SPEAKING: Do TV and Movies Cause Copycat Crimes?
aggression /əˈɡreʃ.ən/
definition: actions or behavior that use threat or force against others
example: The nation was made strong for defense, not for aggression.
poverty /ˈpɑː.vɚ.t̬i/
definition: the state of being poor
example: Poverty did not keep him from achieving his goals.
susceptible /səˈsep.tə.bəl/
definition: easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something
example: Children are more susceptible to some diseases than adults.
imitate /ˈɪm.ɪ.teɪt/
definition: to make or do something the same way as something else
example: She can imitate the calls of many different birds.
desensitize /ˌdiːˈsen.sə.taɪz/
definition: to cause someone to experience something, usually an emotion or a pain, less strongly than before; to make less sensitive
example: Children can become desensitized to aggression if they play violent video games.
mimic /ˈmɪm.ɪk/
definition: to copy someone or someone's behavior or speech
example: He can mimic the way his father talks perfectly.
spontaneously /spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs.li/
definition: in a natural and often sudden way and without a lot of thought or planning
example: They spontaneously decided to go to the beach.
footage /ˈfʊt̬.ɪdʒ/
definition: scenes or action recorded on film or video
example: Some disturbing footage of the war was shown on the evening news.
LISTENING: Meet You on the Air Part 2
date /deɪt/
definition: an occasion when two people who have or might have a romantic relationship do an activity together
example: We went on a few dates last year.
single /ˈsɪŋ.ɡəl/
definition: an unmarried person and especially one who is young and socially active
example: Singles pay more in income tax than married people do.
chat /tʃæt/
definition: to talk to someone in a friendly informal way
example: We stopped to chat with the neighbors.
match-maker /ˈmætʃˌmeɪ.kɚ/
definition: a person who tries to bring two people together so that they will marry each other
example: I met my husband through a match-maker.
promote /prəˈmoʊt/
definition: to make people aware of something, such as a new product through advertising; to make something more popular, well-known, etc.
example: The new model cars are being heavily promoted on television.
banter /ˈbæn.tɚ/
definition: conversation that is not serious and is often playful
example: That kind of banter isn’t appropriate at work.
sizzling /ˈsɪz.əl.ɪŋ/
definition: very passionate or romantic; very hot
example: Most movies nowadays show sizzling bed scenes.
eccentric /ɪkˈsen.trɪk/, /ekˈsen.trɪk/
definition: strange or unusual
example: Eating exotic food such as snakes, cockroaches and frogs is eccentric in my part of the country.
bland /blænd/
definition: not interesting or exciting
example: We watched a bland film last night.
go-between /ˈɡoʊ.bɪˌtwiːn/
definition: someone who takes messages between people who are unable or unwilling to meet
example: I acted as a go-between for my two single friends.
passionate /ˈpæʃ.ə.nət/
definition: expressing or relating to strong romantic feelings
example: The couple shared one last passionate moment before parting.
mild /maɪld/
definition: gentle in nature or behavior; not violent, severe, or extreme
example: She has a very mild temperament.
personal ad /ˈpɜːr.sən.əl ˌæd/
definition: a short message in a special section of a newspaper, magazine, etc., that is written by someone who is interested in forming a friendly or romantic relationship with someone else
example: I saw many personal ads online.
self-centered /ˌselfˈsen.tɚd/
definition: too interested in yourself and not caring about the needs or feelings of other people
example: Angela is a good kid who is also, at times, whiny and self-centered.
dishonest /dɪˈsɑː.nɪst/
definition: saying or likely to say things that are untrue
example: He’s been dishonest with us, and I’ll never trust him again.
insecure /ˌɪn.sɪˈkjʊr/
definition: not confident about yourself or your ability to do things well; nervous and uncomfortable
example: Eleanor was shy and insecure as a child.
READING: Mind Wind Open
preoccupied /priˈɑː.kjə.paɪd/
definition: thinking or worrying about something a lot or too much
example: She has been very preoccupied recently because her mother has been very ill.
cautious /ˈkɑː.ʃəs/
definition: careful about avoiding danger or risk
example: He answered the question with a cautious reply.
dim /dɪm/
definition: to make something less strong or clear or to become less strong or clear
example: In the middle of the storm, the lights suddenly dimmed.
trigger /ˈtrɪɡ.ɚ/
definition: to cause something to start
example: I triggered the smoke alarm when I smoked inside the building.
sojourn /ˈsoʊ.dʒɝːn/
definition: a short period when a person stays in a particular place
example: My sojourn in the youth hostel was thankfully short.
induce /ɪnˈduːs/
definition: to cause to do something or to persuade someone to do something
example: They induced her to take the job by offering her a bonus.
insight /ˈɪn.saɪt/
definition: the ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way
example: Her book provides us with fresh new insights into this behavior.
amplifier /ˈæm.pləˌfaɪ.ɚ/
definition: a device that increases the strength of electric signals so that sounds played through an electronic system are louder
example: My tape recorder is compatible with your amplifier.
conspicuous /kənˈspɪk.ju.əs/
definition: attracting attention by being great or impressive
example: There were a number of conspicuous changes to the building.
fasten /ˈfæs.ən/
definition: to put something in a position or location in such a way that it will not move
example: Fasten the lock onto the door.
spark /spɑːrk/
definition: to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fight
example: This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about how to organize the school system.
veterinarian /ˌvet.ər.əˈner.i.ən/, /ˌve.t̬rəˈner.i.ən/
definition: a person who is trained to give medical care and treatment to animals; an animal doctor
example: A veterinarian is attending to the injured animal.
WRITING: Writer’s Note: Modals and Tone
modal /ˈmoʊ.dəl/
definition: verbs, such as "can", "might", and "must", that are used with another verb to express an idea
example: Modals are special verbs which behave very irregularly in English.
murder /ˈmɝː.dɚ/
definition: to kill a human being unlawfully and with premeditated malice
example: Her husband was murdered a few days ago.
retribution /ˌre.trəˈbjuː.ʃən/
definition: punishment for doing something wrong
example: The man killed his father as retribution.
ultimate /ˈʌl.tə.mət/
definition: greatest or most extreme
example: Our ultimate aim is to increase production.
capital punishment /ˈkæp.ɪ.t̬əl ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/
definition: punishment by death for a serious crime
example: Some lawyers are opposed to capital punishment.
preserve /prɪˈzɝːv/
definition: to keep something in its original state
example: The body of a man who lived 5,000 years ago was discovered perfectly preserved in ice.
degree /dɪˈɡriː/
definition: the extent, measurement, or scope of an action
example: The possible sentences for first-degree murder vary widely by country.
commit /kəˈmɪt/
definition: to do something illegal or considered wrong
example: He committed a crime in providing the information to a reporter.
severe /səˈvɪr/
definition: very bad, serious, or unpleasant
example: What is the most severe punishment parents give (to) their children?
legitimate /ləˈdʒɪt.ə.mət/
definition: allowed according to rules or laws
example: Many people hope for a legitimate tax deduction.
sentence /ˈsen.təns/
definition: the punishment given by a court of law
example: She served a three-year prison sentence.
prisoner /ˈprɪz.ən.ɚ/, /ˈprɪz.nɚ/
definition: a person who is kept in a prison
example: Two security guards were held prisoners during the robbery.
else /els/
definition: used after words beginning with any-, every-, no-, and some-, or after how, what, where, who, why, but not which, to mean "other", "another", "different", "extra"
example: If it doesn’t work, try something else.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 5 Day 17