Hacker Voca Day 5

/ˈeɪmləsli/ - adv. - without purpose, purposelessly
Ex: The patient was found wandering aimlessly around the hospital.

/əˈlaɪ/ - v. - confederate, affiliate, associate
Ex: Johnson allied with hundreds of political organizations to form the new democratic party.

/əˈnɒnɪməs/ - adj. - unnamed, unknown, innominate
Ex: Nancy was grateful to an anonymous reader for some helpful comments.

/ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ - v. - foresee, predict, expect, forecast
Ex: Michelle had probably not anticipated such results.

/ɑːrˈkeɪɪk/ - adj. - primitive, ancient; antiquated, antique
Ex: The tumulus yielded various archaic sculptures and porcelain.

/ˈæsɛt/ - n. - advantage, resource, benefit
Ex: A highly skilled workforce is an asset to a country's economy.

/bɪˈheɪvjər/ - n. - conduct
Ex: Allen's behavior today seems a little bit strange.

/ˈsiːsləs/ - adj. - constant, uninterrupted, eternal
Ex: Buddhists see the attainment of perfection as a struggle requiring ceaseless effort.

/tʃeɪndʒ/ - v. - alter, vary, turn, convert, metamorphose
Ex: America was changed by the diversity of those who settled in the country.

/kənˈfɛdərəsi/ - n. - ally, alliance, confederation
Ex: The president has a typical opinion of what the confederacy of neutral nations should do.

/kʌt/ - v. - sever, chop
Ex: When heated to a very high temperature, hydrogen can be used to cut steel.

/dɪˈstɜːrbəns/ - n. - agitation, disorder, confusion
Ex: If people suffer from a mental disturbance, they can become unstable.

/ɪˈluːsɪdeɪt/ - v. - clarify, clear up, enlighten, shed light on
Ex: Dr. Magness further elucidated the topic of his lecture on mink farming through a series of examples.

/ɪnˈkroʊtʃmənt/ - n. - invasion, intrusion
Ex: The encroachment of genetically modified organisms into the food supply has many American citizens extremely worried.

/ɪnˈtaɪs/ - v. - allure, tempt, seduce
Ex: Rene Callie was a 27-year-old man who was enticed by the mysterious legend.

/ɪˈkwɪvəkli/ - adv. - ambiguously
Ex: Larry mentioned it so equivocally that I couldn't understand the exact meaning.

/ɪkˈstɜːrmɪneɪt/ - v. - extirpate, annihilate, eradicate
Ex: The Europeans proceeded to buy out, exterminate, or push out the Indians.

/ˈfɔːrtɪfaɪ/ - v. - strengthen, reinforce
Ex: To prepare for war, the general had his men fortify the walls of the fort.

/ˈfɔːrmərli/ - adv. - previously, before, earlier, once
Ex: Istanbul was formerly known as Constantinople.

/ɪˈmjuːnəti/ - n. - exemption, impunity
Ex: While receiving immunity from some laws, diplomats are subject to prosecution if they commit a criminal offense.

/ɪmˈpruːv/ - v. - enhance, refine, enrich, better, ameliorate
Ex: New York State has taken measures to improve its education system.

in retrospect
/ɪn ˈrɛtrəsˌpɛkt/ - phr. - looking back
Ex: In retrospect, the decision was considered a mistake.

lose sight of
/luːz saɪt əv/ - phr. - forget
Ex: Peter lost sight of the fact that he borrowed $1,000 from Jane.

nuts and bolts
/nʌts ənd boʊlts/ - phr. - basics, practical details
Ex: Learning the everyday nuts and bolts of life in a new culture is part of what newcomers to America face.

/pərˈmɪt/ - v. - allow, let
Ex: The captain and his men were permitted to return to the Virginia settlements.

(1) /ˈrædɪkəl/ - adj. - fundamental, basic
Ex: The achievement of radical equality is unreal.
(2) /ˈrædɪkəl/ - adj. - extreme, drastic, revolutionary
Ex: Radical social change came about when a revolutionary consciousness was developed.

/ˈrɛrli/ - adv. - extremely seldom, infrequently
Ex: Although good friends in high school, James and Mike rarely see each other these days.

/spɑːrs/ - adj. - scanty, meager, scarce, limited
Ex: The vegetation is sparse near the summit.

/stɪŋ/ - v. - smart, hurt
Ex: Sonya hates chopping onions because they make her eyes sting.

(1) /səˈpɔːrt/ - v. - assist, back, advocate
Ex: The government spent more money on public works to support the economic recovery.
(2) /səˈpɔːrt/ - v. - maintain, sustain, provide for, take care of
Ex: Frank supported himself in college by working as a bartender.

/ˈtændʒəbəl/ - adj. - material, concrete, real, substantial
Ex: The ongoing restructuring programs must soon produce tangible results.

/ˈtɒləˌreɪt/ - v. - endure, stand, bear
Ex: Hoover had tolerated a great many hardships in his life.

/treɪn/ - v. - aim, head
Ex: The firemen trained their hoses at the burning building.

/ˌʌnæmˈbɪɡjuəs/ - adj. - clear, distinct, definite
Ex: Kate praised his unambiguous attitude.

(1) /ˈvɜːrtʃuəli/ - adv. - in effect, practically
Ex: In traditional communities, fashion is virtually unknown.
(2) /ˈvɜːrtʃuəli/ - adv. - nearly, almost
Ex: The oldest firestone, virtually 10,000 years old, comes from Belgium.

/ˈweəri/ - adj. - distrustful, cautious, heedful, alert
Ex: Taiwan's government was wary of becoming economically dependent on a political rival.

/wɛlθ/ - n. - affluence, abundance, profusion
Ex: Adam's latest book contained a wealth of information on constitutional theory.

/ˈwɪɡəl/ - v. - move up and down, move from side to side, wriggle
Ex: To prevent frostbite, those exposed to extreme cold are advised to wiggle their fingers and toes to increase blood circulation.

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