Từ vựng ESL Level 5 Day 3

SPEAKING: Betrayed by Betty

affair /əˈfer/ 🔊
definition: a sexual relationship, especially a secret one
example: She divorced her husband after she discovered that he was having an affair.

convenient /kənˈviː.ni.ənt/ 🔊
definition: suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty
example: When is a convenient time for you to take my call?

ancient /ˈeɪn.ʃənt/ 🔊
definition: very old; having lived or existed for a very long time
example: India and China have the most ancient civilizations in the world.

resentment /rɪˈzent.mənt/ 🔊
definition: bitterness and anger that someone feels about something
example: She expressed resentment at being interviewed by a social worker.

terrific /təˈrɪf.ɪk/ 🔊
definition: used to emphasize the great amount or degree of something
example: The play had a terrific scene.

reconcile /ˈrek.ən.saɪl/ 🔊
definition: to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree and exist together
example: It's difficult to reconcile such different points of view.

reluctant /rɪˈlʌk.tənt/ 🔊
definition: not willing to do something and therefore slow to do it
example: He was very reluctant to admit his mistake.

LISTENING: If it Smells Like Fish, Forget it (Part 3)

melon /ˈmel.ən/ 🔊
definition: a large, round fruit that has a hard skin and sweet, juicy flesh
example: I put oranges, bananas, and a melon in the fruit salad.

tomato /təˈmeɪ.toʊ/ 🔊
definition: the usually red juicy fruit of a plant that is eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable
example: I picked a fresh tomato from my grandmother's garden.

grapefruit /ˈɡreɪp.fruːt/ 🔊
definition: a large yellow citrus fruit
example: I made a grapefruit juice.

coffeemaker /ˈkɑː.fiˌmeɪ.kər/ 🔊
definition: a small electrical machine that makes coffee
example: There is freshly brewed black coffee in the coffeemaker.

toaster /ˈtoʊ.stɚ/ 🔊
definition: an electrical device used for toasting bread
example: You can toast your loaf of bread in the toaster.

washer /ˈwɑː.ʃɚ/, /ˈwɔː.ʃɚ/ 🔊
definition: washing machine
example: My washer is a bit broken, that’s why it didn't clean my clothes well.

dryer /ˈdraɪ.ɚ/ 🔊
definition: a machine that is used to dry something
example: During the rainy season, a dryer will save our clothes from mold.

DVD player /ˌdiː.viːˈdiː ˈpleɪ.ɚ/
definition: a device that plays “digital versatile (video) discs”
example: I’m not interested in their sale of bargain DVDs because I don’t even have a DVD player.

stereo /ˈster.i.oʊ/ 🔊
definition: a piece of electronic equipment that plays the radio, CDs, etc., and that uses two speakers for the sound
example: Music was blaring from her car stereo.

ski /skiː/ 🔊
definition: a pair of long, narrow pieces of wood, metal, or plastic that curve upward slightly in front, are attached to shoes, and are used for gliding over snow
example: We rented skis, boots, and gears in the ski resort.

tennis racket /ˈten.ɪs ˈræk.ɪt/
definition: a racket used to play tennis
example: She wants a new set of tennis rackets for her upcoming competition.

exercise machine /ˈek.sɚ.saɪz məˈʃiːn/
definition: any machine used for physical exercise
example: He likes running on the exercise machine.

used car /juːzd kɑːr/
adjective + noun
definition: a vehicle that has previously had one or more owners; second-hand car
example: I bought a very cheap used car online.

new car /nuː kɑːr/
adjective + noun
definition: a car whose sale is not recorded or title issued
example: I want a new car for my 18th birthday.

motorcycle /ˈmoʊ.tɚˌsaɪ.kəl/ 🔊
definition: a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by a motor and that can carry one or two people
example: We rode a motorcycle down the hill and it was exciting.

designer /dɪˈzaɪ.nɚ/ 🔊
noun, adjective
definition: clothing bearing the name, signature, or identifying pattern of a specific designer
example: She loves wearing expensive designer clothes like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and Prada.

imitation /ˌɪm.ɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: clothing made to resemble another, usually superior, material
example: Imitation products are cheap but the quality is bad.

READING: Public Art Controversies

invest /ɪnˈvest/ 🔊
definition: to put money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage
example: The family invests in the latest and best technology for a more convenient life.

controversy /ˈkɑːn.trəˌvɝː.si/ 🔊
definition: strong disagreement about something among a large group of people
example: Her new movie is a subject of controversy.

institute /ˈɪn.stəˌtuːt/ 🔊
definition: to begin or create something, such as a new law, rule, or system
example: These are some of the safety guidelines we have instituted in our hotels.

guideline /ˈɡaɪd.laɪn/ 🔊
definition: a rule or instruction that shows or tells how something should be done
example: We have very strict guidelines here.

ongoing /ˈɑːnˌɡoʊ.ɪŋ/, /ˈænˌɡoʊ.ɪŋ/ 🔊
definition: continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment
example: There is an ongoing investigation into the cause of the crash.

fiberglass /ˈfaɪ.bɚˌɡlæs/ 🔊
definition: a light and strong material that is made from thin threads of glass and that is used in making various products — often used before another noun
example: The broad arches allowed fresh air, and the clear fiberglass roof let the sunshine in while keeping the rain out.

ethnic /ˈeθ.nɪk/ 🔊
definition: of or relating to races or large groups of people who have the same customs, religion, origin, etc.
example: Tribes of the same ethnic group may form a sort of federation, permanent or temporary.

auction /ˈɑːk.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most
example: His paintings were auctioned at high prices.

veto /ˈviː.toʊ/ 🔊
definition: a decision by a person in authority to not allow or approve something, such as a new law
example: The U.N. put a veto on the resolution.

durable /ˈdʊr.ə.bəl/ 🔊
definition: staying strong and in good condition over a long period of time
example: The machines have to be made of durable materials.

scrap /skræp/ 🔊
definition: a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the great part has been used
example: She made a quilt from fabric scraps.

distasteful /dɪsˈteɪst.fəl/ 🔊
definition: not pleasant or enjoyable
example: His joke about her disability was quite distasteful.

integrate /ˈɪn.təˌɡreɪt/ 🔊
definition: to make something a part of another larger thing
example: She integrated elements of jazz and rock into her music.

WRITING: Cause and Effect Essay

celebrated /ˈsel.əˌbreɪ.tɪd/ 🔊
definition: famous for some special quality or ability
example: Kelley was the most celebrated clown of his era.

puppet /ˈpʌp.ɪt/ 🔊
definition: a type of toy that looks like a person or animal and is moved by a person using strings or putting a hand inside it
example: I used to enjoy playing with puppets when I was young.

blunder /ˈblʌn.dɚ/ 🔊
definition: a big mistake, especially one resulting from a lack of care or thought
example: His failure to respond immediately to the accusations was a major political blunder.

avoid /əˈvɔɪd/ 🔊
definition: to stay away from someone or something, or prevent something from happening, or not allow yourself to do something
example: If you want to lose weight, avoid eating between meals.

unflattering /ˌʌnˈflæt.ɚ.ɪŋ/ 🔊
definition: making someone look less attractive or seem worse than usual
example: The book portrays her in a very unflattering way.

resort to /rɪˈzɔːrt tuː/ 🔊
phrasal verb
definition: to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something
example: There’s hope the countries’ conflict will not resort to war.

exemplify /ɪɡˈzem.plɪ.faɪ/ 🔊
definition: to be a very good example of something; to show something very clearly
example: Korean fashion exemplifies creativity and art.

tale /teɪl/ 🔊
definition: a story or report, especially one that is invented or difficult to believe
example: His life story makes a pretty remarkable tale.

irresponsible /ˌɪr.ɪˈspɑːn.sə.bəl/ 🔊
definition: not thinking carefully enough or not caring about what might result from actions taken
example: It would have been irresponsible to let Claire drive home when she was so tired.

courage /ˈkɝː.ɪdʒ/, /ˈkʌr.ɪdʒ/ 🔊
definition: the ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with something that is dangerous, difficult, or unpleasant
example: It took me a lot of courage to ask her out for lunch.

attend /əˈtend/ 🔊
definition: to be at an event or to go to a place
example: She attends piano classes on Tuesdays.

risk /rɪsk/ 🔊
definition: to do something or to enter a situation where there is a possibility of being hurt or of a loss or defeat
example: I was afraid to risk quitting my job before I had another one lined up.

white lie /ˌwaɪt ˈlaɪ/
definition: a lie about a small or unimportant matter that someone tells to avoid hurting another person’s feelings
example: Sometimes it’s better to tell a white lie than to tell someone a painful truth.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 5 Day 4