/əbíləti/ - n. - faculty, capacity, competence
Ex: Computers have a prodigious ability to store and process information.
/əksēsəbl/ - adj. - available, obtainable, reachable
Ex: Luckily, Tina's school was accessible by bus and subway, since she lived too far away to walk.
/ǝk5rd/ - v. - grant, give, bestow; agree, assent
Ex: The economist was accorded the highest honor in his field for this paper on choice theory.
/əpiǝr/ - v. - seem, look
Ex: Fake diamonds can appear much like real ones.
be rooted in
/-/- phr. - be based on, originate from
Ex: The invention of the electric bulb was rooted in Edison's curiosity.
/bág/ - n. - marsh, swamp, fen
Ex: The elk attracted tourists, but they also caused damage to the bogs.
/kəlæbərèit/ - v. - work together to achieve a common goal
Ex: The high school collaborated with the public library to make the fair a great success.
/krú:sabl/ - n. - container
Ex: The intense heat of the fire melted the gold in the crucible.
/kárb/ - v. - control, repress, suppress
Ex: The industrialist took measures to curb pollution generated by his factories.
/säikl/ - n. - sequence, series
Ex: The study of the human life cycle shows that its main stages are birth, puberty, reproduction, and death.
/di:m/ - v. - consider, believe, regard
Ex: Mrs. Watson bluntly told her daughter that she deemed it unwise for young ladies to be out on their own at night.
/divaut/ - adj. - pious, reverent, religious
Ex: The shrine is a proper place for a devout Buddhist to pray and meditate.
/dispárs/ - v. - spread out, scatter, disseminate, dissipate
Ex: The smell was rapidly dispersed by the strong winds.
/izkənámikəl/ - adj. - saving, thrifty, frugal
Ex: It is often necessary to adapt more economical spending habits during tough economic times.
/ˌɪndʒəˈn(y)uːəti/ - n. - creativeness, inventiveness
Ex: Thomas Edison was a man of extraordinary ingenuity.
in keeping with
/-/- phr. - in agreement with, consistent with, in conformity with
Ex: All Linda's remarks were in keeping with the seriousness of the occasion.
/dzáb/ - n. - project, assignment, task, undertaking
Ex: The committee did an excellent job with its report.
/ˈlɛθɑːrdʒɪk/ - adj. - sluggish, drowsy, listless, slow
Ex: Reptiles become lethargic when the temperature drops.
/ˈmiːgər/ - adj. - scarce, scanty, deficient
Ex: Lincoln's meager education aroused his desire to learn.
/ˈpæərədi/ - n. - lampoon, mockery, spoof, takeoff, travesty
Ex: The new theater company produced a parody of Shakespeare's Hamlet that had the audience rolling in the aisles.
/ˈrɛfjuːdʒ/ - n. - shelter, sanctuary
Ex: Sandra tried to find refuge from oppression in a foreign country.
/ˈrʊərəl/ - adj. - country, rustic, pastoral
Ex: The economic development has enormously affected life in rural communities.
/skráb/ - v. - scour, rub
Ex: The maid scrubbed the tiles of the kitchen floor.
(1) /sikjúər/ - v. - acquire, obtain, procure
Ex: The manager approved Foster's plan to secure necessary information.
(2) /sikjúər/ - adj. - safe
Ex: The invading army ensured that the oil fields were secured before moving into the capital.
/sképtisizəm/ - n. - doubt, suspicion, uncertainty
Ex: Though some expressed skepticism about the project, the chief went forward with it.
so far
/-/- phr. - until now, up to present
Ex: The large-scale application of geothermal energy has so far gone unexplored.
/spárk/ - v. - bring about, trigger, stimulate
Ex: The government council proposed tax reforms in order to spark activity in the stagnant economy.
/spēkjuléişən/ - n. - conjecture, supposition, surmise
Ex: There was much speculation in the office as to who the new employee would be.
/təréin/ - n. - land, territory, area
Ex: Under Sipiera's direction, crew members will search the terrain for meteorites.
/ˈtjʊməlt/ - n. - chaos, disturbance, turbulence
Ex: Many lost faith in the tumult of revolution and war.
/ənˈlɪmɪtɪd/ - adj. - infinite, limitless, boundless, endless
Ex: The service provider offered unlimited access to the internet.
/vəˈgeərɪəs/ - adj. - changeable, whimsical, capricious, arbitrary
Ex: Vagarious weather conditions in Bangladesh worsen during the monsoon season.
/ˈvɒljuːm/ - n. - book, tome
Ex: Professor Martin's history of trade and industry took up three volumes.
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