Speaking: The Importance of Grandmothers
significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/
definition: having or likely to have a major effect; important to be worthy of attention
example: After a heart attack, Michael made significant changes in his lifestyle to improve his health.
availability /əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/
definition: the fact that something can be used, bought, reached or how much can it be
example: The Internet has increased the availability of information.
influence /ˈɪnfluəns/
definition: to cause someone to change a behavior, belief or opinion in an important way
example: My parents influence my way of life.
mortality rate /mɔːˈtæləti reɪt/
definition: the number of deaths that occur in a particular place or time
example: Infant mortality rate must have been very high before the discovery of modern medicine.
reduce /rɪˈdus/
definition: to make smaller in size, amount, or degree; to lower or lessen
example: The government has decided to reduce taxes for families with children in order to increase the birth rate.
survive /sərˈvaɪv/
definition: to continue to live or to exist especially after a dangerous event; to remain alive
example: Few birds managed to survive the bad winter.
treat /trit/
definition: to deal, think or act about someone or something especially in a particular or specified way
example: He always treated his wife with respect.
modern /ˈmɑːdərn/
definition: based on using the newest information, method or technology
example: We are living in a modern world in which we experience a lot of freedom.
Reading: Male Beauty
trend /trend/
definition: something that is currently popular or fashionable
example: I'm not familiar with the latest trend in fashion.
verifiable /ˈverəfaɪəbl/
definition: can be tested or proven to be true
example: The witness has to support her claims with verifiable evidence.
grooming /ˈɡruːmɪŋ, ˈɡruːmɪn/
definition: the activity of making your appearance clean, neat and presentable
example: Women spend hours grooming themselves.
sculpt /skʌlpt/
definition: to form into a particular shape
example: Johnny sculpted a beautiful flower as a gift to his mother.
moisturizer /ˈmɔɪs·tʃəˌraɪ·zər/
definition: a thick liquid put on the skin to make it soft and less dry
example: For dry skin, moisturizer helps prevent rashes and itchiness.
wardrobe /ˈwɔːr.droʊb/
definition: a collection of clothes that a person owns and wears
example: She’s thinking of going out and buying a whole new wardrobe.
mainstream /ˈmeɪnˌstrim/
definition: representing thoughts, beliefs, values, and practices that are accepted by a society or group
example: The idea of cosmetic surgery is becoming mainstream.
metrosexual /ˌmet.roʊˈsekʃ.u.əl/
definition: a man who is attracted to women but who is also interested in fashion and his appearance
example: Men are becoming more metrosexual because they prefer going to hair salons and love dressing up.
consumerism /kənˈsuːməˌrɪzəm/
definition: the protection or promotion of the interests of consumers
example: Parents are concerned about the increasing consumerism among teenagers.
thriving /ˈθraɪvɪŋ/
definition: growing, developing, or prospering
example: His business is thriving.
sarong /səˈrɒŋ/
definition: a long piece of thin cloth that is worn wrapped around the waist by men and women of Malaysia and many Pacific Islands
example: In the village, we used to wear the sarong up high, under the arms.
masculinity /ˌmæs.kjəˈlɪn.ə.ti/
definition: having qualities traditionally relating to or suited to men or boys
example: I don't think a man's masculinity is reduced when he cries.
profit /ˈprɒfɪt/
definition: to get financial advantage or benefit, especially from an investment
example: Shipping companies are profiting from online stores.
sloppy /ˈslɒpi/
definition: messy or lacking care or attention
example: His work was sloppy and full of spelling errors.
LISTENING: Modern Art Part 2
portrait /ˈpɔːtrət, ˈpɔːrtrət/
definition: a painting, drawing or photograph of a person that usually only includes the person’s head and body
example: A portrait of Princess Diana will be shown in public next month.
represent /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnt/
definition: to become an example of something or someone
example: Labor unions represent employees against abusive employers.
abstract /æbˈstrækt, ˈæbstrækt/
definition: expressing ideas and emotions by using elements such as lines and colors without attempting to create a realistic picture
example: Truth and beauty are abstract concepts.
representational /ˌrɛprɪˈzɛnˈteɪʃənl/
definition: showing people and things as they appear in real life
example: In a representational painting, the artist attempts to show things as they really are.
century /ˈsɛn.tʃʊə.ri/
definition: a period of 100 years
example: The family has owned the house for more than a century.
express /ɪkˈsprɛs/
definition: to make your thoughts and feelings known in words, gestures, or conduct
example: I simply want to express my opinion.
disagreement /ˌdɪs·əˈɡri·mənt/
definition: a difference of opinion; an argument caused by people having different opinions about something
example: They often have disagreements about money.
sculpture /ˈskʌlp·tʃər/
definition: a piece of art that is made by carving or molding clay, stone or metal
example: The sculpture La Pieta by Michelangelo depicts Mary holding the dying Jesus in her arms.
cubism /ˈkjuː·bɪ·zəm/
definition: a style of art in which objects are divided into and shown as a group of geometric shapes and from many different angles at the same time
example: Her paintings show the influence of cubism.
experiment /ɪkˈsper·ə·mənt/
definition: to try a new activity or a new way of doing or thinking about something
example: The teacher experimented with new teaching methods.
WRITING: Adding Supporting Information
chain letter /ˈtʃeɪn ˌlɛt.ər/
definition: a letter that is sent to a certain number of people asking each recipient to send a copy of the letter to the same number of people
example: I will never understand why a lot of people are easily convinced to spread chain letters even if they know the information contained is false.
bad luck /bæd lʌk/
definition: unnecessary and unforeseen trouble caused by an unfortunate event
example: Many people believe that seeing a black cat cross your path brings bad luck.
superstitious /ˌsuː·pərˈstɪʃ·əs/
definition: irrational; believing in things that are not based on science; of, relating to, or influenced by superstition
example: The athlete never washed his lucky game socks because he was superstitious.
oversleep /ˌoʊ·vərˈslɪp/
definition: to sleep longer or later than one intended
example: I overslept and missed my flight.
rush /rʌʃ/
definition: to move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows that you are in a hurry
example: We rushed to the street to see what the noise was all about.
trip over /ˈtrɪp oʊvər/
phrasal verb
definition: to lose your balance because your foot hits against something while walking or running; to stumble or fall
example: She tripped over and hurt my knee.
shortcut /ˈʃɔːrt.kʌt/
definition: a shorter, quicker or easier way to get to a place
example: I took a shortcut through the car park.
right away /raɪt əˈweɪ/
definition: without delay or hesitation; immediately
example: I will fix this problem right away.
breath /brɛθ/
definition: an amount of air that you take into your lungs
example: His breath smells like garlic.
scowl /skaʊl/
definition: a facial expression that shows anger or disapproval
example: She is clearly annoyed; you can tell from the scowl on her face.
dig around /dɪɡ əˈraʊnd/
phrasal verb
definition: to try to find information about someone or something
example: Jenny dug around in her bag for a pen.
coffee grounds /ˈkɔː.fi, ˈkɑː.fi ˈɡraʊndz/
definition: very small pieces of crushed coffee beans
example: Don't throw away the coffee grounds after you brew the coffee.
peels /pɪlz/
definition: the skin of a fruit or vegetable
example: I saw apple peels scattered on the kitchen floor.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 4 Day 12