SPEAKING: Euthanasia
prolong /prəˈlɑːŋ/
definition: to make something last a longer time
example: Additives are used to prolong the shelf life of packaged food.
heroic /hɪˈroʊ.ɪk/
definition: very brave or great
example: Despite heroic efforts to save the business, it ultimately went bankrupt.
depleted /dɪˈpliː.tɪd/
definition: reduced
example: Measures have been taken to protect the world’s depleted elephant population.
misery /ˈmɪz.ɚ.i/
definition: extreme suffering or unhappiness
example: Words alone cannot convey the untold misery endured by people in these refugee camps.
linger /ˈlɪŋ.ɡɚ/
definition: to remain alive while becoming weaker; be slow to disappear or die
example: He was very ill, but he lingered on for several more months.
transfusion /trænsˈfjuː.ʒən/
definition: a medical treatment in which someone's blood is put into the body of another person
example: Without a transfusion her chances of survival were slim.
euthanasia /ˌjuː.θəˈneɪ.ʒə/
definition: the act of killing someone who is very ill or very old so that they do not suffer any more
example: Many countries are now legally allowing the practice of euthanasia.
nursing home /ˈnɝː.sɪŋ ˌhoʊm/
definition: a place where very old persons who are ill live and receive medical treatment and care
example: Jeff's elderly mother is in a nursing home.
(put to) sleep /(pʊt tu) sliːp/
definition: to kill an animal that is very ill or very old so that it does not suffer any more
example: We had to put my cat to sleep last week.
catheter /ˈkæθ.ə.t̬ɚ/
definition: a long, very thin tube used to take liquids out of the body
example: The doctors inserted a catheter into Nate's stomach.
arthritis /ɑːrˈθraɪ.t̬ɪs/
definition: a serious condition in which a person's joints (the places where two bones are connected) become painful, swollen, and stiff
example: My knees are suffering from arthritis.
stroke /stroʊk/
definition: a sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, sometimes causing a loss of ability to move particular parts of the body
example: My granny suffered from two strokes last year.
infection /ɪnˈfek.ʃən/
definition: a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus
example: He’s on antibiotics for an ear infection.
living will /ˈlɪv.ɪŋ wɪl/
definition: a written document in which a person says what type of medical treatment they would like if they become so ill that they are certain to die and are unable to communicate their wishes about their treatment
example: My grandfather wrote a living will before he died.
LISTENING: A Rainbow Effect (Part 2)
public space /ˈpʌb.lɪk speɪs/
definition: a social space that is generally open and accessible to people
example: Joe gave a performance at an outdoor public space.
inspiration /ˌɪn.spəˈreɪ.ʃən/
definition: someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something
example: The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration.
turn down /tɝːn daʊn/
phrasal verb
definition: to refuse to accept or agree to something, or to refuse someone’s request
example: It’s not wise of you to turn down his offer.
oppose /əˈpoʊz/
definition: to disagree with something
example: My parents are opposing my sister’s plan to marry a foreigner.
finance /fəˈnæns/
definition: to supply funds to
example: My parents finance my studies abroad.
grand /ɡrænd/
definition: attractive in style and appearance
example: The new restaurant will hold its grand opening on Saturday.
spectacular /spekˈtæk.jə.lɚ/
definition: exciting and interesting because of being large or extreme
example: The scenery is spectacular.
collapse /kəˈlæps/
definition: to break apart and fall down suddenly
example: The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow.
destruction /dɪˈstrʌk.ʃən/
definition: the act or process of destroying something
example: 30 years after the fire, he is still haunted by images of death and destruction.
contribute /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/
definition: to help by providing money or support, especially when other people or conditions are also helping
example: She began to contribute articles to newspapers and magazines.
READING: The Determinants of Mortality
persist /pɚˈsɪst/
definition: to continue to exist past the usual time, or to continue to do something in a determined way even when facing difficulties or opposition
example: You should seek medical advice if the pain persists.
intervention /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈven.ʃən/
definition: the action or process of intervening
example: The intervention by UN troops prevented war from breaking out.
straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːr.wɚd/
definition: easy to do or understand; not complicated
example: Using the computer program is fairly straightforward.
empirical /ɪmˈpɪr.ɪ.kəl/
definition: based on what is experienced or seen rather than on theory
example: We have no empirical evidence that the industry is in trouble.
hierarchy /ˈhaɪəˌrɑːr.ki/
definition: a group that controls an organization and is divided into different levels
example: He was at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy.
isolate /ˈaɪ.sə.leɪt/
definition: to put or keep someone or something in a place or situation that is separate from others
example: They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates.
outcome /ˈaʊt.kʌm/
definition: something that happens as a result of an activity or process
example: We are still awaiting the final outcome of the trial.
consequence /ˈkɑːn.sɪ.kwəns/
definition: something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions
example: The decrease in sales was a consequence of some bad publicity about the company.
solitary /ˈsɑː.lə.ter.i/
definition: without anyone or anything else; not involving or including anyone or anything else
example: He enjoys solitary walks in the wilderness.
distinct /dɪˈstɪŋkt/
definition: different in a way that you can see, hear, smell, feel, etc.; noticeably different
example: Each herb has its own distinct flavor.
extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/
definition: very serious or severe
example: They are living in extreme poverty.
public health /ˈpʌb.lɪk hɛlθ/
definition: the health of the population as a whole, especially as monitored, regulated, and promoted by the state
example: There are still diseases that pose serious threats to public health.
isolation /ˌaɪ.səˈleɪ.ʃən/
definition: the state of being in a place or situation that is separate from others; the condition of being isolated
example: After all the visitors had left, she experienced a feeling of complete isolation.
WRITING: Don’t say it twice
science-fiction /ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪk.ʃən/
definition: stories about how people and societies are affected by imaginary scientific developments in the future
example: I prefer historical movies to science-fiction movies because they are realistic.
introduce /ˌɪn.trəˈdus/
definition: to make someone known to someone else by name
example: Let me introduce myself, my name is John Smith.
futuristic /ˌfjuː.tʃəˈrɪs.tɪk/
definition: relating to or telling about events in the future
example: Her latest novel is a futuristic thriller, set in the twenty-first century.
extrasensory perception /ˌek.strəˈsen.sɚ.i pɚˈsep.ʃən/
definition: the ability to know things without using hearing, seeing, touch, taste, or smell
example: If you’ve had a dream or vision that came true later on or accused of reading someone else’s thoughts, then you probably have extrasensory perception.
innermost /ˈɪn.ɚˌmoʊst/
definition: most private and personal
example: They told her their innermost secrets.
noble /ˈnoʊ.bəl/
definition: having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.
example: It was a noble effort to achieve a peaceful settlement to the conflict.
fictitious /fɪkˈtɪʃ.əs/
definition: not true or real
example: He registered at the hotel under a fictitious name.
concept /ˈkɑːn.sept/
definition: an idea of what something is or how it works
example: He introduced the concept of selling books via the Internet.
possess /pəˈzes/
definition: to have or show a particular quality, ability, skill, etc.
example: She possesses the natural talent of knowing when to say nothing.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 5 Day 9