Hacker Voca Day 21

Day 21 Vocabulary

/əˈbındəns/ - n. - large number, profusion, plenty, bounty
Ex: There was an abundance of wild animals in the dense forests.

/əˌdæptəˈbɪləti/ - n. - ability to change, changeability, flexibility
Ex: It was James' adaptability that allowed him to constantly travel and move to new countries.

/əˈrest/ - v. - seize, apprehend, capture
Ex: Demonstrators at the protest were arrested for disorderly conduct.

/əˈsaɪn/ - adj. - specified, designated, appointed
Ex: In June of 1942, J. Robert Oppenheimer was given the assigned task of designing the atomic bomb.

be at odds with
- phr. - disagree with
Ex: Alice is at odds with her teacher over her grade on the paper.

/ˈkjʊəriəsli/ - adv. - surprisingly
Ex: Curiously, the dictator denounced human rights violations in a developing nation.

/déns/ - adj. - thick, heavy
Ex: The solitary lighthouse shone its beacon through the dense fog as ships passed slowly in the gathering night.

/diplɔɪ/ - v. - set up, distribute, position, arrange
Ex: Military forces are currently deployed on the India-Pakistan border.

/diskri:t/ - adj. - judicious, prudent, sensible, regardful
Ex: After Hal and Tom exchanged greetings, Hal made a discreet inquiry about Tom's journey.

/intaiǝr/ - adj. - whole, complete, total
Ex: Fire destroyed the entire factory, but the owner vowed to rebuild.

/évidant/ - adj. - obvious, apparent, manifest, plain, clear
Ex: The presence of cycles in history is evident when studying later Mesopotamia.

/iksténsiv/ - adj. - wide, far-reaching, broad, commodious
Ex: The new park covers an extensive area.

(1) /ikstingwiʃ/ - v. - put out, quench
Ex: Special chemicals have been designed to extinguish forest fires.
(2) /ikstingwiʃ/ - v. - abolish, destroy
Ex: Scientists believe that a giant meteor once extinguished almost all life on Earth.

/fi:bl/ - adj. - weak, delicate, fragile
Ex: Wanda was in feeble health and totally unfit for active service.

(1) /fléivər/ - n. - nature, character
Ex: Settled by immigrant groups, the neighborhood had an ethnic flavor.
(2) /fléivər/ - n. - savor, taste, relish
Ex: A dash of soy sauce will add flavor to the dish.

/frægməntèri/ - adj. - incomplete, partial, fractional
Ex: The trauma victim had only fragmentary memories of the accident.

in charge of
- phr. - responsible for
Ex: Allison was left in charge of her younger siblings whenever her mother and father went out to dinner alone.

/mainər/ - adj. - less important, secondary, subordinate
Ex: The photographer made some minor adjustments in the settings of his camera before taking the picture.

parcel out
- phr. - administer, deal out, distribute, divide
Ex: It is always Terri's father's job to parcel out the gifts to her family on Christmas morning.

/pərsi:v/ - v. - see, discern, notice
Ex: Despite the heavy fog, Max could perceive the outline of the building in front of him.

(1) /pis/ - n. - fragment, shard, segment, shred, scrap
Ex: Sherie picked up the pieces of broken glass.
(2) /pis/ - v. - join, combine, unite
Ex: Alex slowly pieced the broken vase back together.

/pléds/ - n. - promise, oath, vow, swear
Ex: Before the start of the school day, children all across America make a pledge of allegiance to the flag.

/portréi/ - v. - depict, picture, describe, represent
Ex: Early American writers often portrayed Indians as brutal savages.

(1) /prádzekt/ - n. - plan, scheme
Ex: The new housing project failed to get federal funding.
(2) /prǝdzēkt/ - v. - protrude, extend, jut
Ex: The sailors found something strange projecting from the surface of Lake Michigan.

/ri:dzən/ - n. - area, domain, tract, expanse
Ex: The central region of the country is notorious for its strong winds.

/séif/ - adj. - secure, protected
Ex: The government should provide us the right to live in a safe environment.

/sártʃ/ - v. - comb, scour, seek, explore
Ex: Scientists are constantly searching for new sources of power.

/siːð/ - v. - boil, fume, rage
Ex: The Israeli government is seething with anger towards Palestine due to recent events.

/ˈʃɔːrtˈkʌmɪŋ/ - n. - disadvantage, defect, failing
Ex: The inspection revealed some serious shortcomings in our safety procedures.

/ˈspɛʃəl/ - adj. - particular, unusual, exceptional
Ex: Because of the special occasion of Halloween, John's parents allowed him to stay up past midnight.

/sərˈveɪ/ - v. - examine, inspect, scrutinize
Ex: The Sumerians developed mathematics and surveying techniques.

/ˈtɛmpərəmənt/ - n. - disposition, temper, nature
Ex: Football players often have excitable temperaments.

/tuːl/ - n. - implement, instrument, utensil
Ex: Standardized testing is a widely used tool for measuring educational achievement.

/ˌʌnɪnˈɪʃiˌeɪtɪd/ - adj. - inexperienced, unfamiliar
Ex: To the uninitiated spectator, rugby can look just like a lot of overweight men wrestling in the mud.

/vænis/ - v. - disappear, fade
Ex: Like a ghost, the magician vanished into thin air.

/vail/ - adj. - wicked, evil
Ex: Claude Frollo is a man of vile character.

/wærldli/ - adj. - mundane, earthly, secular
Ex: The composition portrays the harmony of worldly beauty and religious spirit.

/rék/ - v. - destroy, devastate, ruin
Ex: The ship was almost wrecked by the heavy storm.

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