Hacker Voca Day 40

(1) /ˈædətɪv/ - n. - a substance added in small amounts to another
Ex: Additives in food are used to improve nutrient value and enhance flavor.
(2) /ˈædətɪv/ - adj. - cumulative
Ex: Making sculpture is an additive process as it includes modeling, adding, and combining materials.

/ˌæntiˈsɛptɪk/ - adj. - clean; free from germs
Ex: Surgical instruments must be absolutely antiseptic to reduce the risk of infection.

/əˈsɛmbl/ - v. - gather, bring together, collect
Ex: The family was assembled in the big white dining-room.

/ˌeɪsɪˈmɛtrɪk/ - adj. - lacking symmetry
Ex: While shopping, Sarah saw an exquisite gilded asymmetric mirror she wanted for her bedroom.

/əˈtaɪər/ - n. - clothes
Ex: Jeans are not appropriate attire for weddings.

(1) /ˈævɪd/ - adj. - eager, enthusiastic
Ex: The CEO of the company is an avid golfer and spends much of his free time on the links.
(2) /ˈævɪd/ - adj. - greedy, avaricious, covetous
Ex: Brian had an avid ambition to succeed.

/ˈbeɪsɪk/ - n. - essential
Ex: Those texts examine various weather phenomena, including the basics of winds, thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

/baʊnd/ - n. - limit, precinct, boundary, border
Ex: The company's proposal exceeds the bounds of reason.

/ˈklʌstər/ - v. - group, gather, assemble
Ex: The autograph seekers clustered around the celebrity.

(1) /ˈkɑːmplɛks/ - n. - group of buildings
Ex: A new shopping complex is being built in town.
(2) /ˈkɑːmplɛks/ - adj. - elaborate, involved, complicated
Ex: Biologists seek to understand how complex species evolved from simpler ones.

/ˈkɑːntrɛri/ - adj. - opposite, disagreeing
Ex: Contrary to popular belief, cavities are not caused by eating too many sweets.

/ˈkʌstəmɛri/ - adj. - typical, habitual, traditional, accustomed
Ex: It is customary to burn a flag when it becomes torn.

/ˈdæŋɡl/ - v. - hang
Ex: John sat on the desk with his legs dangling over the edge.

/dɪˈvaʊər/ - v. - eat, gulp, guzzle
Ex: The men were so hungry after work that they devoured three heaping platefuls of food.

/ɪnˈkæpsjəˌleɪt/ - v. - state briefly, condense, summarize
Ex: The movie producer found it hard to encapsulate the life of the famous poet in a two-hour movie.

/ˈfækʃən/ - n. - side, coalition, group
Ex: The party is in danger of breaking into two or more factions.

/ˈfræɡmənt/ - n. - piece, particle, part, portion
Ex: Detectives found a fragment of glass that would later help them solve the crime.

/ɪɡˈnaɪt/ - v. - set on fire, kindle, inflame
Ex: Lightning strikes ignited the dry grasslands and caused a fire.

/ɪmˈpaʊnd/ - v. - contain, confine, hold
Ex: The car was impounded for being illegally parked.

/ɪˈnɒkjuəs/ - adj. - harmless
Ex: The test proved the food additive to be innocuous.

(1) /lɪŋk/ - n. - bond, connection, tie
Ex: The politician severed all links with his party.
(2) /lɪŋk/ - v. - connect, relate, associate
Ex: Investigators had nothing to link the suspect to the crime.

/ˈmɜːrmər/ - v. - grumble, mumble, mutter
Ex: Kevin murmured a few words of discontent as his mother scolded him.

/pərˈsɪstənt/ - adj. - continuous, constant, incessant, perpetual
Ex: The persistent sound of crickets chirping kept Steve from getting a good night's sleep.

/ˈprɒspɛkt/ - n. - possibility, chance, outlook
Ex: There are good prospects for growth in the retail sector.

/ˈrændəm/ - adj. - without planning, unpredictable, unsystematic
Ex: The choice of poems included in the collection seems somewhat random.

/ˈriːəlaɪz/ - v. - be aware of, conceive, understand, grasp
Ex: Whitney soon realized that the South would not readily accept change.

reside in
/rɪˈzaɪd ɪn/ - phr. - live in, dwell
Ex: Mary still lives in the house that she resided in as a child.

/roʊˈbʌst/ - adj. - strong, vigorous, stalwart, sturdy
Ex: Women generally prefer sweet, delicate wines, while men like robust, full-bodied wines.

/ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ - v. - please, meet, gratify, satiate, suffice
Ex: Sam tried to satisfy his master by doing all that he had been ordered to do.

/ˈsɪmpl/ - adj. - unsophisticated, naive, unaffected, artless
Ex: Kate was a simple country girl who had never been to a big city before.

/ˈstæmɪnə/ - n. - endurance, perseverance, vitality
Ex: Long-distance runners must be endowed with tremendous stamina.

(1) /ˈsteɪpl/ - n. - basic item, necessary commodity
Ex: The website has the best shopping information based on price comparison for staples.
(2) /ˈsteɪpl/ - adj. - basic, principal
Ex: Rice is the staple food of most Asian countries.

/ˈtɜːrmɪneɪt/ - v. - stop, finish, end, conclude
Ex: It was an unfortunate marriage, which terminated in divorce.

/ˈtrɛʒər/ - v. - value, prize, cherish
Ex: Richard treasured the time he spent with his grandfather.

/ʌnˈiːkwəl/ - adj. - unfair, asymmetric, uneven, unbalanced
Ex: Class inequality was based on unequal access to material rewards and different life opportunities.

/ˈvɛntʃər/ - v. - dare, chance, risk
Ex: Lewis and Clark were the first team that ventured to explore the western frontier of North America.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Hacker Voca Day 41