/ˈædvent/ - n. - arrival, appearance
Ex: The advent of the computer has revolutionized modern people's lives dramatically.
/ˈɑːrtɪkl/ - n. - item, object, thing
Ex: The article of clothing was manufactured in China.
/əˈsembli/ - n. - congress, legislature, parliament
Ex: All the citizens were hoping that the mayor would run for election to the National Assembly.
/əˈsoʊʃieɪtɪd/ - adj. - connected, correlated, linked
Ex: Changes in the upper ocean temperature are associated with global warming.
/əˈwɛər/ - adj. - conscious, informed, knowledgeable
Ex: The government made people aware of the results of population explosion.
/bæŋk/ - n. - edge, brink, margin, shore
Ex: Since they weren't very good at canoeing, Tracy and Bill rowed along the bank of the river just to be safe.
by and large
/baɪ ænd lɑːdʒ/ - phr. - on the whole, in general, mostly
Ex: By and large, the members of Jinny's team agreed on the terms of the contract.
(1) /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ - n. - difficulty, problem
Ex: The main challenge that early gold miners faced in Alaska was the constantly freezing weather.
(2) /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ - v. - defy
Ex: Galileo challenged the widely-held belief that the world was flat.
/kəmˈprɛs/ - v. - compact, condense, contract, squeeze
Ex: The machine compresses old cars into blocks of scrap metal.
/ˈkənˌsɔːrt/ - v. - associate, fraternize
Ex: To succeed in business one needs to consort with financial experts.
/kənˈstruː/ - v. - interpret
Ex: Newspaper reporters wrongly construed the writer's comments about her forthcoming book.
/kəˈrekt/ - v. - remedy, amend, rectify
Ex: Only Theo's new plan can correct the problem without serious side effects.
/ˈkjʊəriəs/ - adj. - inquisitive, nosy, inquiring
Ex: Bert was curious as to why his business partner was taking so many days off and rarely coming into the office.
/ˈdedli/ - adj. - causing or capable of causing death
Ex: It is possible for mosquitoes to carry a deadly virus.
/diffi:tid/ - adj. - conquered
Ex: There were defeated soldiers in the area of the north mountains.
/dipli:t/ - v. - exhaust, empty, use up
Ex: The family depleted their savings to renovate the house.
/eds/ - n. - periphery, border, margin, boundary, rim
Ex: People are moving to the edges of cities and suburban areas.
/ilóxl/ - v. - evade, dodge, avoid
Ex: The prey managed to elude the hunter by hiding in the thick bush.
/endáu/ - v. - dower, endue
Ex: From his first public performance, critics realized that the young pianist was endowed with an incredible gift.
/iksi:digli/ - adv. - extremely, excessively, surpassingly
Ex: It was obvious from the woman's diamond necklace and fancy car that she was exceedingly rich.
/fárritsin/ - adj. - broad, extensive, widespread
Ex: Arab leaders unanimously agreed on a far-reaching Saudi proposal for peace with Israel.
/flástər/ - v. - confuse, addle, befuddle
Ex: Bob became flustered during the job interview by the difficult questions.
/gés/ - v. - conjecture, suppose, fancy
Ex: A good chess player can guess what kind of move his opponent will make next.
/importans/ - n. - significance, consequence, moment
Ex: Wilson agrees with the importance of high-level Israeli support.
/intərfiǝr/ - v. - disrupt, intervene, intrude, meddle
Ex: Sally didn't mean to interfere with the game as she walked through the field.
/ˈɜːrk səm/ - adj. - tedious, boring
Ex: Many students find homework irksome and generally a waste of time.
(1) /læst/ - adj. - final, ultimate, conclusive
Ex: The last survivor of the Titanic died in her home.
(2) /læst/ - v. - continue, persist
Ex: The stormy weather lasted for ten days.
/ˈmænɪdʒ/ - v. - control, conduct, direct, administer
Ex: The producer manages all programs that have an entertainment focus.
/ˈmæstəri/ - n. - expertise
Ex: Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman and orator who is remembered for his mastery of Latin prose.
/məˈnápəˌlaız/ - v. - dominate, occupy
Ex: John D. Rockefeller once monopolized the oil industry in the U.S.
/ˌoʊvərˈkʌm/ - v. - defeat, conquer
Ex: Invaders from northern and central Europe overcame the Roman Empire.
/ˈrætıfaɪ/ - v. - endorse, confirm, sanction
Ex: The peace treaty was ratified by Congress.
/ˈrepliˌkə/ - n. - copy, duplicate, reproduction
Ex: A replica of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa was stolen from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
(1) /ʃɪft/ - v. - move, transfer; switch, change
Ex: The chief executive decided to shift production to another area.
(2) /ʃɪft/ - n. - change, alteration
Ex: The workers had to adjust to the shift in their work schedule.
/straɪd/ - n. - progress
Ex: Doctors have made many great strides forward in medical technology during the past century.
subject to
/-/- phr. - susceptible to
Ex: The latest skiing conditions are subject to change due to weather, skier traffic, and other factors.
/səkˈsɛsɪv/ - adj. - consecutive, sequential, serial
Ex: The Labor Party suffered its third successive election defeat.
/trænzˈɪʃən/ - n. - change, alteration, shift
Ex: The biologist studied the caterpillar's metamorphosis, or physical transition into a butterfly.
/ˌʌndərˈteɪkɪŋ/ - n. - enterprise, project, task
Ex: Starting a new business can be a risky undertaking.
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