/əˈbɒlɪʃ/ - v. - annul, nullify, revoke
Ex: Congress passed legislation abolishing slavery.
/ˈædɪdʒ/ - n. - proverb, saying, maxim
Ex: "Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get" is a memorable adage from the movie Forrest Gump.
/əˈstiːtɪk/ - adj. - artistic
Ex: The painting is excellent from an aesthetic point of view.
(1) /əˈfekt/ - v. - influence, act on
Ex: The scientists are currently studying how climate affects marine animal populations.
(2) /əˈfekt/ - v. - pretend, feign, assume
Ex: Jennifer always affected a little stammer when she said anything impudent.
/ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃən/ - n. - change, modification
Ex: The tailor made an alteration to Kelly's wedding dress so that it would drape more loosely about her shoulders.
/əménəti/ - n. - facility, pleasant situation, convenience
Ex: The family chose to stay at the Holiday Inn because it had great amenities, such as a hot tub, exercise room, and free parking.
/əpráksəmitli/ - adv. - about, roughly, nearly
Ex: Central Hudson Electric Utility serves approximately 625,000 people in New York State's Mid-Hudson Valley.
/ˈɑːr.t̬ə.zən/ - n. - craftsman
Ex: The European Renaissance produced many famous artisans, including painters, metalworkers, woodcarvers, and jewelry makers.
(1) /ber/ - v. - carry, transport, convey
Ex: Jameson should bear the child to the station.
(2) /ber/ - v. - yield, provide, produce
Ex: The tree is bearing a lot of peaches this year.
(3) /ber/ - v. - support, hold, sustain
Ex: The heaviest barbell John can bear is 10kgs.
/ˈbaʊn.tɪ.fəl/ - adj. - plentiful, abundant, ample, prolific, liberal
Ex: Each year a bountiful harvest of wheat and corn is produced in the state of Nebraska.
/kənˈstɪtʃ.u.ənt/ - adj. - component, elemental
Ex: Copper and tin are the constituent elements of bronze.
(1) /disˈpjuːt/ - v. - argue, debate
Ex: The townspeople are disputing with the local council over the proposed new road.
(2) /disˈpjuːt/ - n. - argument, disagreement, debatem controversy
Ex: China and Japan struck a deal to end the trade dispute over agricultural products.
/ˈfakultas/ - n. - ability, capacity, aptitude
Ex: Children have the faculty to concentrate on what occupies them at the moment.
/fiːld/ - n. - area
Ex: Northern engineers were experienced in the field of iron working.
/ˈgɪltlɪs/ - adj. - sinless, blameless, innocent
Ex: A polygraph test can make even guiltless people nervous.
/ˈɪnfluks/ - n. - arrival, inrush, inflow
Ex: Tourism has brought a huge influx of wealth into the region.
/ˈɪnʌndeɪt/ - v. - flood, deluge, swamp, submerge
Ex: During monsoon season, the rice paddies become inundated with rain for weeks at a time.
/ˈlɛksɪkən/ - n. - vocabulary
Ex: New words are added to the English lexicon each year.
/luər/ - v. - attract, tempt, seduce, allure, decoy
Ex: Jackson's prey was lured into the woods with promises of food and drink.
/ˈmɪkʃtʃər/ - n. - combination, compound, blend, composite
Ex: The Philippine language is a mixture of Malay and Spanish.
(1) /maʊnt/ - v. - ascend, climb, scale
Ex: Julie mounted the stairs slowly.
(2) /maʊnt/ - v. - increase, multiply, grow, rise
Ex: A new scientific report released today says mounting evidence links TV viewing to violence.
/mʌnˈdeɪn/ - adj. - ordinary, routine, commonplace
Ex: Kelly believes that mundane activities such as cooking and cleaning are a waste of time.
/ˈnɪrli/ - adv. - almost, approximately, virtually
Ex: Nearly perfect test scores are required to enter elite universities.
/ˌaʊtˈstrɪp/ - v. - surpass, transcend, exceed, excel
Ex: Mining and business began to outstrip agriculture in China.
/ˈpɜːrtɪnənt/ - adj. - relevant, germane, applicable
Ex: The detective wanted to know all the pertinent details.
/priˈkluːd/ - v. - prevent, rule out, forestall, obviate
Ex: Age alone will not preclude him from running for office.
/riˈfreɪn/ - v. - cease, stop, pause
Ex: Many conservative Jews refrain from eating foods such as shellfish.
/ˈrʌfli/ - adv. - approximately, nearly
Ex: The U.S. has spent roughly $2 billion a year on AIDS-related issues since 1989.
(1) /ˈsɛmbləns/ - n. - appearance
Ex: The boy has the semblance of honesty.
(2) /ˈsɛmbləns/ - n. - analogy, similarity, likeness, resemblance
Ex: The election bears some semblance to the presidential election between Gore and Bush.
/səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/ - adj. - complex, complicated
Ex: A more sophisticated approach was needed to solve the problem.
/steɪdʒ/ - n. - level, phase, step
Ex: The stages of language acquisition are the same for all languages.
/θɪk/ - adj. - dense, compact
Ex: The jeep was found lying in thick bush.
/ðʌs/ - adv. - consequently, therefore, accordingly
Ex: New drugs can lower blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of stroke.
/ˈtaɪ.ni/ - adj. - little, minuscule, minute
Ex: Dana used to be a tiny girl, but grew up to be a large woman.
/vɝːdʒ/ - n. - brink, threshold
Ex: The city is on the verge of becoming prosperous and successful.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Hacker Voca Day 8