/ækjurit/ - adj. - precise, true, exact, correct
Ex: The movie was praised for giving an accurate depiction of what happens in a war.
/ædváizər/ - n. - consultant
Ex: Katie McGinty was a senior environmental advisor to President Clinton.
/æntégonaiz/ - v. - counteract
Ex: The author antagonized her critics with a lengthy and detailed rebuttal.
/árkitektşər/ - n. - structure, framework
Ex: The building's architecture was unique in that it used a combination of styles.
/əˈʃʊər/ - v. - convince, persuade, satisfy
Ex: Jefferson Davis assured the South that he would protect slavery.
/bánd/ - n. - tie, connection, link
Ex: The couple's 50th wedding anniversary signified the strong bond they had.
/bréiv/ - adj. - courageous, gallant, dauntless
Ex: Being brave doesn't mean looking for trouble.
/ˈkάmpləmənt/ - n. - supplement, addition
Ex: A fine white wine is a perfect complement to any salmon dinner.
/kəmpraiz/ - v. - consist of, be made up of
Ex: The Dow Jones Industrial Average comprises thirty of the largest companies in the U.S.
counter to
/-/- phr. - in opposition to
Ex: The chief's decision to publicize the misogynist film runs counter to the standards of the newspaper.
/krú:l/ - adj. - essential, important, acute, deciding, vital
Ex: Public opinion was the crucial factor in entering the war.
/ˈdeərɪŋ/ - adj. - bold, courageous, brave
Ex: As a result of his daring confrontations, Kennedy had to face numerous threats.
/divāiz/ - v. - create, design, contrive, invent
Ex: The government is carefully devising new trade rules.
/djúpləkèit/ - v. - copy, imitate, reproduce
Ex: It is considered stealing to illegally duplicate a copyrighted work without permission.
/dwindl/ - v. - decrease, diminish
Ex: The crowd of Koreans celebrating their World Cup victory didn't start to dwindle until the early hours of the morning.
(1) /imbódi/ - v. - incarnate, exemplify, represent
Ex: Literature often embodies the social ideals of either the author or the author's culture.
(2) /imbódi/ - v. - contain
Ex: The composition embodied several musical styles, including jazz, funk, and reggae.
/etʃ/ - v. - cut, carve, engrave
Ex: The Holocaust was a terrible event that will be forever etched in Jewish history.
/flæʃ/ - v. - flame, flare, glare
Ex: The fireworks flashed so brightly that they hurt the eyes of some onlookers.
/imædzənəbl/ - adj. - conceivable, thinkable, supposable
Ex: Exploring outer space was not an imaginable idea in the late 19th century.
/infékʃəs/ - adj. - contagious, communicable
Ex: Vaccines have accomplished near miracles in the fight against infectious disease.
/injü:mərəbl/ - adj. - countless, numberless, numerous
Ex: Jim Henson produced innumerable films and TV shows.
/inˈvɛəriəbl/ - adj. - constant, consistent, unchanging
Ex: There has been an invariable struggle for justice in Cuba since the 1950s.
/ˈmɛdətèit/ - v. - think deeply, ponder, contemplate, reflect
Ex: Plato meditated about the question for some time before answering.
(1) /ˈápəzit/ - adj. - counter, contrasting
Ex: Cars in England drive on the opposite side of the road than the ones in the U.S.
(2) /ˈápəzit/ - n. - contrast
Ex: Joe and his brother were very much opposites, one outgoing and the other introverted.
/autˈdú:/ - v. - surpass, excel, exceed, outmatch
Ex: Thomas outdid the rest of his classmates on the test.
/ˈaʊtlaɪn/ - n. - summary; contour, silhouette
Ex: Since the report was 700 pages long, most committee members just read the outline.
(1) /ˈpærəlel/ - adj. - corresponding, comparable, analogous
Ex: Rosa's addiction to overeating is almost parallel to her father's addiction to alcohol.
(2) /ˈpærəlel/ - v. - match, compare, equate
Ex: The high jumper paralleled the world record, but he could not break it.
/priːˈɛmənənt/ - adj. - outstanding, foremost, distinguished
Ex: Some preeminent women became teachers and poets in the town.
/riːəˈsʊərɪŋ/ - adj. - encouraging, refreshing, revitalizing
Ex: The teacher's reassuring comments made Jeff feel much better prior to taking his final exam.
/ˈregjuleit/ - v. - control, adjust
Ex: Mammals differ from other animals in the way they regulate body temperature.
/risˈpektfəl/ - adj. - courteous, polite, well-mannered
Ex: The younger generation has to be respectful of the elderly.
/ʃrɪŋk/ - v. - shrivel, decrease, diminish
Ex: Italy's population is expected to shrink from 57 million today to 41 million by 2050.
/swel/ - v. - bulge, expand, increase
Ex: The number of tourists visiting Thailand has swelled in recent years.
/skil/ - n. - expertise, know-how, craft, technique
Ex: The Airline Recareerment Project provides skill training and job placement assistance.
/ˈstɛdɪli/ - adv. - constantly, continuously
Ex: Lawn and garden chemical usage has been dropping steadily for the last two decades.
/ˈstrʌgəl/ - v. - contend, fight, battle
Ex: The abolitionist struggled for women's suffrage.
/səbˈsɪkwəns/ - n. - next in a series, succession, sequel
Ex: Brandy had the misfortune of performing in subsequence to an unusually gifted singer.
/ˈwɒrənt/ - v. - justify, deserve, merit
Ex: Although organic produce is supposedly healthier, it still doesn't warrant such high prices.
/weər/ - n. - product
Ex: It was common in medieval times for craftsmen to go about the towns and villages selling their wares.
/jɛt/ - adv. - nevertheless, however
Ex: Harrison was very pressed for time, and yet he was not late for class.
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