/əˈbʌndənt/ - adj. - plentiful, ample, bountiful
Ex: Plants are extremely abundant on the east coast of North America.
/əˈkjuːt/ - adj. - keen, sharp, poignant, penetrating
Ex: Richard made acute observations regarding the book.
/əˈkjuːt/ - adj. - severe, critical, dire
Ex: The EPA has documented many cases of acute injury and death from fires.
/ədˈmɪt/ - v. - let in, accept, receive
Ex: The annual ball at the Beverly Hills Country Club only admits Hollywood's biggest stars.
/əˌfɪliˈeɪʃən/ - n. - association, relationship, connection, alliance
Ex: The Democratic and Republican parties refuse to build any kind of affiliation because of fundamental differences.
/əˈreɪndʒmənt/ - n. - configuration, structure
Ex: The random arrangement of crystals in snowflakes makes each one unique.
/əˈsɔːlt/ - v. - attack, aggress, assail
Ex: Lee was arrested for allegedly assaulting Anderson at their Malibu home in 1998.
/ˈbaɪəs/ - n. - prejudice
Ex: The senator's words betray a deeply conservative political bias.
/ˈsɪvl/ - adj. - polite, courteous, civilized
Ex: The CEOs of the competing companies found it difficult to be civil to each other even in public.
/ˌkoʊəˈles/ - v. - combine, unite, amalgamate, fuse, merge
Ex: The former enemies coalesced in the face of a greater threat.
/koʊt/ - v. - cover, apply, smear, spread
Ex: The baker coated his cake with a layer of sugary icing.
/kənˈdʒiːniəl/ - adj. - favorable, pleasant, affable, agreeable, friendly
Ex: The host kept a congenial attitude in spite of tensions.
/kənˈtæməneɪt/ - v. - pollute, stain, corrupt
Ex: The river was rapidly contaminated with toxic wastes.
/kɔːrs/ - n. - progression, process
Ex: The course of human history has shown that civilizations rise and fall.
/dɪˈbeɪtəbəl/ - adj. - questionable, arguable, disputable
Ex: A rapid recovery in the first or second quarter is still debatable.
/dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/ - v. - calculate, figure
Ex: The income earned by a student's mother and father is used to determine how much financial aid each university will offer.
/dɪˈtɜːrmɪn/ - v. - decide, resolve, settle, judge
Ex: The playoff series between the teams will determine the league champion.
/dɪˈvɔɪd/ - adj. - free from, empty, destitute
Ex: The sequel appears to be devoid of the wit and humor that characterized the first movie.
/dəˈmestɪk/ - adj. - home, family, household
Ex: If both the husband and wife work, they should share the domestic chores.
/ˈdɒməˌneɪtɪd/ - adj. - governed, controlled, directed
Ex: The leadership of North Korea is dominated by the autocratic rule of Kim Jong-il.
/ˈeksərsaɪz/ - v. - practice, use
Ex: Students must exercise care in citing sources in all their written assignments.
/ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ - v. - display, set forth, show, present, demonstrate
Ex: The dancer exhibited grace and dignity despite the difficult situation.
/ɪkˈstoʊl/ - v. - applaud, laud, exalt, commend
Ex: The professor is quick to extol the works of E. B. White.
/ˈfiːzəbəl/ - adj. - possible, viable, workable, practicable
Ex: Workfare is a feasible solution to teaching people how to become independent.
/ˈfleksəbəl/ - adj. - pliable, adjustable, adaptable, plastic
Ex: The flexible tongue can be used to shape a wide variety of sounds.
/ˈɡloʊbəl/ - adj. - worldwide, universal, ecumenical
Ex: A prophet foretold that a global war would break out in the near future.
/hiːd/ - v. - listen to, consider, pay attention to
Ex: Palestinian militants heeded Arafat's call to halt suicide bombings and armed attacks.
/hiːd/ - n. - attention, notice, caution
Ex: Students must pay heed to the school's warnings about not taking drugs if they want to avoid severe punishment.
/ˈɪn.kwɚ.i/ - n. - scrutiny, examination, investigation, research
Ex: Warner's committee investigated the accident after the Navy completed its inquiry.
/ˈɪʃuː/ - n. - matter, point, question
Ex: Nowhere in their documents did they address the issue of racial slavery.
/pəˈtenʃəl/ - adj. - prospective, possible, latent, dormant
Ex: The rise of antislavery sentiment was a potential threat to national unity.
/pəˈtenʃəli/ - adv. - possibly
Ex: Anna accidentally swallowed a potentially fatal substance.
/proʊn/ - adj. - tending, susceptible, inclined, disposed
Ex: Ben is very prone to writing things on the backs of letters.
/ʃer/ - n. - portion, part, allotment
Ex: Bob's roommate was constantly late with his share of the rent.
/ˈsteɪtəs/ - n. - standing, prestige, position, rank
Ex: The document showed how the social status of men could be destroyed by alcohol.
/strɛŋkθ/ - n. - force, power, might
Ex: Cuban-Americans have attained political strength commensurate with their numbers.
/tɛmpt/ - v. - attract, decoy, lure, induce, allure
Ex: Einstein was tempted to return to Germany to become a research director.
/ˈɜːrdʒənt/ - adj. - pressing, imperative, exigent
Ex: The next morning, Jeannie got an urgent call from Tony.
/ˈjuːtɪlaɪz/ - v. - employ, make use of
Ex: In the future, every house may be equipped with a heating system that utilizes solar energy.
/ˈveɪɡli/ - adv. - unclearly, ambiguously, indefinitely
Ex: Due to the age of the photograph, Jenna could only vaguely see the people's faces.
/ˈvɪɡərəs/ - adj. - strong, energetic, tough, sturdy
Ex: Adams' European experience made him a vigorous supporter of Washington's policy.
/vaʊ/ - n. - pledge, promise
Ex: After the couple recited their vows, they were declared married.
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