Từ vựng ESL Level 5 Day 2

SPEAKING: The Right to Know

incurable /ɪnˈkjʊr.ə.bəl/ 🔊
definition: not able to be healed or cured
example: John was stricken with an incurable disease.

terminally /ˈtɜː.mɪ.nəl.i/ 🔊
definition: very seriously; in a way that will gradually lead to death
example: She died because she was terminally ill with cancer.

shock /ʃɑːk/ 🔊
definition: the emotional or physical reaction to a sudden, unexpected, and usually unpleasant event or experience
example: It was a shock to see her looking so ill.

impending /ɪmˈpen.dɪŋ/ 🔊
definition: used to refer to an event, usually something unpleasant or unwanted, that is going to happen soon
example: We need to prepare for their impending arrival.

cope /koʊp/ 🔊
definition: to successfully deal with a difficult situation
example: I know how to cope with difficult problems.

qualified /ˈkwɑː.lə.faɪd/ 🔊
definition: having finished a training course, or having particular skills, etc.
example: Many qualified applicants applied for the job.

patient /ˈpeɪ.ʃənt/ 🔊
definition: a person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctor or dentist when necessary
example: This patient is suffering from malaria.

initial /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ 🔊
definition: of or at the beginning
example: The symptoms are mild in the initial stages of the disease.

LISTENING: If It Smells Like Fish, Forget It (Part 2)

distinguish /dɪˈstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ/ 🔊
definition: to recognize or understand the difference between two or more things
example: It’s important to distinguish between scientific fact and fiction.

bloody /ˈblʌd.i/ 🔊
definition: showing blood or losing blood; loss of life and many serious injuries
example: I had a bloody nose after the fight.

flat /flæt/ 🔊
definition: having little or no height and not raised or round
example: Campers look for flat ground to put up their tents.

icy /ˈaɪ.si/ 🔊
definition: extremely cold or covered in ice
example: I could feel icy winds when I went hiking in the mountain this morning.

indicator /ˈɪn.də.keɪ.t̬ɚ/ 🔊
definition: a sign or signal that shows something exists or is true
example: Her expression is usually a good indicator of how she's feeling.

fresh /freʃ/ 🔊
definition: natural
example: The fresh air in the countryside makes me calm.

fish supplier /fɪʃ səˈplaɪ.ɚ/
definition: a person, company, or country that provides fish to another person, company, or country
example: My father is a fisherman and a fish supplier in our village.

red-blooded /ˌredˈblʌd.ɪd/
definition: used to describe someone who seems full of confidence or sexual energy
example: Most models are red-blooded; they need to be confident as they walk on the runway.

local /ˈloʊ.kəl/ 🔊
definition: located or living nearby
example: The police have arrested a local man for the crime.

inspect /ɪnˈspekt/ 🔊
definition: to look at something or someone carefully in order to discover information, especially about quality or condition
example: Someone from the Health Department will inspect the restaurant this afternoon.

slit /slɪt/ 🔊
definition: to make a long, straight, narrow cut in something
example: I slit open the envelope with a knife.

judge /dʒʌdʒ/ 🔊
definition: to form an opinion about something or someone after careful thought
example: What gives you the right to judge people?

sniff /snɪf/ 🔊
definition: to smell something by (quickly) taking in air through the nose
example: She sniffed the food in the fridge to make sure they are not spoiled.

cloudy-eyed /ˈklaʊ.di ˌaɪd/
definition: a poor eye condition of aquarium fish due to infections mostly caused by poor water quality
example: You have to change the water in your aquarium more often to heal your cloudy-eyed fish.

READING: The New Megalopolis

apparent /əˈpær.ənt/, /əˈpeer-/ 🔊
definition: easy to see or understand
example: We disagreed on the apparent meaning of the movie.

systematic /ˌsɪs.təˈmæt.ɪk/ 🔊
definition: using a careful system or method
example: We approached the problem systematically.

emit /ɪˈmɪt/ 🔊
definition: to send light, energy, etc. out from a source
example: These flares emit dense clouds of orange smoke, which is easier to see in bright sunlight.

peak /piːk/ 🔊
definition: the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill
example: At the peak of her career, she was writing a new novel every year.

dynamism /ˈdaɪ.nəˌmɪ.zəm/ 🔊
definition: the quality of being dynamic
example: Excellence and dynamism are the goals of this institution.

migrate /ˈmaɪ.ɡreɪt/, /maɪˈɡreɪt/ 🔊
definition: to move from one country or place to live or work in another
example: He migrates from New York to Florida each winter.

hone /hoʊn/ 🔊
definition: to make (something, such as a skill) better or more effective
example: She honed her language skills by reading and writing every day.

congestion /kənˈdʒes.tʃən/ 🔊
definition: the state of being overcrowded
example: The traffic congestion in the city during rush hour is terrible.

cluster /ˈklʌs.tɚ/ 🔊
definition: a group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together; a bunch
example: There was a cluster of fans around him, asking for autographs.

emerge /ɪˈmɝːdʒ/ 🔊
definition: to rise or appear
example: Gandhi emerged as an important leader in India's freedom struggle.

rely (on) /rɪˈlaɪ/ 🔊
definition: to depend on someone or something
example: Jane is a friend I can always rely on.

WRITING: Editing your Writing

high-paying /haɪ ˈpeɪ.jɪŋ/
definition: used to describe work for which people earn a lot of money
example: Doctors and lawyers have high-paying jobs.

abuse /əˈbjuːz/ 🔊
definition: the use of something in a way that is harmful or morally wrong
example: She claimed to have been a victim of child abuse.

numerous /ˈnuː.mə.rəs/ 🔊
definition: many
example: She is the author of three books and numerous articles.

phenomenon /fəˈnɑː.mə.nɑːn/ 🔊
definition: something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something which is unusual or interesting
example: Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

consider /kənˈsɪd.ər/ 🔊
definition: to think about a particular subject or thing or about doing something or about whether to do something
example: We considered moving to California but decided not to.

ability /əˈbɪl.ə.ti/ 🔊
definition: the mental or physical power or skill needed to do something
example: Her teammates are amazed with her ability.

cut out (for something) /kʌt aʊt/
definition: be naturally able or suited to do or be something
example: I'm not really cut out for this kind of work.

underpaid /ˌʌn.dərˈpeɪd/ 🔊
definition: paid too little money for the work you do
example: Most laborers are underpaid but work long hours.

decent /ˈdiː.sənt/ 🔊
definition: acceptable, satisfactory, or reasonable
example: We get good benefits, and the pay is decent.

low-paid /loʊ ˈpeɪd/
definition: not earning or paying much money
example: Globalization has brought millions of unskilled, low-paid workers into the international workforce.

position /pəˈzɪʃ.ən/ 🔊
definition: a rank or level in a company, competition, or society
example: He applied for the position of marketing manager.

conflict /ˈkɑːn.flɪkt/ 🔊
definition: active disagreements, as between opposing opinions or needs
example: Conflicts between parents and children become more frequent when the children become teenagers.

dysfunctional /dɪsˈfʌŋk.ʃə.nəl/ 🔊
definition: not behaving or working normally
example: I need to take my laptop to the repair shop because it has a dysfunctional program.

discriminate /dɪˈskrɪm.ə.neɪt/ 🔊
definition: making a distinction in favor of or against a person
example: Some people in the area discriminate newcomers.

rumor /ˈruː.mər/ 🔊
definition: unofficial, interesting stories or pieces of news that might be true or invented, and that are communicated quickly from person to person
example: Rumors about her are circulating at school.

punishment /ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/ 🔊
definition: severe, rough, or disastrous treatment
example: Many people think that death penalty is too severe a punishment for any crime.

respected /rɪˈspek.tɪd/ 🔊
definition: admired by many people for your qualities or achievements
example: He is very well respected in the business world.

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Ngày từ vựng tiếp theo - Level 5 Day 3