SPEAKING: Truth or White Lie
humiliation /hjuːˌmɪl.iˈeɪ.ʃən/
definition: a feeling of shame and great embarrassment, because you have been made to look stupid or weak
example: The criminal's allegations appeared to be his final humiliation.
endure /ɪnˈdʊr/
definition: to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful
example: She's already had to endure three painful operations on her leg.
guilty /ˈɡɪl.ti/
definition: responsible for breaking a law
example: A person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
violent /ˈvaɪə.lənt/
definition: using or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to someone or something
example: He shouts a lot but I don't think he's ever been physically violent towards her.
offense /əˈfens/
definition: an illegal act; a crime
example: It's the third time that he's been convicted of a drug offense.
jail /dʒeɪl/
definition: a place where criminals are kept to punish them for their crimes, or where people accused of crimes are kept while waiting for their trials
example: They spent ten years in jail.
aware /əˈweər/
definition: knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing
example: Were you aware of the risks at the time?
steal /stiːl/
definition: to take something without the permission or knowledge of the owner and keep it
example: She admitted stealing the money from her employers.
away /əˈweɪ/
definition: somewhere else, or in a different place, position or situation
example: Ms. Watson is away on holiday until the end of the week.
excuse /ɪkˈskjuːz/
definition: a reason that you give to explain why you did something wrong
example: He'd better have a good excuse for being late.
LISTENING: If It Smells Like Fish, Forget It (Part 1)
backbone /ˈbækˌboʊn/
definition: spine; line of bones down the middle of the back
example: The backbone is the most important bone for all living things.
belly /ˈbel.i/
definition: the stomach or the front part of the body between your chest and your legs
example: My belly was full, I could hardly breathe.
label /ˈleɪ.bəl/
definition: a piece of paper or other material which gives you information about the object it is fixed to
example: If you spend any time in prison, you're labelled as a criminal for the rest of your life.
scale /skeɪl/
definition: small, flat pieces of hard skin that covers the bodies of fish, snakes etc.
example: Not all fish have scales.
viscera /ˈvɪs.ə.rə/
definition: internal organs of the body
example: Most people throw away the viscera when they prepare fish for cooking.
slime /slaɪm/
definition: a thick, slippery liquid
example: Slime on fish helps them slip easily through their environment.
gill /ɡɪl/
definition: organ that fish and other water creatures use for breathing
example: Fish and other marine creatures breathe through their gills.
gut /ɡʌt/
definition: the long tube in the body of a person or animal through which food moves during digestion
example: Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetables.
fishmonger /ˈfɪʃˌmʌŋ.ɡɚ/
definition: someone who sells fish, especially from a shop
example: I went to three fishmongers just to buy these fish.
chant /tʃænt/
definition: to say a word or phrase many times in a rhythmic way, usually loudly and with other people
example: The protesters chant their disappointments to the government.
tip /tɪp/
definition: pieces of advice or expert or authoritative information
example: She told me useful tips on how to get rid of my pimples.
yucky /ˈjʌk.i/
definition: causing discomfort, disgust, or a strong feeling of dislike
example: My daughter says broccoli is yucky and refuses to eat it.
slit /slɪt/
definition: to make a straight, narrow cut in something
example: I slit open the envelope with a knife.
curl /kɝːl/
definition: to form or cause something to form a curving or twisted shape
example: My hair curls naturally.
patchy /ˈpætʃ.i/
definition: having some parts that are good and some that are bad
example: The lawn looks patchy this year.
spoiled /spɔɪld/
definition: not in an edible or usable condition
example: Spoiled meat often emits strong disgusting odor.
pale /peɪl/
definition: having less color than usual or of a color or light not bright or strong
example: A pale young man answered the door.
intact /ɪnˈtækt/
definition: complete and in the original state
example: After a long busy day, my ponytail is still intact.
harbor /ˈhɑːr.bɚ/
definition: an area of water next to the coast, often protected from the sea by a thick wall, where ships and boats can shelter
example: Our hotel room overlooked a pretty little fishing harbor.
narrow /ˈner.oʊ/
definition: having a small distance from one side to the other, especially in comparison with the length
example: The little village has very narrow streets.
bulgy /ˈbʌl.dʒi/
definition: to stick out in a round shape
example: Her bags were bulgy because of shopping.
READING: The New Megalopolis
suburb /ˈsʌb.ɝːb/
definition: an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live
example: Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne.
megalopolis /ˌmeɡ.əˈlɑː.pə.lɪs/
definition: an urban region, especially one consisting of several large cities and suburbs that are all connected to each other
example: New York City is a megalopolis located on the eastern part of the United States.
ferocious /fəˈroʊ.ʃəs/
definition: very great or extreme
example: The president came in for some ferocious criticism.
competitor /kəmˈpet̬.ɪ.t̬ɚ/
definition: a person, team or company that takes part in a competition or contest
example: The other competitors were late for the competition.
booming /ˈbuː.mɪŋ/
definition: very successful
example: Business was booming during these past few days.
mega-region /ˌme.ɡəˈriː.dʒən/
definition: a large network of metropolitan regions
example: Food can be grown locally in any mega-region in a highly efficient manner.
spur /spɜr/
definition: to encourage an activity or development or make it happen faster
example: Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth.
coin /kɔɪn/
definition: to invent a new word or expression, or to use one in a particular way for the first time
example: Kraft coined the term "middle America" in the 1960s.
sprawling /ˈsprɔː.lɪŋ/
definition: spreading over a wide area in an untidy or unattractive way
example: It was a large, sprawling home on an acre.
economic corridor /ˌiː.kəˈnɒ.mɪk ˈkɒr.ɪ.dɔːr/
definition: integrated networks of infrastructure within an area designed to stimulate economic development
example: The downfall of the east-west economic corridor has a huge impact on nearby countries.
innovation /ˌɪn.əˈveɪ.ʃən/
definition: (the use of) a new idea or method
example: The latest innovations in computer technology.
vast /væst/
definition: very great in size, amount, or extent
example: Construction is going on in a vast area.
expanse /ɪkˈspæns/
definition: area; great extent of something spread out
example: The explorer gazed across the vast Arctic expanse.
decade /ˈdek.eɪd/, /dɪˈkeɪd/
definition: a period of ten years, especially a period such as 1860 to 1869, or 1990 to 1999
example: In a few decades, our country's traffic problem will improve.
skim /skɪm/
definition: to read or consider something quickly in order to understand the main points, without studying it in detail
example: I've only skimmed through his letter; I haven't read it carefully yet.
WRITING: Brief Writer's Handbook: Understanding the Writing Process: The Seven Steps
integral /ˈɪn.tə.ɡrəl/, /ɪnˈteɡ.rəl/
definition: very important and necessary
example: Taking a ride on the canals of Venice is an integral part of experiencing that city.
quantity /ˈkwɒn.tɪ.ti/
definition: the amount or number of something
example: We were given large quantities of food in the restaurant.
contribute /kənˈtrɪb.juːt/
definition: to help to cause something to happen
example: Tourism is contributing substantially to the local economy.
heart-related /hɑːrt rɪˈleɪ.tɪd/
definition: being connected to the heart
example: You may get a heart-related illness if you eat too much fatty food.
consequence /ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwəns/, /ˈkɑːn.sə.kwens/
definition: an often bad or inconvenient result of a particular action or situation
example: Not making a will can have serious consequences for the people you might wish to benefit.
deforestation /ˌdiː.fɔːr.əˈsteɪ.ʃən/
definition: the cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area by people
example: Deforestation is destroying large areas of the tropical rainforest.
vegetarian /ˌvedʒ.ɪˈteə.ri.ən/
definition: a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid cruelty to animals
example: Vegetarians do not consume animal meat, but they tend to eat eggs and dairy products like milk and butter.
global warming /ˌɡloʊ.bəl ˈwɔːr.mɪŋ/
definition: an increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes
example: We are encouraged to plant more trees to avoid global warming.
depletion /dɪˈpliː.ʃən/
definition: the use or consumption of a resource, especially a natural resource, faster than it is replenished
example: Increased expenditure has caused depletion in our funds.
significant /sɪɡˈnɪf.ə.kənt/
definition: having or likely to have a major effect; important
example: Marriage is a significant commitment.
consumption /kənˈsʌmp.ʃən/
definition: the amount used or eaten
example: As a nation, our consumption of junk food is horrifying.
cholesterol /kəˈles.tə.rɒl/
definition: a fatty substance found in animals and plants that is a main component of cell membranes and is important in metabolism and hormone production
example: Fast food is high in cholesterol.
carnivore /ˈkɑː.nɪ.vɔːr/
definition: an animal that eats flesh
example: Lions are carnivores because they only eat meat.
herbivore /ˈhɜː.bɪ.vɔːr/
definition: an animal that feeds mainly or only on plants
example: Cows are herbivores because they only eat plants.
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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 5 Day 2