Từ vựng ESL Level 4 Day 7

Speaking: Language: Is it Always Spoken?

capacity /kəˈpæs.ɪ.ti/ 🔊
definition: ability to do something
example: Her capacity to work under pressure was quite impressive.

innate /ɪˈneɪt/ 🔊
definition: existing from or as part of the basic nature of a person or animal from the time of birth; natural
example: While I am naturally shy, my sister has the innate ability to charm everyone she meets.

motion /ˈmoʊʃən/ 🔊
definition: an act or process of moving
example: She moved her finger in a circular motion.

impaired /ɪmˈpeərd/ 🔊
definition: having disability of a special kind; weakened or damaged
example: Heavy smoking impaired his health.

persistent /pərˈsɪs.tənt, pərˈzɪs.tənt/ 🔊
definition: continuing to act or exist longer than usual; continuing without change
example: I have had this persistent cough for a week already.

varied /ˈveə.rɪd, ˈvɛərɪd/ 🔊
definition: having or showing many different types; changing often
example: The varied symptoms of flu include muscle pain, headaches, and dizziness.

meaning /ˈmiː.nɪŋ/ 🔊
definition: definition, sense, explanation of a word, text, concept, or action
example: What makes learning a language difficult is the fact that one word can have several different meanings.

controversial /ˌkɒn.trəˈvɜː.ʃəl, ˌkɒn.trəˈvɜː.si.əl/ 🔊
definition: causing or likely to cause disagreement or argument
example: The Da Vinci Code is a controversial movie.

enable /ɪˈneɪ.bəl/ 🔊
definition: to cause or make someone do something by providing what is necessary to achieve a goal
example: Saving enough money now will enable you to retire comfortably.

disability /ˌdɪs.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/ 🔊
definition: a physical or mental condition that makes someone unable to act in a way that is normal or usual
example: The regulations apply to only those who have disability and are unable to work.

Reading: On the Decay of the Art of Lying

clever /ˈklev.ər/ 🔊
definition: intelligent and able to learn things quickly
example: It was certainly a clever advertisement so it got a lot of attention.

humorist /ˈhjuː.mər.ɪst/ 🔊
definition: a person who regularly writes or tells amusing stories especially as part of a job
example: Mark Twain is a popular humorist.

audience /ˈɔː.di.əns, ˈaʊ.dɪ.əns/ 🔊
definition: the people, considered as a group, who watch or listen to a performance, movie or public event
example: The magazine is trying to reach a younger audience.

decay /dɪˈkeɪ/ 🔊
definition: the state or natural process of slow destruction or loss of strength
example: The rise in unemployment has resulted in serious decay in the urban areas.

sadden /ˈsæd.ən/ 🔊
definition: to make someone unhappy or sad
example: He was greatly saddened by the death of his only son.

philosopher /fɪˈlɒsəfə/ 🔊
definition: someone who studies or writes about the meaning of life
example: We can learn a lot from philosophers such as Plato and Karl Marx.

unbearable /ʌnˈbɛərəbl/ 🔊
definition: too bad, harsh or extreme to be accepted or endured
example: The long wait for our delayed flight was unbearable.

chronic /ˈkrɒnɪk/ 🔊
definition: continuing or occurring again and again for a long time
example: Mr. George is resigning because of chronic heart disease.

deception /dɪˈsɛpʃən/ 🔊
definition: the act of hiding the truth or making people believe something that is not true
example: She accuses the company of willful deception in its advertising.

thoroughly /ˈθɜːrə.li, ˈθɜːr.ə.li/ 🔊
definition: completely; in a way that includes many details
example: We thoroughly searched the house for the missing diamond ring.

graciously /ˈɡreɪʃəs.li/ 🔊
definition: pleasantly or politely
example: You should learn to accept criticism graciously.

awkward /ˈɔːkwəd/ 🔊
definition: causing inconvenience, anxiety or embarrassment; lacking grace or skill when moving
example: The computer came in a big box that was awkward to carry.

clumsy /ˈklʌm.zi/ 🔊
definition: moving or doing things in a very awkward or ungraceful way
example: I’m so clumsy that I keep dropping things.

silly /ˈsɪl.i/ 🔊
definition: having or showing lack of thought, understanding, or good judgment; foolish or stupid
example: I watched another silly movie last night.

charitable /ˈtʃærɪtəbl/ 🔊
definition: loving and generous in giving help to people who need assistance
example: They are known as charitable people in their country.

sneakily /ˈsniːkɪli/ 🔊
definition: done in a secretive way
example: She sneakily played tricks on him.

sensible /ˈsɛnsɪbl/ 🔊
definition: having or using good sense or judgment
example: She was sensible and easy to deal with.

Listening: Sleep Part 2

remember /rɪˈmɛmbər/ 🔊
definition: to think of something or someone from the past again; to bring back to one's consciousness or awareness
example: Parents remember every detail of their children's milestones.

micro-sleep /ˈmaɪ.kroʊˌslɪp/
definition: a period of sleep that lasts for a few seconds, usually experienced by people who lack sleep
example: It is very dangerous for drivers to experience micro-sleep while driving.

deprivation /ˌdɛprɪˈveɪʃən/ 🔊
definition: the lack of something that is considered necessary
example: Sleep deprivation causes a lot of problems.

fall into (something) /ˈfɔːl ˈɪntuː, ˈɪntə/
phrasal verb
definition: to start doing something, often unintentionally
example: She fell into a conversation with the interesting man seated next to her.

memory /ˈmɛməri/ 🔊
definition: something remembered from the past
example: We had a lot of good memories when we traveled to Ibiza together.

public health /ˈpʌblɪk ˈhɛlθ/
definition: the health of people in general
example: Denmark has the best public health system for senior citizens.

Writing: Understanding the Writing Process

summarize /ˈsʌm.ə.raɪz/ 🔊
definition: to tell information again by using fewer words
example: The students summarized the events in the story.

session /ˈsɛʃən/ 🔊
definition: a period of time that is used to do a particular activity
example: The first training session will start next Monday.

draft /dræft/ 🔊
definition: a version of something such as a document that you make before you make the final version
example: The architects gave us their first draft of the design.

error /ˈɛr.ər/ 🔊
definition: something that is not correct; a wrong action or statement; a mistake
example: I noticed a lot of errors when I rechecked my essay.

feedback /ˈfiːd.bæk/ 🔊
definition: helpful information or criticism that is given to someone to say what can be done to improve
example: We are hoping to get positive feedback from the CEO.

peer /pɪə(r)/ 🔊
definition: a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status
example: Getting help from peers is easier than asking a teacher.

describe /dɪˈskraɪb/ 🔊
definition: to give details about what someone or something is like
example: Paramedics described the scene as horrifying.

invention /ɪnˈvɛnʃən/ 🔊
definition: a machine, tool, or device that someone made, designed, or thought of for the first time
example: Some inventions like the Internet or computer truly changed people’s lives.

nature /ˈneɪtʃər/ 🔊
definition: the basic character of a person or animal
example: It isn’t in my nature to be lazy.

nurture /ˈnɜːtʃər/ 🔊
definition: to help something or someone to grow, develop or succeed by providing care and attention
example: Parents nurture their children by teaching them good values.

interaction /ˌɪntəˈrækʃən/ 🔊
definition: an activity in which people exchange conversations or reactions
example: There is not enough interaction between the professor and students in class.

defend /dɪˈfɛnd/ 🔊
definition: to fight in order to keep something or someone safe
example: Employees will fight to defend their labor rights against employers.

point of view /ˈpɔɪnt əv ˈvjuː/
definition: judgment or opinion
example: From my point of view, the Philippines is one of the best training grounds for English study.

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