Từ vựng ESL Level 4 Day 3

SPEAKING: A Cultural Difference: Being on Time

adapt /əˈdæpt/ 🔊
definition: to change something so that it functions better or it is better suited to a place or something
example: When children go to a different school, it usually takes them a while to adapt.

apologize /əˈpɑː.lə.dʒaɪz/ 🔊
definition: to express regret for doing something wrong to someone
example: She apologized for her husband’s rudeness.

appropriate /əˈproʊ.pri.ət/ 🔊
definition: suitable or proper for a person, situation, circumstance, condition, or place
example: He’s having a difficult time choosing an appropriate place to propose marriage to his girlfriend.

behavior /bɪˈheɪ.vjɚ/ 🔊
definition: the way a person or animals acts in response to a particular situation
example: Many people complained about the behavior of some of the fans, who were loud and annoying to other people.

greet /ɡriːt/ 🔊
definition: to speak in a friendly and polite way upon arrival; to express some kind of good wishes to someone
example: The host warmly greets the guests at the party.

prestige /presˈtiːʒ/ 🔊
definition: importance or respect gained through success, excellence, or hard work
example: Her latest victory in an international beauty pageant has tremendously increased her prestige.

prestigious /preˈstɪdʒ.əs/ 🔊
definition: inspiring respect and admiration; having high status
example: Samsung is the most prestigious company in Korea.

punctual /ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl/ 🔊
definition: arriving or doing something before the expected or planned time
example: Please try to be punctual, so we can start the meeting on time.

rude /ruːd/ 🔊
definition: not caring or showing respect for the rights and feelings of other people or animals
example: The secretary was fired as she had been rude to her boss.

unacceptable /ˌʌn.əkˈsep.tə.bəl/ 🔊
definition: not pleasing or welcome
example: These mistakes are unacceptable.

in fact /ɪn ˈfækt/
conjunctive adverb
definition: in reality or actuality
example: The holiday was really disappointing – a complete disaster. In fact, it just rained all the time.

custom /ˈkʌs.təm/ 🔊
definition: an action or way of behaving that is usual, common, or traditional among people in a particular place
example: She’s studying the language and customs of the Indians.

READING: Culture Shock

scan /skæn/ 🔊
definition: to look at something carefully, usually to find something or someone
example: This technique is used to scan defective genes.

identity /aɪˈden.t̬ə.t̬i/ 🔊
definition: a quality of someone or something that makes him, her, or it different or stand-out from others
example: As a journalist, she refuses to reveal the identity of her source.

evaluation /ɪˌvæl.juˈeɪ.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: the making of a judgement about the value of something
example: The management conducted an evaluation of the new training program.

symptom /ˈsɪmp.təm/ 🔊
definition: a sign or indication of the existence of something else
example: Loneliness, homesickness, and lack of confidence are some symptoms of culture shock.

so forth /soʊ/ /fɔːrθ/
definition: used to add something, others or more of the same or similar kind
example: He told me all about his health problems, including his arthritis and so forth.

obsession /əbˈseʃ.ən/ 🔊
definition: an unwelcome, uncontrollable, or persistent idea, thought, image, or emotion that a person keeps thinking about that leads to distress or anxiety
example: They have an obsession with making a lot of money.

stereotype /ˈster.i.əˌtaɪp/ 🔊
definition: a fixed idea that many people have about a thing or a group that may often be untrue
example: That unfortunate statement stereotypes all men as wimps.

honeymoon /ˈhʌn.iˌmun/ 🔊
definition: a trip or vacation taken by a newlywed couple in a particular place
example: After the wedding ceremony, we have to catch our flight to the Maldives for our honeymoon.

psychological /ˌsaɪ.kəˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl/ 🔊
definition: relating to the study of mind or how the mind works and functions
example: Her new novel is a psychological thriller.

integration /ˌɪn.tɪˈɡreɪ.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: the organization of the psychological and social traits and tendencies of a personality into a harmonious whole
example: Her music is an integration of jazz and rock.

establish /ɪˈstæb.lɪʃ/ 🔊
definition: to begin, create or put something or someone that is meant to last for a long time
example: Once we establish the price, we can begin to market the product.

transition /trænˈzɪʃ.ən/ 🔊
definition: change from one form, state, stage, place or condition to another
example: The transition from one educational system to another is very crucial to the success of a country.

acquire /əˈkwaɪər/ 🔊
definition: to learn or develop a skill, habit, or quality
example: You must acquire basic English skill before working in the US.

ongoing /ˈɑːnˌɡoʊ.ɪŋ/ 🔊
definition: continuing; still in progress
example: Negotiations between China and the Philippines are ongoing.

LISTENING: Happiness Part 2

psychologist /saɪˈkɑː.lə.dʒɪst/ 🔊
definition: a person who studies the mental or behavioral characteristics of a typical individual
example: My friend is a psychologist and it's difficult to lie to her because she knows my behavior very well.

gratitude /ˈɡræt̬.ɪ.tuːd/ 🔊
definition: the quality of being thankful
example: She expressed her gratitude to her fans for their support.

relevant /ˈrel.ə.vənt/ 🔊
definition: connected or appropriate to the matter at hand
example: The candidate’s work experience is relevant to the job she’s applying for.

income /ˈɪn.kʌm/ 🔊
definition: money regularly received through work or through other means
example: He dreams of having a nice home, a luxurious car, and an adequate income.

WRITING: Practice with Hooks

retire /rɪˈtaɪər/ 🔊
definition: to stop employment because you have reached the age when you are not allowed to work anymore
example: At the age of 65, I will retire and enjoy the rest of my life.

option /ˈɑːp.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: the ability, opportunity, or right to choose something between two things
example: The career program gave me an option to either pursue or change my future plans.

mandatory /ˈmæn.də.tɔːr.i/ 🔊
definition: required by law or by command
example: The test includes a mandatory essay question.

livelihood /ˈlaɪv.li.hʊd/ 🔊
definition: a way of earning money in order to live
example: The main livelihood in this place is farming.

deprive /dɪˈpraɪv/ 🔊
definition: to keep someone from having or using something
example: How can you work properly if you deprive yourself of sleep?

discrimination /dɪˌskrɪm.əˈneɪ.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: the act of treating a person or group differently or unfairly
example: Some immigrants were victims of discrimination.

beneficial /ˌben.əˈfɪʃ.əl/ 🔊
definition: producing good or helpful effects; conducive to personal or social well-being
example: Moderate exercise is really beneficial.

unlikely /ʌnˈlaɪk.li/ 🔊
definition: not seeming to be right or suited for a purpose; not likely
example: It’s unlikely that we will learn from people who didn't have formal education.

compete /kəmˈpiːt/ 🔊
definition: to try, win or strive for something where someone else is also trying to win
example: Did you compete in the football game last Saturday?

preference /ˈpref.ər.əns/ 🔊
definition: the power or chance to choose a person or thing over another
example: The city gives preference to job applicants who live there.

train /treɪn/ 🔊
definition: to cause or teach someone or something to develop an ability or skill
example: They train hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week.

fundamental /ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.t̬əl/ 🔊
definition: forming or relating to the important part of something; basic part
example: There's a fundamental difference between these two political parties.

ensure /ɪnˈʃʊr/ 🔊
definition: to make something sure, certain or safe
example: They took steps to ensure the safety of the passengers.

performance /pɚˈfɔːr.məns/ 🔊
definition: an activity that a person or group does to entertain people or an audience
example: This evening's performance will start at 8 o'clock.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 4 Day 4