Speaking: Child Labor
maim /meɪm/
definition: to injure badly or cripple by violence
example: The bomb killed 16 people and maimed several others.
knot /nɑt/
definition: to tie in or with a knot
example: He caught the rope and knotted it around a post.
endorse /ɛnˈdɔrs/
definition: to publicly or officially say that you support or approve of someone or something
example: We will be endorsing the product at the end of the month.
exploit /ɪkˈsplɔɪt/
definition: to use someone or something unfairly for your own advantage
example: She could exploit her enemies but she didn't.
flaying /ˈfleɪɪŋ/
definition: gerund of verb “flay”; severe criticism
example: The flaying of his band’s second album by critics led to a big drop in album sales.
slave /sleɪv/
definition: someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay
example: Born a slave in 1760, he was sold as a child to a farmer in Delaware.
embargo /ɛmˈbɑrɡoʊ/
definition: a government order to temporarily stop trading certain goods or with certain countries
example: The government put an embargo on imports of steel.
Listening: A Boy's Shelter for Street People (Part 2)
frighten /ˈfraɪtn/
definition: to make someone feel fear
example: He frightens me when he drives so fast.
represent /ˌrɛprəˈzɛnt/
definition: to be an example of someone or something; to show or describe someone or something
example: This new report represents the current situation in our schools.
forced /fɔrst/
definition: caused by necessity
example: There were no obvious signs of forced entry into the house.
afford /əˈfɔrd/
definition: to be able to pay for something
example: I don’t know how he can afford a new car.
rent /rɛnt/
definition: money that you pay in return for being able to use property and especially to live in an apartment, house, etc., that belongs to someone else
example: How much rent do you pay on a monthly basis?
application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/
definition: a formal and usually written request for something such as a job, admission to a school, a loan, etc.
example: I’ve sent off applications for four different jobs.
welfare /ˈwɛlˌfɛr/
definition: physical and mental health and happiness, especially of a person
example: We were concerned for our parents’ welfare when we heard about the storm in Florida.
relative /ˈrɛlətɪv/
definition: someone who has the same parents or ancestors as you
example: All her relatives came to the wedding.
pregnant /ˈprɛgnənt/
definition: having a baby or babies developing inside the body
example: Faintness and morning sickness can be signs that you are pregnant.
former /ˈfɔrmər/
definition: used to say what someone or something was in the past
example: We need a reference from your former employer.
mental institution /ˈmɛntəl ˌɪnstɪˈtuʃən/
definition: a home, hospital, or institution for people who are mentally ill
example: Her daughter was confined in a mental institution for a year due to severe depression.
ordinary /ˈɔrdəˌnɛri/
definition: normal or usual; not unusual, different, or special
example: His music was of the sort that ordinary Americans could relate to.
community college /kəˈmjunɪti ˈkɑlɪʤ/
definition: (UK) a school for children between the ages of eleven and 18 that also provides different types of classes, sports, etc. for adults from the local area; (US) a two-year college where students can learn a skill or prepare to enter a university
example: I think I prefer to attend community college for 2 years than 4 years in university.
forehead /ˈfɔrˌhɛd/
definition: the part of the face above the eyes
example: A wide forehead indicates intelligence according to old people.
donate /ˈdoʊˌneɪt/
definition: to give money, food, clothes, etc. in order to help a person or organization
example: Over $12 million was donated to the charity.
fund /fʌnd/
definition: an amount of money saved, collected, or provided for a particular purpose
example: The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.
diner /ˈdaɪnər/
definition: (US) a small informal and inexpensive restaurant, often at the side of the road
example: All conversation in the diner stopped when the famous actress walked in.
meal /mil/
definition: an occasion when food is eaten, or the food which is eaten on such an occasion
example: How about coming over for a meal sometime?
check /tʃɛk/
definition: a piece of paper that is used to make a payment to someone using the money in a bank account
example: She wrote me a check for $120.
READING: Summer under Scrutiny
thrill /θrɪl/
definition: to cause (someone) to feel very excited or happy
example: Circus performers still thrill audiences today.
glance /ɡlæns/
definition: to look at someone or something very quickly
example: He sat quietly, glancing through a magazine.
rapid /ˈræpɪd/
definition: happening in a short amount of time; happening quickly
example: The country's rapid economic decline causes unemployment.
regulate /ˈrɛgjəˌleɪt/
definition: to set or adjust the amount, degree, or rate of something
example: You should regulate your household expenses within your means.
restrain /rɪˈstreɪn/
definition: to prevent from doing, exhibiting or expressing something
example: She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.
shin /ʃɪn/
definition: the front part of the leg below the knee
example: She kicked him in the shin.
implement /ˈɪmplɪˌmɛnt/
definition: to start using a plan or system
example: Unfortunately, this plan is harder to implement than we originally thought.
automated /ˈɔtəˌmeɪtɪd/
definition: made to operate by machines or computers in order to reduce the work done by humans
example: The car company has a fully automated factory.
adhere /ədˈhɪr/
definition: to stick to something; to attach firmly to something
example: Most good professionals I have worked with adhere to this simple rule.
wallop /ˈwɑːləp/
definition: a heavy blow or punch
example: My mother gave me such a wallop when she eventually found me.
fatal /ˈfeɪ.t̬əl/
definition: causing death
example: The fatal accident almost killed her.
Writing: Argumentative Essay
argumentative essay /ˌɑːrɡ.jəˈmen.t̬ə.tɪv ˈes.eɪ/
definition: a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner
example: Writing argumentative essays can be difficult for some students.
persuade /pərˈsweɪd/
definition: to cause someone to do something by asking, arguing, or giving reasons
example: He is trying to persuade local and foreign businesses to invest in the project.
military personnel /ˌmɪl.əˈter.i ˌpɜː.sənˈel/
definition: the people who serve in the military
example: Many military personnel on ships and bases around the world can't be with loved ones for the holidays.
persuasive essay /pərˈsweɪ.sɪv ˈes.eɪ/
definition: an essay used to convince a reader about a particular idea or focus, usually one that you believe in
example: Writing a persuasive essay is like being a lawyer arguing a case before a jury.
fundamental /ˌfʌn.dəˈmen.t̬əl/
definition: essential, basic
example: We need to make fundamental changes in the way we treat our environment.
required /rɪˈkwaɪərd/
definition: something that is necessary
example: Katie brought the required dress.
public school /ˈpʌb.lɪk skuːl/
definition: a school that gets money from and is controlled by a local government
example: Religious education is prohibited in public schools.
counter argument /ˈkaʊntər ˈɑːrɡjumənt/
definition: an argument or set of reasons put forward to oppose an idea or theory developed in another argument
example: Hamilton's counterargument was successful.
opposing /əˈpoʊzɪŋ/
definition: completely different
example: He and his wife have opposing opinions on the issue.
refutation /ˌrɛfjuˈteɪʃən/
definition: the action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false
example: Scientific theory is always tentative, open to refutation.
truancy /ˈtruː.ən.si/
definition: the problem or situation of children being absent from school regularly without permission
example: My daughter's school has very good exam results and hardly any truancy.
individual /ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl/
definition: having a special and unusual quality that is easily seen
example: Marion has a very individual writing style.
well-off /ˌwɛlˈɔf/
definition: wealthy; rich
example: His family lives in a well-off neighborhood.
outfit /ˈaʊt.fɪt/
definition: a set of clothes worn for a specific occasion or activity
example: Does this outfit make me look fat?
flaunt /flɔnt/
definition: to show or display
example: She likes to flaunt her wealth by wearing furs and jewelry.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 5 Day 14