Từ vựng ESL Level 5 Day 7

Speaking: Rights of the Dead

disclosure /dɪˈskloʊ.ʒɚ/ 🔊
definition: the act of making something known or the fact that is made known.
example: We demand full disclosure of the facts.

corpse /kɔːrps/ 🔊
definition: a dead body, usually used to refer to a person.
example: The battlefield was strewn with corpses.

hurl /hɜːrl/ 🔊
definition: to throw something with a lot of force, usually in anger or a violent way.
example: Someone hurled a rock through the window.

desecrate /ˈdɛz.əˌkreɪt/ 🔊
definition: to damage a holy place or object; to treat a holy place or object with disrespect.
example: The vandals were accused of desecrating graves.

fatality /fəˈtæl.ə.t̬i/ 🔊
definition: a death that results from a disaster, accident, etc.
example: The car crash caused one fatality and several serious injuries.

indignity /ɪnˈdɪɡ.nɪ.t̬i/ 🔊
definition: an act or occurrence that hurts someone's dignity or pride; an insulting or embarrassing act or occurrence.
example: Clint suffered the indignity of being called “Puppy” in front of his girlfriend.

barrier /ˈbær.i.ɚ/ 🔊
definition: something such as a fence or natural obstacle that prevents or blocks movement from one place to another.
example: Concrete barriers surround the racetrack to protect spectators.

tolerate /ˈtɑː.lə.reɪt/ 🔊
definition: to allow something that is bad, unpleasant, etc., to exist, happen, or be done.
example: She said she couldn't tolerate his moods.

cadaver /kəˈdæv.ɚ/ 🔊
definition: a corpse
example: The cadavers rapidly undergo decomposition.

justify /ˈdʒʌs.təˌfaɪ/ 🔊
definition: to provide or be a good reason for something; to prove or show something to be just, right, or reasonable
example: The fact that we are at war does not justify treating innocent people as criminals.

Listening: A Rainbow Effect (Part 1)

convert /kənˈvɝːt/ 🔊
definition: to change the character, appearance, or operation of something
example: Could we convert the small bedroom into a second bathroom?

spectrum /ˈspek.trəm/ 🔊
definition: the set of colors into which a beam of light can be separated
example: The colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet - can be seen in a rainbow.

inspire /ɪnˈspaɪr/ 🔊
definition: to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it
example: His confident leadership inspired his followers.

vision /ˈvɪʒ.ən/ 🔊
definition: an idea or mental image of something
example: Thinking of vacations gives me a vision of beaches and blue seas.

subvert /səbˈvɜːrt/ 🔊
definition: to make something weaker or less effective
example: The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government.

reveal /rɪˈviːl/ 🔊
definition: to cause to be seen; to show
example: She plans to reveal her secrets to him because she thinks it’s important.

perception /pɚˈsɛp.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on appearances
example: We have to change the public's perception that money is being wasted.

ordeal /ɔrˈdiːl/ 🔊
definition: an experience that is very painful, difficult, or tiring
example: Her seven-month stay in the hospital was quite an ordeal.

crystallize /ˈkrɪs.tə.laɪz/ 🔊
definition: to make or become definite and clear
example: The final paragraph of the essay crystallizes her theory.

chaos /ˈkeɪ.ɑːs/ 🔊
definition: a state of disorder and confusion
example: Repairs to the major highway this summer will bring chaos to commuters.

installation /ˌɪn.stəˈleɪ.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: an occasion when equipment, furniture, or a computer program is put into position or made ready to use
example: Do you have to pay extra for installation?

jumble /ˈdʒʌm.bəl/ 🔊
definition: a confused mixture or mass of things
example: I don't have time to organize the jumble of papers on my desk.

bookstore /ˈbʊk.stɔːr/ 🔊
definition: a store that sells books
example: I met an old friend of mine at a bookstore yesterday.

studio /ˈstuː.di.oʊ/ 🔊
definition: a room where an artist paints or a musician practices
example: Andy shuts himself away in his studio for hours on end when he’s recording a song.

arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/ 🔊
definition: put something in a particular order
example: Books should be arranged alphabetically by author.

fatigued /fəˈtiːɡd/ 🔊
definition: tired
example: She passed out because she felt fatigued after organizing the events.

READING: The Determinants of Mortality

immunity /ɪˈmjuː.nə.ti/ 🔊
definition: the power to keep yourself from being affected by a disease
example: They have developed an immunity to the virus.

vaccine /ˈvæk.siːn/ 🔊
definition: a substance that is usually injected into a person or animal to protect against a particular disease
example: Scientists haven’t found a vaccine for cancer yet.

mortality /mɔːrˈtæl.ə.t̬i/ 🔊
definition: the number of deaths that occur in a particular time or place
example: In the past, all populations existed under mortality conditions that resulted in short life expectancy.

ancestor /ˈæn.ses.tɚ/ 🔊
definition: a person related to you who lived a long time ago
example: There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.

radical /ˈræd.ɪ.kəl/ 🔊
definition: very new and different from what is traditional or ordinary
example: My homeland has been through a number of radical changes over the last 10 years.

infectious /ɪnˈfek.ʃəs/ 🔊
definition: capable of being passed to someone else by germs that enter the body
example: Chicken pox is an infectious disease that is usually not too bad for children but can be more serious for adults.

phase /feɪz/ 🔊
definition: a part or step in a process; one part in a series of related events or actions
example: He's in the final phase of treatment now.

sewage /ˈsuː.ɪdʒ/ 🔊
definition: refuse liquids or waste matter usually carried off by sewers
example: Sewage from the factories pollutes the river water.

hygiene /ˈhaɪ.dʒiːn/ 🔊
definition: the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain good health
example: Regular brushing is essential for good oral hygiene.

intensive /ɪnˈten.sɪv/ 🔊
definition: involving very great effort or work
example: She took an intensive course in English writing.

approximately /əˈprɑːk.sə.mət.li/ 🔊
definition: used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or exact; roughly
example: The repair should cost approximately $200.

Writing: Building Better Sentences

availability /əˌveɪ.ləˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/ 🔊
definition: present or ready for use
example: The ready availability of guns has contributed to the escalating violence.

interactive /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈæk.tɪv/ 🔊
definition: involving communication between people or reactions between things that work together
example: I prefer having interactive classes than boring lectures.

via /ˈvaɪə/ 🔊
definition: by way of, or by use of
example: I sent the application papers via fax.

access /ˈæk.ses/ 🔊
definition: opportunity or ability to use or look at something
example: Hackers gained complete access to the company files.

advent /ˈæd.vənt/ 🔊
definition: the beginning of an event, the invention of something, or the arrival of a person
example: Transportation was transformed by the advent of the combustion engine.

propel /prəˈpel/ 🔊
definition: to cause something to move forward
example: The film propelled him to international stardom.

real time /ˈriː.əl ˌtaɪm/
definition: at the same time as events actually happen
example: I am watching a real time news report from another country.

previously /ˈpriː.vi.əs.li/ 🔊
definition: before the present time or the time referred to
example: She was previously employed as a tour guide.

specialized /ˈspeʃ.ə.laɪzd/ 🔊
definition: relating to one particular area or designed for a particular purpose
example: The hospital is unable to provide the highly specialized care needed by very sick babies.

development /dɪˈvel.əp.mənt/ 🔊
definition: the process of growing or changing and becoming more advanced
example: A good diet and lots of exercise are essential for a child’s healthy growth and development.

extremely /ɪkˈstriːm.li/ 🔊
definition: very
example: She was extremely intelligent.

function /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ 🔊
definition: a purpose or duty, or the way something or someone works
example: The function of the veins is to carry blood to the heart.

highlight /ˈhaɪ.laɪt/ 🔊
definition: to attract attention to or emphasize something important
example: The moon highlighted the shadowy forms of the hills.

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