - predecessor, ancestor
Ex: Fossils of the prehistoric animal eohippus have proven its lineage as an antecedent of our modern horse.

apart from
/- / - phr. - except for
Ex: Jack's essay is very good, apart from a few grammatical errors.

/ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/ - n. - use, employment, appliance
Ex: A microcomputer has a wide range of applications for mobile businesses.

/ɔːɡˈment/ - v. - add, increase
Ex: Many professors augment their salaries by providing consultation services for private companies.

/ˈævənjuː/ - n. - means, channel
Ex: The Internet opened new avenues to accessing information.

/siːs/ - v. - stop, halt, terminate
Ex: The rain had ceased, but a strong wind still blew from the southwest.

/kliːn/ - adj. - unstained, clear, pure
Ex: The picnickers made many efforts to keep the environment clean.
/kliːn/ - adj. - hygienic, antiseptic
Ex: It is important to have a clean dressing to avoid infection and reduce scarring.

/ˈkjuːmjəleɪt/ - v. - build up, accumulate, amass, collect
Ex: There are many ways to cumulate points in pinball.

/dɪˈmaɪz/ - n. - end, fall, death, decease
Ex: The Battle of Midway ensured the demise of the Japanese Empire.

/dɪˈtɛst/ - v. - strongly dislike, hate, abominate, abhor
Ex: Romantic artists and authors detested the rationalism of their era.

/daɪˈluːt/ - v. - reduce, thin, weaken
Ex: Chemists used water to dilute the strong alcohol.

/dɪsˈrʌpt/ - v. - interrupt, interfere with, upset
Ex: Professor Gumpert's lecture was disrupted by two students talking in the back of the classroom.

/daɪˈvɜːrs/ - adj. - dissimilar, varied, various, manifold
Ex: Russell's genius lies in getting people of diverse backgrounds to work together.

/drɪl/ - n. - practice, exercise
Ex: The soldiers were ordered to attend daily calisthenic drills of sprinting, push-ups, and jumping jacks.

/iːz/ - v. - alleviate, relieve, mitigate
Ex: Patrick eased Amanda's worries about her surgery by explaining the whole process to her step by step.

/ˈɛmpti/ - adj. - vacant, hollow, void, unoccupied, blank
Ex: There was an empty bottle which had contained milk.

/ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ - adj. - busy, occupied
Ex: Jennifer was so engaged in the conversation that she hadn't noticed that her husband had left.

/ɪnˈɡroʊst/ - adj. - absorbed, occupied, preoccupied
Ex: Bright children become engrossed in books at an early age.

/ˈiːvn/ - adj. - flat, level, horizontal, plane
Ex: The vase should be placed on an even surface to keep from spilling.
/ˈiːvn/ - adj. - unchanging, constant
Ex: The runners in the marathon ran at an even pace.

/ɪkˈsiːd/ - v. - go beyond, surpass, have a greater number than
Ex: Christine's yearly income exceeded Jack's total earnings from the previous 14 years.

/ɪɡˈzuːd/ - v. - release, emit, give off
Ex: Human skin exudes sweat as a cooling mechanism.

/ɪkˈstriːm/ - adj. - intense, excessive, ultimate, unreasonable
Ex: Brian was an extreme conservative when it came to his political views.

/ˌɪmprɪˈsaɪs/ - adj. - inexact, inaccurate, loose
Ex: Predicting earthquakes is a highly imprecise science.

/ˌɪnɔːˈspɪʃəs/ - adj. - unfavorable, ominous
Ex: The Middle East peace talks were off to an inauspicious start.

/mæsk/ - v. - disguise, camouflage, pretend, cover
Ex: The spy tried to mask his enmity under an appearance of friendliness.

/ˈmɛrɪt/ - n. - value, worth, excellence
Ex: The great merit of the poems is that they make us aware of previously unperceived possibilities.

/pərˈspɛktɪv/ - n. - view, prospect, vista
Ex: The data provides a fascinating new perspective on the pattern of industrial development.

/prɪˈdɒmɪnəntli/ - adv. - primarily, mainly, predominately
Ex: Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country.

/preɪ/ - n. - victim
Ex: After the lion killed its prey, the vultures hovered above, waiting to feed on the remains.

/ˌriːˈkæst/ - v. - transform
Ex: The cabinet was completely recast after the inauguration of the new president.

/skɪp/ - v. - spring, jump, leap
Ex: The children were skipping about in the park.

/səbˈmɪt/ - v. - yield, surrender, obey
Ex: The criminals will submit to the judgment of the majority of town.

/səˈsteɪn/ - v. - support, bear, uphold
Ex: The old shelf cannot sustain the weight of the books.
/səˈsteɪn/ - v. - maintain, continue
Ex: Only one planet is able to sustain human life in our solar system.

/treɪs/ - n. - imprint, vestige, mark, sign
Ex: The results of the blood test showed traces of an illegal drug in the patient's blood.

/ˈɜːrbən/ - adj. - civic, municipal
Ex: Urban crime has increased in Los Angeles by 5% over the past three years.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Hacker Voca Day 1