Speaking: Solving Crime with Modern Technology
efficiently /ɪˈfɪʃəntli/
definition: working or operating in a way that gets the results you want without any waste
example: She manages the business efficiently.
convicted /kənˈvɪktɪd/
definition: someone who has been judged guilty of a crime and is in prison as a result
example: He was convicted of robbery.
permanently /ˈpɜː.mə.nənt.li/
definition: lasting or continuing for a very long time or forever
example: He moved to Brazil permanently in 2008.
witness /ˈwɪtnəs/
definition: a person who sees an event happening, especially a crime or an accident
example: Police are looking for the star witness to the shooting.
forensic /fəˈren.sɪk/
definition: relating to the use of scientific techniques or methods to solve or provide information about a crime
example: Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man’s stomach.
enhance /ɪnˈhæns/
definition: to increase or improve the quality, value, strength, or amount of something
example: You need more practice to enhance your skill.
fingerprint /ˈfɪŋɡərˌprɪnt/
definition: the mark that is made by pressing the tip of a finger on a surface
example: Detectives found his fingerprints all over the gun.
require /rɪˈkwaɪər/
definition: to need something; to order or demand someone or something to do something, especially of a rule
example: Most medical jobs require high levels of concentration.
law enforcement /ˈlɔː ɪnˈfɔːrs.mənt/
definition: the activity of making sure that the laws of an area are obeyed
example: Law enforcement seems to be very lax in this country.
solvable /ˈsɒlvəbl/
definition: able to be solved, resolved or explained
example: Your acne problem is solvable if you consult a dermatologist.
Reading: Changing Faces
plain /pleɪn/
definition: not decorated; simple or ordinary in character
example: Her room was plain and basic.
pageant /ˈpædʒənt/
definition: a contest in which a group of women or girls and even male contestants are judged
example: The Miss Universe beauty pageant is held every year in different countries.
indicate /ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪt/
definition: to represent or be a symbol of something or someone
example: Recent evidence indicates that the skeleton is about three million years old.
bargain /ˈbɑːɡɪn/
definition: something that is bought or sold for a price which is lower than the actual value or bought or sold at a good price
example: The secondhand pair of Valentino shoes was a real bargain.
liposuction /ˈlaɪ.pəˌsʌk.ʃən/
definition: a kind of surgery that removes fat from a person's body
example: Liposuction is for people who want to lose weight easily.
face-lift /ˈfeɪs.lɪft/
definition: surgery to make a person's face look younger or to make something or someone look more attractive or modern
example: My grandmother regularly visits her dermatologist for a face-lift to hide her wrinkles.
wrinkle /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/
definition: a small line of fold that appears on your skin as you grow older
example: Her face is full of wrinkles.
surgery /ˈsɜː.dʒər.i/
definition: medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someone's body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts
example: She underwent surgery to enhance her features.
confidence /ˈkɒn.fɪ.dəns/, /ˈkɑːn.fə.dens/
definition: a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something
example: He’s a good student, but he lacks confidence.
stand out /ˈstænd aʊt/
phrasal verb
definition: to be easily seen or noticed
example: The applicant we hired stood out from the rest of the candidates because of her qualifications.
Listening: Robots Part 1
design /dɪˈzaɪn/
definition: to plan and make decisions about something that is being built or created
example: A famous engineer designed the new skyscraper.
mechanical /mɪˈkænɪkəl/
definition: relating to machinery; having or using machinery
cơ khí
example: He is a mechanical engineer in a shipbuilding company.
construct /kənˈstrʌkt/
definition: to make, build or create something
example: The building was constructed in 1930.
task /tæsk/
definition: a piece of work that has been given to someone; a job for someone to do
example: Our first task is to tidy these shelves.
industry /ˈɪn.də.stri/, /ˈɪn.dʌs.tri/
definition: a group of businesses or establishments that provide a particular product or service
example: Celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt work in the entertainment industry.
dull /dʌl/
definition: not exciting or interesting; boring
example: The lecture was dry, dull, and full of irrelevant information.
automatically /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/
definition: without human control; independently
example: The camera automatically puts the time and date on the photo.
program /ˈprəʊɡræm/, /ˈproʊɡræm/
definition: to give a computer a set of instructions to perform a particular action; to give a machine a set of instructions to perform a particular action
example: She programmed her computer to automatically shut down at 8 p.m. every day.
explore /ɪkˈsplɔːr/, /ɪkˈsplɔːr/
definition: to make a careful search for something by traveling to different places
example: The best way to explore the countryside is on foot.
nuclear /ˈnuː.klɪər/
definition: producing or using energy that is created by dividing or joining atoms
example: Nuclear energy produces huge amounts of energy that can be used for a long time.
Writing: Language Focus: Connectors and Time Relationship Words
chronological /ˌkrɒn.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/
definition: arranged in the order that things happened or came to be
example: Give me the dates of the events in chronological order.
occur /əˈkɜːr/
definition: to appear or exist; to be found; to happen
example: According to the analyst, an economic crisis may occur at the end of the year.
effective /ɪˈfɛktɪv/
definition: producing a result that is wanted; having an intended effect
example: Diet and exercise are the most effective ways to lose weight.
risk /rɪsk/
definition: the possibility that something bad or unpleasant will happen
example: I am willing to take risks to achieve my goal.
enthusiast /ɪnˈθjuː.ziː.æst/, /ɪnˈθuː.ziː.æst/
definition: a person who feels enthusiasm for something; a person who enjoys something very much
example: He is a sports enthusiast because he can play almost any kind of sports.
skid /skɪd/
definition: to slide along a road or other surface in an uncontrolled way
example: The car skidded on the icy road before it hit a tree.
heal /hiːl/
definition: to become healthy or well again; to get better physically or to recover
example: The wound on his head had begun to heal.
scold /skoʊld/
definition: to speak in an angry or critical way to someone who has done something wrong
example: His mother scolded him for breaking a vase.
misfortune /mɪsˈfɔːrtʃən/
definition: bad luck; an unlucky condition or event
example: He had the misfortune of falling in love with a married woman.
steep /stiːp/
definition: almost straight up and down; going up and down very quickly; very high
example: The hill was too steep to cycle up.
muddy /ˈmʌdi/
definition: filled or covered in mud
example: The pathway to his house is muddy.
clumsy-looking /ˈklʌm.ziː ˈlʊkɪŋ/
definition: appearing awkward and not neat and orderly
example: She didn't make an effort to dress up so she arrived at the party clumsy-looking.
properly /ˈprɒpərli/
definition: in a way that is acceptable or suitable
example: If she doesn’t behave properly, she will have to leave.
admit /ədˈmɪt/, /ædˈmɪt/
definition: to say, usually in an unwilling way, that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of something
example: She is willing to admit her mistakes and promises not to do it again.
recover /rɪˈkʌvər/
definition: to become healthy after an illness or injury; to return to normal health
example: It takes a long time to recover from surgery.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - level 4 day 13