Speaking: A Cultural Difference: Being on Time
informal /ɪnˈfɔːr.məl/
definition: not formal or ceremonious; casual or relaxed in manner
example: There will be an informal party after the concert.
formal /ˈfɔːr.məl/
definition: requiring special or established formalities in order to be effective
example: A formal ceremony will be held to honor the new president.
several /ˈsev.ɚ.əl/
definition: consisting of more than two but not very many
example: I’ve seen "Star Wars" several times.
situational /ˌsɪtʃ.uˈeɪ.ʃən/
definition: a fact such as a condition or event that affects someone or something at a particular time and place
example: I was in a situation where I didn’t have any cash with me.
lateness /ˈleɪt.nəs/
definition: happening or arriving after the planned, expected, usual, or necessary time
example: How do you handle other people's lateness?
appointed /əˈpɔɪn.tɪd/
definition: decided on beforehand; fixed or set by authority or mutual agreement
example: The company physician will appoint a date for the medical examination.
respectively /rɪˈspek.tɪv.li/
definition: in the same order previously mentioned
example: George and Kenneth were married in 1980 and 1985, respectively.
complicated /ˈkɑːm.plə.keɪ.t̬ɪd/
definition: hard to understand, explain, or deal with; having many parts or steps
example: He gave me directions, but I got lost because they were so complicated.
Reading: Cross-Cultural Communication
benefit /ˈben.ɪ.fɪt/
definition: advantage, profit, or gain
example: She wanted her money to be used for the benefit of poor children.
inference /ˈɪn.fɚ.əns/
definition: a conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence
example: The police officer's inference about the bank robbery is on point.
typical /ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/
definition: combining or showing the special characteristics of a group or kind
example: Morning sickness is a typical symptom of pregnancy.
tend /tend/
definition: to move, direct or develop one's course in a particular direction
example: Children tend to be like their parents.
convey /kənˈveɪ/
definition: to express or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture or appearance; to make known
example: Parents always convey the importance of honesty to their children.
technique /tekˈniːk/
definition: a way of doing something by using special knowledge or skill
example: The violinist’s technique was flawless.
landlord /ˈlænd.lɔːrd/
definition: a person who owns a house, apartment, inn, or pub for rent
example: Heather's landlord actually lowered her rent when she said she might move out.
possession /pəˈzeʃ.ən/
definition: something that is held by someone as property
example: We packed up all of our possessions and moved to a new house.
blush /blʌʃ/
definition: to become red in the face because of shame, embarrassment or confusion
example: He blushed when he thought of the girl he met at the library.
assure /əˈʃʊr/
definition: to give certainty; to inform positively; to provide a guarantee
example: I assure you that I will graduate this year.
attic /ˈæt.ɪk/
definition: a room or space that is just below the roof of a building that is often used for storing things
example: Sam stored his unused books in the attic.
terms /tɜːrmz/
definition: conditions that limit the nature and scope of something as a treaty or will
example: Before signing the contract, you had better read the terms.
LISTENING: Happiness Part 1
achieve /əˈtʃiːv/
definition: to get or reach something by working hard
example: I am hopeful that we can achieve peace eventually, but it is not going to be easy.
characteristic /ˌkær.ək.təˈrɪs.tɪk/
definition: a distinguishing trait or quality of someone or something that makes them different from the rest
example: Her kindness and honesty are some of her positive characteristics.
connection /kəˈnek.ʃən/
definition: a relationship in which two or more persons, things, or ideas are linked or associated
example: Many people think that there is a connection between crime and poverty.
data /ˈdeɪ.tə/
definition: facts or information about something that can be used in calculation, reasoning or planning
example: They had data on health, education, and economic development.
goal /ɡoʊl/
definition: something that you are trying to do or achieve
example: My goal is to lose ten pounds before the summer.
gratitude /ˈɡræt̬.ə.tuːd/
definition: a feeling of appreciation or thanks
example: Please accept this small gift as an expression of my gratitude.
income /ˈɪn.kʌm/
definition: money that is earned through work or labor and usually from business or selling property
example: Lawyers and doctors receive the highest income.
measure /ˈmeʒ.ɚ/
definition: to find out the size, length, or amount of something
example: He was measured for a new suit.
method /ˈmeθ.əd/
definition: a careful or organized plan that controls the way something is done
example: New teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.
personality /ˌpɝː.sənˈæl.ə.t̬i/
definition: the qualities that make an individual different or interesting
example: Personality is formed at a very early age.
requirement /rɪˈkwaɪr.mənt/
definition: something that is needed for something else to happen or to be done
example: Previous work experience is one of the requirements for the job.
research /ˈriː.sɝːtʃ/
definition: a study, research or activity that is done to find and report new information about something
example: The US government has funded a research on high-speed trains.
strength /streŋθ/
definition: the quality of being strong; a quality that allows someone to deal with problems in a determined way
example: Creativity and diligence are some of my strengths at work.
WRITING: Writing the Introduction
introduction /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/
definition: the first part or beginning of a book, essay, speech, etc., that explains what will follow in the main part
example: A famous biologist wrote the introduction of the new textbooks.
hook (writing) /hʊk/
definition: the introduction of a literary work that attempts to grab the readers’ attention
example: This narrative essay lacks a hook.
observation /ˌɑːb.zəˈveɪ.ʃən/
definition: an act of careful watching to get information about something or someone
example: She made an interesting observation about the poet’s intentions.
unique /juːˈniːk/
definition: being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
example: Each person’s DNA is unique.
scenario /səˈnær.i.oʊ/
definition: an expected sequence of events
example: One scenario in the drama I watched yesterday moved me to tears.
quote /kwoʊt/
definition: to write, say, or repeat the exact words written or said by someone else
example: The judge quoted several cases to support his opinion.
attention /əˈten.ʃən/
definition: the act of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something; the act of focusing or concentrating on someone or something
example: Her attention was drawn to a very striking line in the book she was reading.
statistic /ˈstæt.ɪk/
definition: a number that represents a piece of information
example: The city’s most shocking statistic is its infant mortality rate.
shocking /ˈʃɑː.kɪŋ/
definition: causing surprise, horror or disgust
example: The book was considered shocking when it was first published.
stated /steɪ.tɪd/
definition: expressed formally or officially
example: He stated before that he was not interested in becoming a politician.
imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/
definition: to involve, include or express something in an indirect way
example: She didn't tell me she hated me but her actions implied them.
highlight /ˈhaɪ.laɪt/
definition: to emphasize
example: The parade and ceremony highlighted the festival.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 4 Day 3