Hacker Voca Day 6

/ædzəl/ - adj. - quick, nimble, light
Ex: Brown bears are, for such huge beasts, amazingly agile.

(1) /æmpl/ - adj. - sizable, large, spacious, vast, capacious
Ex: With three bedrooms and two bathrooms, the apartment provided ample space for Soren and his sister.
(2) /æmpl/ - adj. - plentiful, abundant
Ex: Richard stocks his refrigerator with an ample supply of food and beverages for unexpected guests.

/á:rbətrèrǝli/ - adv. - randomly
Ex: The committee modified the rule arbitrarily.

/ǝtest/ - v. - confirm, support, prove
Ex: John was hired because his past work attested his skill.

break with
- phr. - separate from, discontinue an association
Ex: Mary and Alice are going to break with the old accounting firm.

/braitnis/ - n. - radiance
Ex: The crystal glass shone with brightness.

(1) /kándʒər/ - v. - recall
Ex: The log cabin conjures up images of the rugged pioneer days.
(2) /kándʒər/ - v. - implore, supplicate
Ex: Matthew conjured Sarah to care for his little daughter when he is away.

/kəntráiv/ - v. - invent, concoct, improvise
Ex: Unable to contrive an excuse, Sarah did not respond.

(1) /kürəspândəns/ - n. - agreement, conformity, harmony
Ex: All Mike can do is to show the correspondence of his words and actions.
(2) /kürəspândəns/ - n. - communication, exchange of letters
Ex: CNN reported the results of the correspondence between Bush and Blair in an official statement.

/djúərəbl/ - adj. - lasting, enduring, constant
Ex: Eisenhower could not convert personal loyalty into durable support for his party.

/dwőrf/ - n. - pygmy
Ex: Johnny's role in the play is one of Snow White's seven dwarfs.

/ɪnigˈmætɪk/ - adj. - puzzling, mysterious, cryptic, perplexing
Ex: The artist's enigmatic behavior made it difficult to understand his work.

/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/ - adj. - died out, vanished, defunct
Ex: Dinosaurs are an extinct group of reptiles.

/ˈfæbrɪkeɪt/ - v. - make, build, construct, concoct
Ex: The Republicans fabricated stories to depict Buchanan as a traitor.

/fleɪk/ - n. - fragment, bit, chip
Ex: As flakes of paint were falling from the ceiling, we decided to repaint the room.

/hɑːm/ - n. - damage, mischief, detriment
Ex: Noise pollution causes a lot of physical and psychological harm.

/ˈɪnəsənt/ - adj. - sinless, blameless, guiltless
Ex: The army killed thousands of innocent civilians.

in the course of
- phr. - during
Ex: Jane met her boyfriend Tom in the course of one of her swimming lessons.

in vain
/ɪn veɪn/ - phr. - unsuccessfully
Ex: The effort to impeach the president was made in vain.

/ˌɪnkənˈsɪkwɛnʃəl/ - adj. - unimportant, insignificant, petty, trifling
Ex: The assembly's decisions were largely inconsequential because the president held most of the power.

/liːv/ - v. - depart
Ex: James Joyce decided to leave Dublin in pursuit of his art.

/ˈlaɪkən/ - v. - compare, equate, match, parallel
Ex: When Jeremiah sits deep in contemplation, it is easy to liken his pose to that of Rodin's sculpture "The Thinker."

/ˈlɪtərəli/ - adv. - really, actually
Ex: The slave was literally unable to speak a word for himself.

/ˈmɒdərət/ - adj. - gentle, temperate, reasonable, mild
Ex: The union's moderate demands allowed for a quick resolution with the company.

/prəˈlɒŋ/ - v. - extend, lengthen, protract
Ex: Nixon was convinced that the antiwar movement prolonged the war.

/ˈpjʊərəfaɪ/ - v. - clear, cleanse, purge
Ex: Calgon Carbon Corp. is a maker of air and water purifying materials.

/ˈriːznəbəl/ - adj. - rational, logical, sensible
Ex: It seems reasonable to be tough on habitual criminals.

/riˈfaind/ - adj. - purified, clarified, distilled
Ex: Any grain that's not refined or polished has health benefits.

/ritˈeɪn/ - v. - keep, maintain, preserve
Ex: Americans must retain a copy of their tax forms from the previous three years.

/skerz/ - adj. - rare, sparse; scant, deficient
Ex: Argyrodite is a relatively scarce mineral that is found only in Germany and adjoining countries.

/skoup/ - n. - extent, range
Ex: The professor explained to the class that certain subject matter was outside the scope of the course.

/ˈʃæbi/ - adj. - ragged, beggarly, poor
Ex: Henry used to wear the shabby old hat when he worked in the corn field.

/ˈʃɔːrtˈlɪvd/ - adj. - lasting for only a short period
Ex: The rock star's popularity was short-lived.

/səˈlɪdəfaɪ/ - v. - unify, consolidate
Ex: One wonders when the two Koreas will finally sign a treaty to solidify their alliance.

(1) /səbˈstænʃəl/ - adj. - strong, sturdy, solid
Ex: The Chickasaw Indians lived in substantial wooden houses.
(2) /ɪnˈsɪgnɪfɪkənt/ - adj. - significant, noticeable, considerable
Ex: A substantial number of adults become single parents as a result of divorce.

/ˈveɪkənt/ - adj. - empty, void, unoccupied
Ex: The hotel rooms are vacant during the winter months because the cold weather deters tourism.

/ˈwɪzənd/ - adj. - shriveled, withered, shrunken
Ex: The once great chief is now a wizened old man.

/zoʊn/ - n. - area, region
Ex: The city is divided into different zones for residential and commercial purposes.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Hacker Voca Day 7